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Subject: Laptop for electronic Musicproduction and LIVE sets

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Original Message 1/2             10-Jan-20  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: Laptop for electronic Musicproduction and LIVE sets


Posts: 1

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Hello Dancetech world and people,

I am looking to buy a laptop for production and especially live electronic Music.

And I am looking for your advice.

There is a few questions i have:

first of:

I will be using windows and ableton. what are your experiences playing live on windows? stability

My budget for the pc is around 2300 euro.

 is the one im looking at. at 2kg not to heavy and with a good case.

with 32gb RAM and the Intel Core i7-9750H Prozessor

and an
1 TB SSD, M.2 2280, PCIe, NVMe

is the RAM enough? what about the processor?

what are your thoughts, objections, alternatives?

Best tsoli

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Message 2/2             05-Feb-20  @  02:39 PM     Edit: 05-Feb-20  |  02:42 PM   -   RE: Laptop for electronic Musicproduction and LIVE sets


Posts: 12353

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My take on it is currently i'm backing Garageband on iPad (iOS). That might sound bonkers, but it is a very very powerful tool for eletronic music production, comes with tons of instruments, drums & loops, can also run iOS AU plugins which gives access to tons of other synths including models of classic old units, and it has a feature few know about called LIVE LOOPS, which is an Ableton-esque seqeuncer primarily for live use.

Here's a basic idea of it working

bare in mind each of those squares which has a rotating core can be your own loops that YOU create or library loops - the loops can be audio, midi or 'drummer' loops (a special drum programming method by apple) - the vertical stacks are song sections... horizontal is pattern by each instrument.

Vertical sections can be triggered and allowed to play as long as you like in a live performance, but any other square in any other vertical row can be triggered and it just plays in time (you can define the Time-Stamp from a bar to a 16th - that is how loing after pressing GB waits to begin playing a square in time with the rest).

Each square can be as many bars long as you like or just a few sub-beats such as a 1/4 note... they all play together. Any square can play forward or reverse, play once only or repeat/rotate, and sqwuares can also be non-looping linear risers or vocals or whatever.

additionally there's a LIVE FX section to do filter moves, slicing, repeate, vinyl stops etc.

Then there is the issue of the reliability of apple's tablets generally v laptops. No moving parts, no lid hinge to fail, all hands on with touch screen etc & price is good obviously.

that's my take on it at todays date anyway. Peopoe aren't clued up on how advanced GB is on iOS, but apple are huge and have piled a lot of development into it. In many ways it's better than Logic for EDM production tbh, especially the drum programming. 


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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