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Yamaha Rev1


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Yamaha Rev1

Category:  Products / fx & processors / reverb

Added: 02-Feb-01  |  Author: admin

New price: expensive when released  |   S/H price: ?? er- ish?

Yamaha Rev1

The 'monster-truck' Yamaha Rev1, a 4 rack U height beastie of a reverb with comprehensive remote control unit.. This was the pinnacle of yamaha's studio FX kit line back in the mid 80's and spawned the cheaper reduced-size Rev7 model as well which came along circa 19985-6 , and offers quality 'verbs with tons of control - quite how the reverbs etc measure up to todays cheaper reverbs is another matter and open to subjective discussion, but sure enuff these units have plummetted down to the mid-upper hundreds in the UK, seems age just makes even good things depreciate in the FX world eh!...

Anyways there it is listed, the Yamaha Rev1 ... here's the bitz i could find out spec' wise..

Up to 40 early reflections each with a 4 band eq, and up to a 99 second reverb time !!! - um, this machine does it.. you can think of it more as a reverb synthesiser really, with prettyt much everything adjustable ... You get a nifty remote with an lcd panel which shows stuff like envelopes etc with graphic's, and interestingly this remote held up to 9 or 10 ram memory locations so if you took your remote to another Rev1 equipt studio, you could take your edit home with you in the remote ram!!... cool idea i spose....

So... anyone used one?.. not me.... user comments please if you have tales to tell & memories to re-live etc :)...

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev1
Name: Lior Z
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 11-Feb-03

I do own this great reverb.
it has all kind of effects like chorus and phaser but they are nothing. the real deal here is the reverb.
the Best of the best.
a pure reverb machine with any imaginable parameter available.
it just sound 'big' and 'just right'
I compared it with top Lexicon reverb
such as the PCM-80 PCM-90 or the 300L and it is just a different animal all together. they are all class A and both
have their own sound but for special 'reverb' I will use the Rev1 first.

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev1
Name: Blue Tune Studio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-09

I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!
I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.
So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know.

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev1
Name: Dave Natale
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-Oct-09

[quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds
amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in
perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]

Do you still have this unit for sale?


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Product:  Yamaha - Rev1
Name: Blue tune studio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Oct-09

[quote] Dave Natale wrote: [quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]Do you still have this unit for sale?Thanks.Dave [/quote][quote] Dave Natale wrote: [quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]Do you still have this unit for sale?Thanks.Dave [/quote]

Hello Dave,
Yes one for sale at € 2000

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev1
Name: olivier
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Mar-10

[quote] Blue tune studio wrote: [quote] Dave Natale wrote: [quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]Do you still have this unit for sale?Thanks.Dave [/quote][quote] Dave Natale wrote: [quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]Do you still have this unit for sale?Thanks.Dave [/quote]Hello Dave,Yes one for sale at € 2000Regards,Ton. [/quote]

I will sell mind with telecomand , in excellent cosmetic and electronic conditions.
I wnat to sell it 1500 euros

let me know

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Last added comment

Product:  Yamaha - Rev1
Name: Blue-Tune Studio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 14-Mar-10

[quote] olivier wrote: [quote] Blue tune studio wrote: [quote] Dave Natale wrote: [quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]Do you still have this unit for sale?Thanks.Dave [/quote][quote] Dave Natale wrote: [quote] Blue Tune Studio wrote: Hello,I have 3 of the yamaha rev1 and sounds amazing!!!I have one for spare if one will broke down but they never do.So now one is for sale in perfect shape,let me know. [/quote]Do you still have this unit for sale?Thanks.Dave [/quote]Hello Dave,Yes one for sale at € 2000Regards,Ton. [/quote]I will sell mind with telecomand , in excellent cosmetic and electronic conditions.I wnat to sell it 1500 euroslet me knowRegardsOlivier [/quote]
Hi Olivier,
Can you send me some pix on,

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