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FXpansion BFD and Roland V-drums

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Author: admin
Date: 09-Jul-06

FXpansion sent us over a couple of NFR's specificaly to review and to make a video of the software in action with V-drums.. er, that was about a year ago... During that time, we got to know the s/w, and then set a day to do the video last year!... Problems!... This happened while BFD was still on release V1., and we had some problems with BFD 'Learning' the cymbel 'bells' and a few other niggles. We decided to tacticaly withdraw and contact Angus at FXpansion to see if the small problems we encountered could be ironed out. Sure enuff they got on it, and finaly again we got together for the second time to re-video the setup in action... By this time over a year had passed, and we were now on BFS version 1.5, and we had the BFD 'Jazz and Funk' Expansion Pack, and the laptop had more ram (1gb now).. and the lappy had bought itself a nic faster 7200rpm USB2 external hard-drive required for the extra space for the Expansion pack install.

So... How did things go?... Well, the laptop is a 3ghz P4, now 3 years old, and BFD ran fine without a single glitch, while the updates and extra ram meant faster load times and a generaly tighter smoother BFD.

If you are thinking of setting up with a Vdrums kit and some sort of drum software solution for studio clients or just for yourself as a gigging and session playing drummer, this video is a full on 1 hour edit of an afternoon messing with a laptop, BFD and a V-drum kit. And yes, it does sopund like real drums, seriously!

You also get a chance to get some impressions of the new 'Jazz and Funk' Expansion Pack which add's an stupendously enormous library of new drums which have also been sampled with sticks, brushes, mallets, rods and hands! hey!, you can be John Bonham soloing if you close your eyes!

BFD with the expansion packs of 'Jazz and Funk' & '8-Bit Kit' doesn't just appeal to people wanting to recreate acoustic drums for rock and related musics, but also, given the HUGE collection of classic drums and machines on offer with the combined packages, AND given you can mix individual channels and add in recorded room and overhead blends to taste, anyone who's into creating Hiphop beats could enter Nirvana with this package. If you're cloning old-skool beats, you have classic drums here going back in era to pre-WW2!...Just add dsome vinyl simulator to the final loop and you're sorted!... if you want machine drums, 8-Bit Kit gives you those too and you can mix and match to create any beat style tyhru the last 70 years if you can programme. Remember, you can mix from BFD with individual channels either in software host sequencer, or direct out to a hardware mixer, so any processing required to imitate styles of beats can conceiveably be attempted! You have every type of snare here, all faithfuly sampled with amazing detail in a top studio using a collection of classic mic's. Fat deep wooden snares, old Jazz era thin snares, piccolo snares, floating snares, etc etc and so many types of hit so you can make sleezy jazz beats too with brushes etc.

Anyways... here's the video...

(11/7/06) - IMPORTANT - We are getting a new 34m/bit pipe in the new few weeks after maxing out our bandwidth with the Liquidmix video which got stupendous amounts of downloads recently.

We tried some free file hosts, but people are reporting massively slow downloads. So, Angus at FXpansion has today kindly offered to host the video, and we're uploading it right now (22:39 gmt) Hopefully the link for download will be available tomorrow (12/7/06)

Until tomorrow we decided to remove the crappy slow link we were using.

Download Link: (currently removed)

TORRENT LINK (active): BFD VDrums DivX Video (BitTorrent)

The video is 640 x 480 high quality Divx format

Running Time: 1:07 minutes - size: 311Mb

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'FXpansion BFD and Roland V-drums'

There are a total:  6  comments posted to this page.

Name:  cayes
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  26-Jul-06

Could fix the link to torrent for the video

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Kenneth Andrew
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  26-Jul-06

I have Dvix installed. But I'm unable to get the page
with the video loaded. Can someone help me see this
- Thanks!

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Mal
Activity:  Professional
Date:  31-Jul-06

Can't get this download to work... Can anyone help?

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Richie
Activity:  Professional
Date:  01-Sep-06

4 gigs of Ram and g5 2.7ghz and it still has cpu errors and terrible latency

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Name:  apostrophe
Activity:  Professional
Date:  07-Oct-06

would it be possible to use youtube as your video repository?

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

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Name:  steven hard
Activity:  Professional
Date:  01-Apr-07

its a very good drummer

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