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Mixers and Mixing - SX2442FX Walk-thru [Video]

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Author: admin
Date: 03-Feb-09

Ok... check the videos and absorb... This video will teach you a lot about how mixers work & mixing desk theory.

Behringer SX2442FX walk-thru - Part-1 - Inputs section

Behringer SX2442FX walk-thru - Part-2 - Master section


'Mixers and Mixing - SX2442FX Walk-thru [Video]'

There are a total:  3  comments posted to this page.

Name:  WB
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  04-Feb-11

Thanks heaps, helping out some friends who have one of these, and learnt heaps. Well done.

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Name:  online mastering
Activity:  Professional
Date:  23-Mar-11

I actually tried one of this mixers in a production company recently and I was very pleasantly surprised by the channel eq's, especially the top end shelf control. The sound of the eq is way in excess of the price of the mixers.

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Name:  Sam
Activity:  Professional
Date:  11-Jun-13

Actually for what its worth, I dont understand how so many people bash all Behringer gear... Some its its very
workable and useful especially in a live setting.

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