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Subject: Augmented and diminished...

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Original Message 1/3             11-Mar-03  @  11:42 AM   -   Augmented and diminished...

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

Ok, I know that if you want to breath old life into a worn melody/harmony/motive you can use 7th and 9ths to give your track something new. Meaning, if I have a chord progression of
IV, I, V, I (a cliched progression), I could use the 7th or 9th of one of these chords in the progression to give a little something different or make it "pull" in a different direction.

My question is- can I do this with diminished and augmented chords or is this not really easy to do? Can I make one chord in my progression a dim/aug and then go back to the regular progression? I do realize that it sometimes takes a lot to get into and out of diminished/augmented progressions. Any info is appreciated.


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Message 2/3             11-Mar-03  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: Augmented and diminished...


Posts: 4573

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

There's a lot to say about this, but I'll start you here. Pay special attention to the chord substitution chart.

This page may be jumping into things a bit, so check it out and then come back if you need more help.

This page makes for good reference matereial tho.


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Message 3/3             11-Mar-03  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: Augmented and diminished...

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

Thanks Psylichon!

I'm sure this will have me busy for a while. In November I will be attending a university for my music degree so I'm sure this will all become clear there too. Thank you again for your help.


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