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Korg Wavestation / SR


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Korg Wavestation / SR

Category:  Products / synthesisers / sample synthesisers

Added: 19-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: Ģ400 ish

Korg Wavestation / SR

The Wavestation & Wavestation SR in either guise is an excellent original synth. Originally, I bought my Wavestation SR because of the wave sequences it offered. I had some spare cash, and decided it would be good to have this synthesis available to create some interesting ambient stuff, and to try to get into creating some weird arpeggiated stuff. From that point of view, the synth is certainly a different sound source to the range of mid priced synths which are available, and that's what I wanted, cos most newer synths were leaving me cold. The Wavestation is one of the rare modern synths that offers something different from the usual samploid synthesis boxes.

The Wavestation creates Wave Sequences which can be played as evolving mono lines, or poly pads. You can build a sequence, divided into parts, each with a defined timespan. These parts are then chained together to form staged sequences of evolving sounds....So you can for example create a sequence using drum sounds....designating the timing duration between these samples so as you end up with a drum beat plated from a single key press.

But imagine creating a similar sequence, but utilising any of an enormous range of sample waves as the root sources...This method allows you to make rhythmic, or evolving patches. It also uses vector synthesis, so the combination of the two makes for some unusual sounds! The result is some extremely impressive sound effects and atmospheric pads. Definitely NOT a "Check out the brilliant Oboe sound" synth! The wave sequences can be clocked to external midi clock, so they can be programmed to evolve or play rhythmic sequences in perfect time with the track.

The Wavestation is also a pretty cool standard synth as well, containing a palette of some 650 internal patches, including a few of the usual instrument impressions such as sax, horns etc, a large selection of different pianos, organs, strings and synths etc, .and a mass of gorgeous pads, sweeps & atmospheres. Absolutely lush is the best way to describe some of them. You also get some cool industrial sounding pads, with lots of robotic/metallic sounds evolving away.

The unit contains a couple of editable FX processors with all the usual stuff including a vocoder patch...these FX can be tied into the patches via midi or other forms of control to work dynamically with the patch. The SR works in performance mode, or "Multisets", where you can create custom set-ups for different songs, so that is nice to just hit a set-up, and everything is there for a particular track. 32 note poly, 16 part multi-timbrel, and the option to plug in rom or ram cards for patch/edit storage above the measly 100 or so internal locations. The SR can also read 0W range RAM cards as well.

To round it all off, there's 6 audio outs configured as 3 stereo pairs. Yup, all in all a very very powerful synth, but what a COMPLETE bastard to programme! Someone coined the phrase "Like trying to wallpaper the hall of your house, through the letterbox!", and that's a fair description.

I must have nearly torn out my hair on several occasions when it comes to editing the SR. Difficult would be a mild description of how it goes. In fact Korg, in recognition of this fact, added an extra 200 or 300 presets to the original wavestation. The original Wavestation utilised a joystick to programme the vector synthesis part of this synth, which is missing from the SR. So it's shitty menus and cursors all down the line. If you work with this box regularly, then you can start to go "Oh yeah, go here, then here, then step down the menu to here" etc, but if it ain't your main synth, and you use it infrequently, you find yourself forgetting where things are, and having a few attacks of the heebie-jeebies trying to find simple stuff like the patch volume setting within a multi timbrel set-up. That's really the only bad thing. This is a very very powerful synth, and can achieve sounds and FX not available with other units, but it takes time to learn it, after which I would say this box can be extremely original and creative. If you use the unit more regularly, or have an editor, it will be easier, but this unit is not as intuitive as something like a K2000 for example.

So to sum up.... A VERY POWERFUL SYNTH, WITH A UNIQUE & DIFFERENT SOUND. A great and usable pre-set palette of sounds, something different from the usual multi-layered patch synths, but if you are into programming, this is the type of machine you dream of being shipwrecked on a desert island with. The SR doesn't use resonant filters; maybe that's a problem for some people? but there's more to life than resonant filters! This synth will offer you a genuinely different palette of sounds, and the ability to create more of your own with some practice. It comes with a headphone socket too, which is excellent....Just make some tea, grab the SR rack and a small hardware sequencer and you can laze in bed all day with the cans on practicing some editing, and creating some cool sounds!

Not a "Dance" module, but stick this with a sampler and some analog/resonant stuff, and it will provide a massive source of weird & wonderful sounds. As used by The Prodigy.


    Synthesis Type :

  • Digital / 4 Mb rom/ Subtractive, Wave Sequencing, Vector

    Polyphony :
  • Max : 32
  • 16 part

    Oscillators per Voice :
  • Min : 1
  • Max : 32

    Hardware Controllers
  • None

    Effects :
  • Number of FX units : 2
  • Number of different effects : 55
  • Number of Drum Kits : 1
  • Number of Drum sounds : 30

    Keyboard :
  • Midi receive : Velocity & AfterTouch
  • Sounds can be split by : Keyboard-Zones / Velocity

    Memory :
  • Patches : 105 RAM, 280 ROM, 35 card
  • Performances : 150 RAM, 400 ROM, 50 card

    Inputs and Outputs :
  • Number of Audio Outs (excluding Phones) : 4
  • Number of Audio Ins : 0
  • Number of MIDI Outs (excluding Thru) : 1
  • Number of MIDI Ins : 1

    Upgrade Options :
  • PCM card (compatible with 01/W series)
  • ROM or RAM program card (Reads all Wavestation range cards)

The Wavestation & Wavestation SR, both very cool synths. Please add any user comments below. cheers.

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Steve
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Jan-99

I've got one, and a Prophecy. There's no comparison - your review says the Prophecy uses a lot of WS sounds - bollox!! Completely different synthesis, chalk and cheese - that's why I still have both (and others). The WS is essentially sample based, albeit with clever stepping and fading between them, the Prophecy is dsp model-based, using calculations rather than re-hashed recordings! How dissimilar can you get?

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Swen Weber
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

I get my WS-SR yesterday and I think it's one of the

greatest machines around!

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Sepi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

Great sounding synth. I used to iwn the prophecy and this is closely related to it, sounds are familiar. Although the sounds are made in a different way, many of them sound the same, and I like it. However, I wasnīt all that impressed about those "shimmering pads and strings", because I really think that my k2000 was able to do something like those too, and I was right, wavestation isnīt much different to all other synthesizers but the sound is very powerful. Everyone should own one of these.

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Steve Mallen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Jan-99

Nearly bought one of these 7 years ago, but couldn't afford it.

I've just this last month got round to buying one, and

by gum, this is one mother of a synth... makes the pad

sounds on my JV-1080 sound positively dull... (and I paid

twice as much money for my JV!). Vast programming potential,

MIDI controllable effects, up to four wavesequences in one

patch, vector envelopes - there is plenty of sonic potential

for 500 quid S/H - if you can find one, get one... better still,

find a Wavestation A/D....

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Hellboy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

I've owned a Wavestation EX for six years now and you're dead right about it being a desert island synth - I wouldn't part with mine for love or money. It's spoiled me in fact - for years nothing else even remotely impressed me (the K2000 may be a very capable synth, but I'll bet any stake you like that I can make a Wavestation sound you simply can't emulate).

The SR is a bitch to program, but the EX is a dream - I prefer it to my computer editor (Galaxy - it's crap). There's a joystick, plenty of buttons, and a large graphic display, and everything is very straightforward and clearly laid out. It was the first synth I ever owned and I could dive right in and tweak stuff without reading the manual. Yes, it's menu-driven, but it's a very intelligent menu system. Plus, the Wavestation keyboard is an excellent master controller, never mind that it's eight years old now. Eight-way splits/layers with velocity cross-switching and each part can drive its own MIDI channel and even sends a program change when you select the performance. Can't say enough good stuff about this one.

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Jay
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Jan-99


I love my Wavestation EX so much that, well...I bought another. I guess I truly needed the extra polyphony.

Anyway, you set one to respond to odd notes and the other even notes and you've got 64 notes. Right?

This is especially useful when you've got 3 or 4 sounds w/ 4 osc. each.

I presume this would work for the SR too.

You must buy this synth. buy two. They are cheap now so there's no excuse.

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Rich Colicchio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

I love my Wavestation SR! I just need to ask for the Ins file from someone who has it for Cakewalk homestudio. I purchased the software and the one they sent with the package does not work.. HELP(the link on this page does not work, either!

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: digital christ
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Apr-99

We just got a Wavestation with EX expansion fitted.
It's great! fantastic pads/ambiences.
beware of sticky keys, although we sorted ours out by applying some grease to the key contacts (instructions on the
gearhead site EX page)

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: wojtek jakobczyk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Jun-99

one comment to kilos description: there are 4 stereo outputs configured not only as 2 stereo pairs but can be treated as 4 mono ouputs with 4 simultaneus effects. As i'm mainly to ambient and experimental music it's the best synth i've ever heard. it's capable of doing things you couldn't imagine possible with single machine. just listen to future sound of london. they use it a lot. if only it has real, resonant filters...

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Marc_D
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Sep-02

Finally got round to picking this puppy up for a measily Ģ200 of your English pounds!! DEFINATELY worth a bargain hunt shop around...

Use this thing with SoundDiver 3.02 or better - don't waste your time editing via the front panel...

Great sounds, its about ten years old and we know how fashion lead the whole synth thing is.. ;-) Kids these days just want the latest groovebox or whatever.. this is a synth that rewards effort, and comes from a time when Korg actually experimented with synths a LOT more than they do now (The Triton is nice, but how many times are they gonna re-badge it??!?!?)

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Thirteen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Nov-06

Well damn near a week later on E bay ...( & a battle of wits...& $$$) I managed to get a Wavestation SR ! Ok now the fun begins ! Dark , moody , creepy , errie .. yea , that's what i want out of my synths !

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: seba
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Sep-10

hi.... i need the user manual of the wavestation sr ....please someone helps me... thanks

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Rezzillo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 02-Dec-10

Wavestation AWESOME. just like Korgs latest SV1 Vintage Piano. awesome also.

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Product:  Korg - Wavestation / SR
Name: Janet Harniman Cook
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Apr-21

Excellent review - informative & funny.

I did some good work on a friends WS way back when & found it encouraged joyful spontaneity.

But I'm currrently waiting for my first actual K WS SR (I liked the ios but somehow it just didn't do it for me).

Bom Bole - Janet

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