Dr Fuzz

United Kingdom

Email: not listed/hidden.
Web: No website listed

Studio Kitlist

My PC for all electronicy stuff.
Other kit for my bands guitary stuff (coming soon)

Audio - Albums

No albums have been created.

Audio - Tracks

Hi_fiLo_fi Track Title
Play  Play  01:   Gardening with Angst (limpbizkit mashup)
Play  Play  02:   FinalFantasy7 Fight!
Play  Play  03:   Beach Boizzz - Catch a Wave

  Stream all tracks!

Forthcoming Gigs & Events

There are no current listed Gigs or events.

Send feedback to Dr Fuzz

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All material is protected by copyright law. For ownership & permissions click on a track title for copyright info.
All contents, designs, layout, coding and artwork copyright to holders 1997-2004. World rights reserved