Cannot Repeat (LIVE) - Mr.Wet

Cannot Repeat (LIVE)

Track Cover Image

Audio File [user-added - hi-fi] d/l
Audio File [24kb server encoded] no file

Track title: Cannot Repeat (LIVE)

Artist: Mr.Wet

Track_time: 3.17

Date added: 28-Nov-01

Last updated:28-Nov-01

From the album?

Not yet associated with any Album

Copyright Info   [ who wrote it, copyright holder, year, etc ]

© 2001 Duo Electro

Track Flava/s:


Track Description

By Duo Electro. 2-step tune performed live- the vocal harmony in the chorus provided by Marianne's sampletrak! Singing and sample-triggering at the same time, that's talent man. All the kik-drum breaks are played by Brad's finger- now that's live! Oh and see if you spot the totally off-time crash hit near the end, also by Brad.

Track Tech Details / gear used /techniques etc

Our standard arsenal: mmt8, electribe-s, virus b, electrix mofx, eurorack 1604, generic controller. Marianne is on vocal duties, XP-50 keys and Zoom Sampletrak.

This is live off the board, to a DAT. The mix was for the room, not for the finished recording! Bass on this one is WAY subby, doesn't come out so hot on the MP3. But it's there, really!

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