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Cubase SX for beginners - Part 2 - [video]

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Author: admin
Date: 27-Aug-05

Dancetech Cubase SX For Beginners - Part 2

The main Key Edit window explored - working with midi notes - The grid display - working with Snap & Quantise & Length Quantise - working with edit tools - working with tools & controllers, etc etc.

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-1/7

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-2/7

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-3/7

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-4/7

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-5/7

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-6/7

Chapter-2: Key-Editor window - Part-7/7

Dancetech Cubase SX For Beginners - Series Parts

Part-1 - Intro to the arrange-page area - adjusting grid display - working with Snap & Quantise on the arrange-page grid.

Part-2 - Intro to the Key Edit area (piano edit) - working with Snap & Quantise & tools - Notes & controllers.

Part-3 - Intro to the Drum Map area (drum edit) - working with Snap & Quantise & tools - multiple sound sources, layering, routing, key remapping etc

Part-4 - The Arpache arpeggiator - Discover arpeggio work with the included SX arpggiator. Full explanation of useage, techniques, tips & tricks.


'Cubase SX for beginners - Part 2 - [video]'

There are a total:  15  comments posted to this page.

Name:  m00gy
Activity:  Professional
Date:  29-Aug-05

Hi guys,

I really waited for this second part and am happy that
it's here now. Already downloading... Thanks a lot!

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  charlie grey
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  19-Sep-05

Can you do a section all about MIDI clocks and SMPTE timecodes and how it all works, and also how to set it up?

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Name:  simbad
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  04-Oct-05

YOur tutorials are wicked! cant wait for the drum map one. keep up the good work.

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Name:  Willy
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  11-Oct-05

EXELLENT video, really helpful for a'greenhorn' such as I.
Hope other video's will follow

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Name:  womoma
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  14-Oct-05

Really good vids. The presenter is very cool and laid back but still enthusiastic and not patronising.
Looking forward to part 3 [pleease!]

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Name:  Akerbeltz
Activity:  Professional
Date:  26-Nov-05

These vids have really aided me in teaching my students the fundementals of Cubase. We dont have the time to go through the basics with students only more complex functions. Cheers Akerbeltz (JHB - South Africa)

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Name:  hattrick_123
Website?:  n/a
Date:  17-Mar-06


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Name:  furkan
Activity:  Professional
Date:  22-Jul-06


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Name:  furkan
Activity:  Professional
Date:  22-Jul-06


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Name:  naeemo
Activity:  Professional
Date:  22-Dec-06

very good lessons

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Name:  gili
Website?:  ddd
Activity:  Professional
Date:  07-Jan-07


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Name:  ahmed
Website?:  a
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  23-Mar-07


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Name:  tomer
Website?:  walla
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  23-Jul-07


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Name:  D Lane Taylor
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  15-Oct-07

I would like to thank you Thank You THANK YOU for this tutorial. I was using Steinberg's Sequel for the last couple of months and bought Cubase Studio 4 on Friday. I was like a fish out of water until I came across your videos. I just found this site about a hour ago and have already increased the usability of Cubase 4 and am VERY excited now! Can't wait to finish all the videos!

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Last added comment

Name:  Wombatlord
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  17-Apr-08

Superb tutorial, cannot thank you enough.

As a completely new user to not just cubase, but music software in general this is exactly what I need to get started.

Once again, thanks a million.

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

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