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Cubase SX for beginners - Part 4 - [video]

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Author: admin
Date: 07-May-06

Dancetech Cubase SX For Beginners - Part 4

Arpache arpeggiator - Intro to arpeggiation work in SX using the included ARPACHE arpeggiator. How to use it, different methods (single notes & chords), plus tips to get noobs into techniques which appears all thru the history of electronic music.

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-1/7

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-2/7

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-3/7

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-4/7

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-5/7

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-6/7

Chapter-4: Arpache arpeggiator - Part-7/7

Dancetech Cubase SX For Beginners - Series Parts

Part-1 - Intro to the arrange-page area - adjusting grid display - working with Snap & Quantise on the arrange-page grid.

Part-2 - Intro to the Key Edit area (piano edit) - working with Snap & Quantise & tools - Notes & controllers.

Part-3 - Intro to the Drum Map area (drum edit) - working with Snap & Quantise & tools - multiple sound sources, layering, routing, key remapping etc.

Part-4 - The Arpache arpeggiator - Discover arpeggio work with the included SX arpggiator. Full explanation of useage, techniques, tips & tricks.


'Cubase SX for beginners - Part 4 - [video]'

There are a total:  33  comments posted to this page.

Name:  simbad
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  08-May-06

Ohh yes... I like it!
Any more tutorials planned?

Cheers buddy

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Name:  Benjamin Osler
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  09-May-06

Nice tutorials! Thank you. Took it nice and slow for me - I'm a beginner with Cubase - so very good. Zippo and tokes came through nice 'nd clear too. Lookin' 4wrd 2 the nxt 1.

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Name:  admin
Website?:  -
Activity:  Professional
Date:  11-May-06

cheers guys!, yup, more to come and not with such a long wait either!.... not sure but i think next will be a general look at arrange-page protocol and controller lanes, etc plus a few tips. Then we move on to audio, setup, recording, how to work with loops, hitpoints, slicing etc etc, it's pretty cool, you can setup a loop so you can change tempo and the loop just adjusts itself to the new tempo, etc etc

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Name:  Razzo
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  18-May-06

Keep up the great work - much appreciated.... :-)

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Name:  tali
Date:  19-May-06

Thanks! you'r great guys, can hardly wait for the next part....

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Name:  tali
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  19-May-06

Thanks! you'r great guys, can hardly wait for the next part....

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Name:  george682
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  28-Jul-06

Hi, I can't get the torrent link to work. HELP!

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Name:  Busy B
Activity:  Professional
Date:  31-Jul-06

great great tutorials for beginers, very informative!

But where are the other parts? :)

Where are tips how to deal with final arrangement of the song, work with vocals and other things?

Help new talents to bring new ideas to the world! :)

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Name:  Busy B
Activity:  Professional
Date:  31-Jul-06

great great tutorials for beginers, very informative!

But where are the other parts? :)

Where are tips how to deal with final arrangement of the song, work with vocals and other things?

Help new talents to bring new ideas to the world! :)

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Name:  Nick
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  22-Aug-06

been at uni for 2 years doin music tech and learnt nothin compared to what i have learnt in these tutorials. i need more tho. sure i wudn't be the first to say i would pay for more. help is much appreciated so cheers for puttin in the time. 1 thing tho, drink tea, it rocks. hehe ;)

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Name:  Luis Ibarra
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  10-Sep-06

Hi the Link provided for the Cubase SX Tutorial part 4 is not available, a 3rd party link was provided which is a Torrent file, how do I dowload the Video. thanks

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Name:  Luis
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  12-Sep-06

Hi I can't seem to download Torrent files, I have all the Dancetech Cubase SX Tutorials except for Part 4 is there any way to upload it to a host website like Rapidshare. Plzz :)

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Name:  admin
Activity:  Professional
Date:  24-Sep-06

new server/pipe is comin in october, we just had too many downloads of the SX tutorials (10,000 in 2 weeks!!) so UNTIL the new server/pipe is ready please use a torrent programme such as Azureus

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Name:  admin
Activity:  Professional
Date:  24-Sep-06

new server/pipe is comin in october, we just had too many downloads of the SX tutorials (10,000 in 2 weeks!!) so UNTIL the new server/pipe is ready please use a torrent programme such as Azureus

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Name:  Tripleflow
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  03-Nov-06


I would like to download the Dancetech Cubase SX For Beginners - Part 4 - this is the video about the Arpache SX.

I use the latest Azureus, but that *.torrent link from the Dancetech site does not work at all: Azureus says the tracker file is ok, but nobody is sharing it currently.

I would REALLY like to watch that video. If you can help, please share it for a while.


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Name:  ollie
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  30-Nov-06

Any news on the new pipe you guys are getting. I've been firing up Azureus every day for the last month hoping that somebody would be seeding the torrent but still no joy. If the new pipe is not coming could you at least seed the torrent (even if it is at 5k/s or something) so that we can download the tutorials even if it takes a few weeks?

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Name:  mxsta
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  06-Dec-06

for fks sake, can someone share these torrents? They look very good.

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Name:  simbad
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  12-Dec-06

Greetings master.

I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Sock it to me baby!

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Name:  bacizone
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  20-Dec-06

It is promised to restart the availibility of this since October. Now it is the middle of the December... when will it be available?

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Name:  admin
Website?:  here
Activity:  Professional
Date:  03-Feb-07

sorry guys, we dont have funds like the mags, it's taking longer then we thought to setup... or we have to re-edit all the vids to under 100mb for youtube

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Name:  Scouse
Activity:  Professional
Date:  20-Jul-07

These videos are so helpfull for Cubase beginners like me.
I have a manual job working with wood all day and its great to get stuck into something completely different like making music.

With your help I am able to get going with Cubase.....a big thankyou.

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Name:  Lukas
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  07-Oct-07

Thanks,Great tutorials !!!

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Name:  Clyde Viegas
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  04-Nov-07

Thanks for the tutorial. This what I was looking for all along. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the other parts.


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Name:  Clyde Viegas
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  04-Nov-07

Please can anyone tell me where I can find a link to download Linplug RM F.



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Name:  admin
Activity:  Professional
Date:  26-Jan-08

it's in the files section of the site, do a name search

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Name:  fe-b
Activity:  Professional
Date:  29-Jan-08

These are great video tutorial I've ever learned, but I'm still waiting for the next step, is there any?!
Such as Cubase SX for advances or Cubase SX for beginners part 5 - 8 or other to finish these tutorial (mastering Cubase SX)
Thank You for your attentions!


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Name:  Meharvan
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  02-May-08

This video is great!!!Its nice and rushing through the topics....perfect for me!!!

Good job man!
We need more people like you on the internet who are willing to share their immense knowledge!!!
Cheers to you....keep it up!!!

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Name:  george
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  15-Jun-08

hey do you guys have any 411 as far as how i might play vst instruments (while being able to also aubidly monitor them in real time) useing my keyboard hooked up via midi to my tascam-us428 board? i know how to do so in programs like orion platinum but have no clue how to doso yet in cubase

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Name:  Eamonn Costello
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  02-Jul-08

Hi, Love the tuts, can't seem to find the samples and drum kits used in part three tho', Is there a place I can download them from?

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Name:  Maja Svendsen
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  19-Feb-10

Thank you so much, this guide is awesome!

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Name:  alex
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  03-Jun-10

Thanks for the tutorial, I also wait for continuation!

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Name:  derry
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  14-Feb-11

mate your tutorials are excellent. Taking your time like that really helps in understanding how things work. I've gotten so used to american tutorials where they just rattle through things, that i was begining to think i was a bit fik. cheers again.

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Name:  Darren Kennyford
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  14-Mar-11

Have the Audio one's been made, and where can i find them please? By the way, cool as...

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