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Roland TR-606


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Roland TR-606

Category:  Products / drum machines / old analog drum machines

Added: 06-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 100-150 (uk)

Roland TR-606

The Tr-606 is like a baby 909 or 808, all using the same interface with 16 step buttons running across th front, assigning sounds, and adding in sounds to the 16 button grid as steps. Patterns can be compiled to make songs, you can tap play it. The kik is light and boxy, the rest is a dream.. Check out some of the 606 samples in the file library. The 606, brother to the Tr-303, they were intended to link and provide a drum & bass backing for your accompanyment. There it is, gorgeous hatz, and the most cutting tite fat snare. I used to have with a seperate output mod, but it got half-inched..... drat !..... that was superb.

Product Videos

Roland TR-606

A quick demo of my Roland TR-606. There's some noise from my usb soundcard due to the camera on the ...

Roland TR-606 RealTime Demo

realtime sequencing TR-606 write-mode.I keep using this for 20 years or more - Japanese language....

TR-606 quick demonstration

Piccolo video dimostrativo su questa storica batteria elettronica...

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Category:  Products / drum machines / old analog drum machines

User Comments

Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: luciano
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 11-May-99

This is a instrument!A great drum box.
Yes it's true,the kick is very thin compared to 909 or 808 but this is 606!
This is the drum box of the future,909 & 808 made their age.Very warm hh /cymbals /tom.But now I NEED HELP FROM YOU.How sync 606 with midi clock,What do I need to buy!!??!?

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Leviathant
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-May-99

Had one of these for a short while,
bought it broken, fixed it, made my
money back :) As I had a DR-110 and no
DIN SYNC gear, I had cleaner versions of
the 606 sounds and a wicked handclap :)
Back to the 606... Love the sequencer,
but had trouble with the power supply
staying on sometimes, it seemed to go
away, and seemed temperature related.
It was great fun to work with, and if I
had the time, it looked like you could
do all kinds of mods on it. In fact, I
might be on the lookout for a new 606,
seeing as it's got similar voice architecture to the DR-110, and I made a
wicked bass drum for the 110... Hmm...
In comparison, the TR-606 sounded like a
grungier DR-110 with toms and individual
volume control per sound.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: mike dutson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 31-May-99

I've got one of these, bought with my first pay packet in '83, I had it a month and then modified it to separate outs, all lined up on the back below the volume knobs. Superb hi-hats and a nice tight snare....shame there's no claps on it.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: alodj
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 18-Jul-99

I sell my tr606,boxed&manuals,buyed new in an old shop last year,less than 10-15 hours of work. £150(uk)

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Jomany
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Dec-99

I had one back in the 80's. I sold it to a 60 years (or so) old tango player. I wonder if he still is plying it? Hmmm.
When I think of it...I bought it used for 1000:- SEK aprox. £70UK and the guy who sold it asked me if I wanted to buy a Mini Moog. I looked at it and decided that £115 was far too much for such a peice of crap.
Boy, am I stupid or what!

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Caspar Project
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 25-Mar-00

I've had it for about 3 weeks now, and I must say it's more than I thought it would be. I'm gittin the kenton 5out mod for it, which should make certain mixing things easier (want to put dist. on the snare.) The snare rocks, the hihats are beautiful. It's a great analog machine.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Dean Nye
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-May-00

This is one kickin' little silver box! Recently I took mine with me to the park. I sat near a lake wearing nothing but shorts, shoes, headphones,and a big smile, and made some nice beats! It's an amazing feeling of freedom and coolness to be able to power it up with batteries and take it wherever I want to go! Next time I want to take it into the mountains...The sounds are the best thing this side of a TR808 or TR909. I sampled my 606 and the sound is pretty good, but tomorrow I'm buying a friend's Roland MSQ100 sequencer. Here's a little trick to make your 606 dance with your MIDI files- buy an MSQ100 and use it as an interface between the MIDI gear and the 606! Just make sure you use a MIDI cable with all 5 pins connected (most only use 3) for the DIN sync hookup. And for an extra bonus sound treat, try hooking the 606 up to an overdrive/distortion pedal! The sound is SICK!!! :) Any delay or modulation effects really fatten this little guy up too. But be warned...if you buy a 606, it won't be long before you realize how lonely it looks without its evil synth brother, and you'll find yourself looking for a TB303...

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Marc
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-May-00

I've had one of these things for ages (must be at least 10 years). A while ago I considered selling it as it wasn't getting any use but I felt sorry for it, I'm glad I did now as it seems to be getting quite a lot of use (Hi Hats more than the rest really) . . . A forgotten classic . . . . . Marc.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: scottbpm
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Jan-01

606 is cool.
open it up, turn up the white vr next to the volume controls. this is the snare snappy control!! wind it up!!

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Snowboard Raver
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Oct-02

I cool machine i still use these days with seperate outputs..., this 'baby' rocks

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: plex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-Mar-03

i love my 606..nice through the 777's gnarsty filters..the overdrive and gain with out the filters is so nice...i cant wit to have it next to my 808 that will be here tommorow morning!!!!!

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: RogerRoger
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Jul-03

The drumatix funkmeister and original companion of the TB303 b4 all the hype. The live capabilities are suprising considering you can sync it to MIDI these days and edit the patterns while it plays. ----I modified mine with nine additional controls and individual drum outputs. -----For those who are electronically inclined and handy with a soldering iron, here are two mod pages to check out: http://www.confusedmachines.com/
The plutonique9 mod on the bass drum transforms it into an 808 kick with less punch but more BOOOOOOOM. I did this and it sounds fantastic! The Waterstone mods for the snare make it extremely versatile. A 110% improvement of an already great sound. I also modified Toms pitch, which can now sound similar to the 808 congas. ---------------Only two complaints about it now: No handclap, and its output amp distorts too easily and unpleasantly. This is another reason to do the individual drum outputs mod, which will be at microphone level (at least the way I modded it) so you'd also need a pre-amp and or mixer for that. -----------This is one funky little drummer. I'll always cherish mine.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: carl
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Sep-03

my dad bought mine god knows when for $100aus and gave it to me about four years ago. it's the only real analog drum machine i've ever used so forgive my ignorance when i say it sounds a lot better than all the Tr 808 and Tr 909 “samples” i've heard. It's fucking cool hey. when your making drum beats on it you feel like a little kid playing with your favourite toy. its a great machine to put through effects pedals particularly distortion. if you find the kick isn't enough for you add shit loads of bass on your mixer, crank up the volume and it booms like there's no tomorrow. it's very simple but don't underestimate it it's really easy to work with and develope good techniques for. I don’t use midi at all I just multitrack everything but you can get cool results by using the trigger outs to sequence arpeggio’s on old synths. I found a boss digital sampler delay that you can use as a one voice 0.8 second sampler and sequence to the beat of the toms it’s wicked jamming around with the two hooked up. as one of the other guys said if you do get a 606 it really feeds your hunger for a Tb 303 but if you get the chance buy one with out question. I heard somewhere that it’s one of the few drum machines ever made that you can change mode, edit pattern length, and song information without stopping I always took this fact for granted before but now feel privileged when recording insane improvised drum progressions eighties. well if you want roland completely analog Tr drums for a fraction of the cost of an 808 or 909 this guy is your saviour.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Mrs Jennifer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 22-May-05


please i will like to know the latest DJ instruments or studio instruments you have now, such as



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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: Mrus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 11-Jun-05

I need user manual for roland rs-5! If you can help me contact me:
Thank you.

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Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: gaspile
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Jun-05

I am looking to buy a Roland Tr 606 for around $80.00 through Paypal only. The date I am writing this is 06/22/05. Please contact me at styleanddesign_invoice @ yahoo.com

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Last added comment

Product:  Roland - TR-606
Name: rodrigo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Feb-10

i love the tr-606

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