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Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-2 - [video]

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Author: admin
Date: 02-Jul-09

Apple Logic Pro Free Tutorials: Chapter-2 - Arrange-Page-2 - More Arrange-Page including: Customising appearance, toolsboxes & tool selection techniques, track headers, screensets, folder-tracks, hiding-tracks, key-commands and midi controller commands, setting up Logic's transport to a hardware controller, cycle range, catch, etc


You can print this instruction sheet and then refer to it while working until you can learn them.


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-1/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-2/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-3/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-4/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-5/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-6/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-7/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-8/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-9/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-10/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-11/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-12/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-13/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-14/15


Chapter-2: Arrange-Page-2 - Part-15/15

Chapter-1 Link

Chapter-2 Link

Chapter-3 Link

Chapter-4 Link

Chapter-3 will be up soon - Chapter-3 will be Part-3 of the Arrange-Page, where we start to show what we've learned in action and where we introduce the signal flow in Logic and the relationship between tracks, channel-strips and the library, and more...

Feel free to leave any comments below! Cheers!


'Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-2 - [video]'

There are a total:  21  comments posted to this page.

Name:  Brian
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  07-Jul-09

really great tutorial. helped out tons. any chance on the document containing the shortcuts? can't wait for

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Name:  Jason
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  07-Jul-09

Great tutorials!! Many thanks for taking the time and effort to record these videos and post them for nowt!!
Keep up the good work.

Thanks again

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Name:  Maafen
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  27-Jul-09

Thanx, cant wait for chapter 3 to come out! That part has been bugging me for a long time..

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Name:  Helmut Schillinger
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  16-Aug-09

I like the casual tone, yet detailed presentation. I also like the accent with comments, reminds me of the
Beatles. Seems like you are a musician with studio experience.

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Name:  Zack
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  22-Aug-09

Easiest to follow tutorial this far. Too many begin assuming basic knowledge of such complex software. Thank you for your time and effort.


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Name:  Christian
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  22-Sep-09

Love this tutorial! Eagerly awaiting the next part...

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Name:  Evan
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  03-Oct-09

These are great! I can't wait for chapter 3!!!

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Name:  greg
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  29-Oct-09

Got lost in Germany ?

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Name:  Frayney
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  02-Nov-09

Just such a great help! Thanks so much, and I am really hanging for Chapter 3 now!

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Name:  bsol
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  12-Nov-09

where is chapter 3? these things are awesome

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Name:  admin
Activity:  Professional
Date:  14-Nov-09

yeah sorry to those waiting - we've been real busy doing some new code for the site. It's nearly done, and when it is you can all make yourself a free customisable website. ok, soon come with more logic tutorials but only after this code is all done.

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Name:  yimcat
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  01-Dec-09

It is great!!!

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Name:  Jezz
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  08-Dec-09

That must be one hell of a festival over there ;) Great stuff, incredibly useful, here's hoping for chapter 3 in
the new year? :)

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Name:  Don
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  04-Mar-10

AWESOME job! These tutorials have been a huge time saver for me. One note: in Logic 9, you can change
your right mouse click to show the tool menu AND the context menu at the same time!

Can't wait for version 3...thanks again!

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Name:  Alan
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  10-Mar-10

Just got L9. Was very frustrated until I found your tutorials. VERY helpful. Looking fwd to chp 3.

How can I donate to you?

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Name:  Gunnar
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  03-Jun-10

I want to thank you very much for your superb tutorials concerning Logic pro8. You are BORN a teacher; in the pedagogic way you do it and with your patience and endurance, I as a following student feel invited to a journey that is fun and also possible to manage.

My greatest respect to what you do!

A question; is there a third chapter following up these two that can be seen here?

Best regards,

Gunnar from Sweden.

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Name:  Mono
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  02-Oct-10

Thanks so much, i just go Logic the other day, and I'm up and running fine now with the basics, all thx to these tutorials!

Will there ever be a 3 after all?

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Name:  C Otto
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  27-May-11

Super ULTRA helpful. So glad I found this link. Looking forward to Logic 9 Studio tutorials as well. Please keep
up the good work.

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Name:  Kalie
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  20-Jul-11

For the love of God, keep writing these aritlces.

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Name:  luggnutt keyz
Activity:  Professional
Date:  29-Nov-11

outstanding video and easy to understand and learn! All the best!

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Last added comment

Name:  Arch
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  06-Dec-13

Excellent tutorials VERY thorough and clear presentation, perhaps the best I have seen so far. The only bit leaving something to be desired is the lack of coverage on sends, though I anticipate it is planned for a different section. TO sum up, BEST LOGIC TUTORIAL YOU WILL EVER WATCH !

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