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Korg POLY 61


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Korg POLY 61

Category:  Products / synthesisers / analog synthesisers

Added: 13-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

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Korg POLY 61

Ok.... I'm gonna add all the old vintage synths... not that i've used them all myself.. but i'm gonna dd the spec's then people can add comments based on real-life use.... so , as i had nothing to do today, i thought i'd start to add them as basic page templates... then add the spec's later....so...

The KORG POLY 61..... please add your comments

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: dru
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 27-Oct-99

love it also there are versions with midi out there easily to program sound great lfos are awesome

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Nick Breinich
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Oct-99

The P-61 is a great sounding machine with quite a bit of sonic territory to explore. As with any other sound source, effects can add a great deal of flexibility. The poly-61 seems to be a great starting point for anyone wanting to learn basic analog synthesis hands on. If you can get one for $200 or under, go for it.

Downside: The programming is all done from three keys(basically). The parameter section is edited with two value keys (+ and -). This can get quite tedious and more knobs would've helped this machine become truly classic. However, this +1 type programming can yield some tasty sounds of its own when used creatively.

Unique and fun synth with quality sounds. I've never regretted this one and still use it when I'm in the mood.


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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: boldawn
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Activity: Professional
Date: 08-Aug-00

Just got one for 50$ ! ha ha....! but so far only three notes or so work. will be taken care of. too bad there's no MIDI or CV, though.

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Paul Kondig
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-00

I'm going to burn this in for a while. This is a really excellent starter synth. I should know I owned one for breif period. Sold it though. Needed the money. This is a good synth that deserves to be recognized. If anyone wants more info on it. Check out my Poly 61 Web Page.

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Bren
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-May-01

I picked one up at a car-boot sale from the knackers for 5 quid...!! Hehehe, 3 borken keys and a missing joystick, ah well...5 quid. Most keys weren't working so popped it open and scrubbed the contacts, now they all work. Its got some interesting sounds and will make a nice addition to my gear, It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out how to use it either, so its a good basic analogue synth. Some nice basses, and analoge type sweeps... hey, for 5 quid I'd be happy if it only made farting noises....

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: merseymale
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Apr-03

Where can I download some form of
instructions for a korg poly 61?


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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Daniel Marsalone
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jul-03

Found one of these mint in a pawn shop for
$150 a few years back. (Was looking for a
Juno). The Korg has a really rich and fat
sound. Oscillator can be stacked. The
arpeggiator is nice. Easy to get good sounds
and learn synthesis. All parameters are
silkscreened onto the dashboard, so you don't
need to look at the manual. You save your
patches by plugging in your cassette recorder
and saving to tape like on your old VIC-20.
The only drag is entering the parameters. You
have no knobs only "+" and "-" keys. Slow. It
ends up taking a while to tweak your sounds.
No MIDI on this thing, but I think that you
could get some kind of after market MIDI for
it. I give it a 3 because it is so frustratingly
slow and tedious to change parameters and
program. Based only on sound and lushness,
I'd give it a 4.5.

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Ferran Mata
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Feb-04

what i have to do for configurate my poly 61???? i have the cassette but i don't know what i have to do. please help me

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Frank
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 08-Feb-04

I think I might be able to scrounge up my old Poly-61 manual for instructions. I'll have a look.

You say you have the tape. Any chance I could send you a blank and ask you to copy it? My battery is pooched so all the presets went awry.

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Frank
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 08-Feb-04

Update - Found both my Poly-61 user's manual and my preloaded sounds tape. Loaded the presets back on - battery seems to be holding for now. Entirely non-critical application anyway. Hey - anyone have luck getting all their key contacts working consistently? Mine are really rough - I might have to go with a rubber keypad contact repair kit.

Ferran asked "what i have to do for configurate my poly 61???? i have the cassette but i don't know what i have to do. please help me "
The tape is used to restore factory preloaded patches (sounds). If your's are still active, or your custom sounds are good, you don't need to use it. You might wish to back up your sounds to ANOTHER tape, however.

If you want to restore from tape here's the steps:(CAUTION - THIS OVERWRITES ALL KEYBOARD DATA BACK TO FACTORY SETTINGS!)
-hook up the tape deck output to "tape in"
-power up the Poly 61
-set the switches on back to tape enable and write enable (this changes the display to indicate "tape"
-rewind the tape
-press the key marked "load" - this changes the display to show "load"
-start playback of the tape
-after about 10 or 15 seconds - the display should read "good" - You're done!
-if it never changes from "load", maybe the level is too low on the tape deck or set the level switch on the back of the keyboard either to high or to low

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Danny Peyronel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Dec-08

Hey mateys!

I recently picked up a Poly 61 (had one when they were new in the 80's!), fixed the key contacts with the kit, cleaned it up and now it works great...EXCEPT...I have to let it warm up for a while before it stabilizes, Till then, it's totally wackily out of tune and all over the shop.

Pretty sure it's the capacitors, since all other functions are cool.

Has anyone had this problem and if so, are there any capacitors that should be done first, or that, alone, would fix this?

Cheers to all and have a terrific Holiday season!


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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: plasticanimal
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Feb-09

The Nicad battery on these models started to leak in the last couple of years. If you haven't removed it do so or you'll have tones of problems on your hands. No joke. The"acid" gets everywhere! Just remove it and replace it with three triple a size Nicads in a holder somewhere off the board. If your looking to buy, keep in mind that most are just parts machines people are trying to unload. Same with the polysix. Anyway, has anyone tried the filter mod on this one? Would love to see some pics of how it's wired to the pots.

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Fabio Andrade
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-May-09

I just got one with several issues, water damage,rusted pc board cntacts not all keys play.
Does any one knows where to get a good data cassette?

mine a poly 61 no midi.

Thanks in advance.

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Product:  Korg - POLY 61
Name: Imelda
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Mar-12

I just bought a KORG 61 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer at a pawn shop, and it didn't have a manuel. I have no idea hot this machine works.

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