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Bioroid Creakbox


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Bioroid Creakbox

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 21-Oct-03  |  Author: admin

New price: free  |   S/H price: Not listed

Bioroid Creakbox

Bioroid released the V.1 VSTI of Creakbox and I was eager to check it out, as the old standalone demo released a while ago sounded great... If they could bring that sound & accurate functionality as a Plugin then it had to be good!

Downloaded it and set it up today and yup!... This has to be THE BEST FREEWARE TB303 plugin you can get!

There's no ability to sequence Creakbox from your piano roll with this plugin... To maintain authentic TB303 accuracy requires special attention to the accent & slide functions, because part of the whole TB303 experience & sound is the sequencer itself which is so hard to impersonate using midi portamento & velocity functions within the host sequencer, so Bioroid have gone for a very sensible approach, allowing Creakbox to reside within the host sequencer where it can run in-sync within the host and use it's own on-board sequencer.

Here you can see the sequencer section of Creakbox, and it's pretty straightforward... If you've owned or used a real TB then no explanation is neccessary, but for the un-initiated, you simply use the sliders to set the note per-step... Select a Step using the bottom row (indicated by the red arrow), the use the Octave buttons to select octave and the Note buttons to choose your note... The sliders Snap to position as you use the buttons & the blue row shows the selected note with a handy visual display... Or you can simply drag the sliders themselves up/down to set the required note/octave... There is also a handy OFF button which quickly snaps the selected sequencer Step slider down to the very bottom of it's travel (which is OFF)... Above the Note select row you can check or un-check the Velocity & SLIDE functions per-step as for the original TB303... The whole sequencer is topped-off by the traditional LED play display which steps along note-by-note as the sequencer runs with glowing blue LED lights...

The upside of this 'in-house' sequencer method is that Creakbox sound as close as I've heard to a real TB303... the downside is you'll have to manually re-create your synth patterns if you choose to employ Creakbox in 'already-created' songs you've written prior to remixing & saving.... But really, when you hear this thing it's WELL worth the extra time to get those patterns down!

The only drawback I can see is that there's no 'LAST NOTE' function as on a real TB, so you cant run sync'd 3/4 patterns resolving at mathematical intervals over 4/4 which was one of the things that made original ACID so zany & hypnotic... But who knows?... they may add that function to the next version (yes PLEASE!!)

OK... What's the other thing required to create true acid style music with any 303 imitator?.. Control moves!.... Creakbox gives that to you also.... Here's Creakbox working in SX, and you can see the written moves for Cut-off and Resonance...

Just use Creakbox for this function as any other VSTi... hit controller-record in your host sequencer and move the knobs with the mouse, and the controller data is written, and of course you can assign outboard hardware controllers using your sequencers re-mapping functions...


64 Volume
65 Waveform

Anything else?.... Oh yes.. Joy of joys!... You can save created patterns, (in SX at least anyway... I didn't try it yet in other hosts)

Well what more do you want!... This Creakbox is the dogs nuts frankly, and apart from the lack of 'Last-step' function is damn close to a TB303 sound... and it's FREE dammit!

Dancetech gives Creakbox a resounding 10/10...

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: babak
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 27-Oct-03


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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: §ï†ÅR
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Oct-03

Creakbox is the bomb. I never owned a TB303 but have heard them used in all kinds of tracks. I just want to post a short message because I simply love this thing. The sound is spot on at least to my ears and is it ever fun to play with. It's just like deja vu all over again, but in a good way.

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: §ï†ÅR
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Oct-03

Creakbox is the bomb. I never owned a TB303 but have heard them used in all kinds of tracks. I just want to post a short message because I simply love this thing. The sound is spot on at least to my ears and is it ever fun to play with. It's just like deja vu all over again, but in a good way.

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: Kid Quaalude
Email: No email added
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Oct-03

Close, but no cigar. Waaay too much accent on this machine, and the saw sound doesn't really cut it to my ears.

You really ought to check out ABL Bassline. The ONLY true TB-303 emu and it's going to be realeased LONG before the full version of creakbox. Go check the audio demos out at : http://www.audiorealism.se


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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: k
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Oct-03

yup that's very authentic - they all sound a little different tho, but I think for adding a touch of 303 creakbox gets close enuff for adding some '303' stuff, unless you are a purist wanting to make retro music in which case ABL would really score. and creakbox is free at the moment, no dount ABL will be around the 100 quid mark.

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: Kid Quaalude
Email: No email added
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Oct-03

ABL Bassline was released today! Bought mine already - 90 euros / 70 quid.

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: ben haynes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Mar-05

PLEASE HELP!!!! i don't seem to be able to find anywhere on dancetech or bioroid to download the creakbox, which is really frustrating given the reviews. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks-an acid lover

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Mar-05

er.. from Bioroid's website via the link on the page.

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: John R Cornwall
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Jan-09

Seems pretty good!!

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Product:  Bioroid - Creakbox
Name: emilio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Nov-18

hi there, i downloaded this amazing vst today. it sounds incredible but i have a
little problem. i cannot figured how to record a pattern, i use ableton live ande
tryed many ways but still couldnt. could you give me some advice? thanks!

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