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Oskari Tamellin Buzz v1


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Oskari Tamellin Buzz v1

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 28-Aug-99  |  Author: admin

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Oskari Tamellin Buzz v1

So I downloaded this thing and was very surprised by the demos. Pretty amazing stuff. Incredibly easy to use too.

It's a modular software synth with an unusual tracker, and is very easy on the CPU.

The synth itself is made up of "machines" (of which there are many available). These themselves come in two flavours - Generators and Effects. The Generators are the sound sources with stuff including a physical string modeller, a TB303 emulator, a kick drum synthesizer, sample playback, analog waveforms, and loads more. The Effects also have great variety, including choruses, distortions, flangers, a sample-rate degrader, resonant filters, vocoder, pitch-shifter and many many more. There are a number of third parties constantly writing new machines.

Inside each of the Generators and Effects, you create patterns to create either the musical blocks or pre-determined sweeps and modulations. These patterns are made up in the same way as your standard tracker, except that each Generator has its own set of parameters depending on what it does. For instance, the TB3003 machine has parameters including filter cutoff, resonance, modulation speed, waveform type; while the Fuzzbox effect has merely mode, Q and distortion level. The Generator patterns can have has as many tracks as you want, while the Effects only need a single track.

These patterns are then entered into the pattern list in the sequence you want them to play.

The machines are joined together and a straight-forward manner on the Machine page. This page is like a canvas on which you place your machines, join them together and then join the final outputs to the Master machine. The Master machine controls the final output levels of everything connected to it, and anything connected to it gains a pan control. An attributes window can be opened for each machine to set the default parameters or edit the parameters in real-time while the song is playing.

Each Generator can be connected to any number of Effect machines, or directly to the Master. The Effects machines can also be routed through any number of other Effects before reaching the Master.

Play your sequence and the patterns of each Machine get played in the order you specified.

The sound quality is superb, the processor time is minimal (I use it quite comfortably on a P200!), and the interface is incredibly simple.

The program has a lot of fans with a number of sites on the net dedicated to it. Demo songs are relatively abundant, and Buzz 2 is on its way. Can't wait!

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: Mastermind
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Aug-99

It's the best software synth / tracker in 1, and like a lot of the best software (like Linux), its free. Kicks Cubase VST arse big time... No lame graphical candy, it just does best at what it does, with low CPU overhead. Don't believe it if you don't want to, but its true.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: -
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Aug-99

Btw, you can use plain samples too with 'tracker' as machine... and there is also a 909 and 808 machine available for download.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: bastiaan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Aug-99

How are you ever going to compare a tracker/softsynth to cubase vst? It just shows how much you actually KNOW about this stuff. IT's like saying my dirt bike is soooo much better then my helicopter because it doesn't need an airstrip. Comprende? It still seems like a very good program, especially for this price!

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: -
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Aug-99

It just shows how much YOU actually know about this stuff. Minus the midi, this program eats Cubase VST alive, now that it support cubase plug-ins too.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: Janne
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Aug-99

Please guys... you can't compare Buzz to Cubase VST. The result from Buzz can't ever be compared to a production in a studio with a MIDI sequencer. But for being software-only it's ok.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: karma expander
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Aug-99

This is the best program if you´re low on cash but still want to produce pro-sounding music.I have been using it for a couple of months making goa trance and it works great!The possibilities to twist all the sounds are impressive!!I can´t wait for buzz2!!!!!

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: brian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Aug-99

The quality can be just as good as any studio equipment/midi gear depending on the user. But like any computer program or piece of gear for that matter, it's the combination that proves its value. Once the MIDI sequencing is worked out, Buzz will be one nice software package.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: nothingnewhere
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Sep-99

Man, this thing kicks ass. If you havent figured it out yet, you can use the wave in and use this thing as your effects processor or even to use some of the filters on your synths.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: Cashew head
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer
Date: 21-May-00

Free. Tasty. Amazing.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: David
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Jun-00

Superb, ceative, intuitive, free.
What more do you want. Well, ok, a Triton. But apart from that...

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: no one special
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 16-Jun-00

i love this thing its one of the first music programs I ever played with

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: steve mason
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jun-00

buzz is an amazing piece of software. some of the third party machines that people are creating are AMAZING! full featured synthesizers, fm, additive, granular, you name it. this program is amazing. the only (**ONLY**) reason why buzz is not better than a room full of gear is that the sound quality isn't QUITE up there with the real hardware, but it's very close. hopefully this will be fixed in buzz2! otherwise, buzz can can replace about $50,000 worth of outboard gear for free. definately worth checking out.

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Product:  Oskari Tamellin - Buzz v1
Name: Jon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Aug-09

Buzz 2? obvz these comments are about 10 years old but buzz is alive n well! development is continuing with loads of cool new features. since this was probs written there's been loadsa things made for midi in/out, vst's, recording in etc. definalty worth a look.

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