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Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 17-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: ???  |   S/H price: Not listed


Well bugger me !!....A TB 303 software emulator....you can download either version in a few minutes...and.....IT WORKS !!!

Check out the piccie....thats what it looks like....(my image is heavily reduced to load quick...)...All the controls are in real time !!.....AND...YES...It does sound like a 303 !!!...Bloody hell !!....Well it's as near as any modules I've heard.......This thing is designed by a bunch of guys who are all studying at University in Essen so it seems......They are all into making dance stuff, and programmed this up as a project for themselves.......and they call themselves....D - LUSION.

This software is wicked....Not only does it do some damn nice 303 stuff, it's also got Sine and Triangle waves, a built in delay, and overdrive, and best of all, you can import a drum loop into the software, and twiddle along in sync......Also, you got a wicked randomiser for Notes, Slide, & Accent.....even the un-registered version lets you save patterns !!!....

So what I suggest is let's cut the talk....Just download it NOW....Check it out...then send the guy your dosh to register....You can work with it straight away, and record the lines into your Hard disk or sampler,...but when you register, the software enables a function that allows you to export your patterns & twiddling in real time to .WAV files....Coool..!!.....

Right...get on with it.....I was WELL surprised by this thing....This is absolutely the best thing I've seen for ages.....stunning !!

Ok....I've just been checking out the Version 1..... excellent....a much larger interface, and this one adds midi control option to send data to the controllers for realtime twiddling.... Also, there is an extra very interesting feature, where you can slide between two different waves.... You select either 2 saw waves, or a saw & sine wave or whatever, then adjust the slider to blend them in different amounts... Excellent... this gives the rubberduck a whole new selection of different & interesting sounds.

Also, the sync to .WAV drum loop facility seems to be improved, in that you only need to adjust the 303 software tempo, and the drum loop adjusts it's own tempo to match.... whereas before you had to adjust the tempo of the drum loop seperately to match the synth tempo..... Real coolamundo !!..... Download 'em right now !!...... there's the new V-2 over at the D-Lussion website too.......

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User Comments

Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Ben Tenorio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I have a MAC and cannot use your software. that is not good. I give you a 1.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: KILO
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

well Tinhead....

A: It ain't my software....and

B: Serves you right for buying a Mac !!!......Only joking (!!??!!)....er, why not download the Rebirth 303/808

software from the propellorhead site....there is a MAC version there which is well cool !!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Phil
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

The best thing I have seen since the BassStation, and very easy to use

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: core
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

phat! but not as good as rebirth 338

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Pin3Head
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Nice pr0g...very easy to use´n´stuff. But i gotta pr0b with da´export2wav function: Everything is ´overdriven´ if i

export my worK into da´waveformat.. ;( If ya gotta solution for my Pr0b then pls mail me..;)

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: KILO
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

If you have a problem, go to the D-Lussion site, and email 'em maybe they know the answer....

I agree, that the Rebirth is more 303....but the rubberduck has all those juicy sine waves & cross waves etc....one of

each software gives the best of both worlds.....!!

If you've got a DAT to record onto, you can use both softwares really pretty well without needing to register....but I

would buy the code when the rebirth is released....just to save my patterns, & the Duck is real

affordable....excellent value when you consider it's about the same price as a secondhand guitar footpedal !!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Francy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Hootch
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Very very cool. Just had a first glimpse this morning. Tonight I'll go deep with your rubberduck. Let it dive into

lakes. Things like that. one thing, I didn't see a function for syncing to smpte. Could that be implemented? Further,

nothing but respect. I'll register soon!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Christiaan Smeenk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

It's fucking great!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Rick Caffrey
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is amazing. I really ejoy using it. There are a few things I had questions about. First thing, I was

curious about playing .wav files. I noticed the little beat file that came with Rubberduck. I was curious if there was a

way to play mulitple .wav files simulataneously. I also wondered if you knew of any www or ftp sites where I could

find similar .wav beat files as 909Beat.wav. Other than that, Rubberduck is perfect. My check is in the mail, my

friend! I'm planning on DJing soon. I'm a hobbyist who's looking to mix full-time.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: kaz786@aol.com
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

please can you see to it that the next peice of s/ware you put on your site is is fully functionial i enjoyed rubberduck

but it has not nearly enough features to combine with other software Thanx Kaz

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey guys....this ain't my software....any moans, see the D-Lussion posse....by the way.....the programme is what it

is....you record some .wav audio to hard drive, then paste it into your midi & h/d programme or whatever...the

facility to add a loop to play along with, is so you can add the loop that will be in the track, then twiddle the filters

etc with the correct timing.....

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Rubberman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great ....

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: florian schmidt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

more punch than the rebirth338. and more waveforms. and the 303 design of rebirth isn't cool, either. keep up the

good work!! please send me the registered version, since i gave u such a good comment!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Benjamin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hmmm.... This could be a very good program indeed. It has more punch than "Rebirth 338", as stated above, But it

REALLY lacks MIDI and MIDI CLOCK!!! Hooking up to a synth might not be out of the question, would it? A

four, for not implementing MIDI.... yet! (implement it, and i am defidently registring!) Respect....

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: john
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah! Let me use it with midi and I also will reg. it!! Nice soft since i cant use rebirth with my p90 with success!

(anybody used with less than p133 with success?)

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Maarten Pels
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Rubberduck is perfect. When you use hammerhead, to create your drum loops, its more than perfect, it's fucking


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Romagnoli Paolo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

It's a very good emulator Can u tell me where i can find some bassline and .h30 files?

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: PCP/Fairlight
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

The new Version is mutch better then the Propellerhead Software!!!! Best Regards 2 D-Illusion !!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yes Maarten your right.....if you create some loops in Hammerhead, then use them in the rubberduck to play your

303 or whatever sounds to then it is amazing huh....hey....pretty soon all the hardware companies are going to be in

trouble at this rate ....cos all the bases will be covered by software created by dance enthusiasts !!!....

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Misha Sokol
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

rubduck very rulezzzzzzzzz tb-303 forever :)

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: MuShro0m ______Stef Stivala
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

well im still downloading ,but i saw the 0.86 version and it certainly kikced ass...the guys at re birth are a bunch of

little wankers and there demo is TOOO restricted..and it makes funny noises once in a while.fuckin 200

dollars..well mr.propeller-head..turn on your engine and the hell out of the scene..we like cheap things that at least

work good and do the job done..unlike yourlitlle program.rubberduck and hammer should give u a real idea of what

should be made of yoursoft ware.and anyway...the rubberduck sounds more like tb 303 to me...three cheers for d

lusion ..keep it up boys..we love it...u will surely be on my thanku list when im famous...for i am an up n comining

producer/dj who's gonna kick ass bigtime..see u in the fiture and goodluck

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: MuShro0m ______Stef Stivala
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

oh yeah..by the way vit my homepage at http://www.mushroom.base.org. it on techno and the clubbing scene in


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Ben Wikler
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

It's pretty good, but would be worth about 300 times as much if it had midi. Until I see that, I won't register.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: ralf
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

the music ..... it is in my brian ............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Alan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Cheers !!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

definitely fatter than a bass station. it'd be wicked if it could play at least 8 wavs simultaneously, and if it had full song arranginging for this also.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

well mate......think about it........get a drum loop imported, sequence rubberduck line to go with, export it to .WAV.......mix it in a HD programme with the drum loop (retaining the original files seperate).....then re-import the new drum & bassline into Rubberduck, then create your second synth line !!.....then stream THAT new line to .WAV....then repeat as necessary the above steps........you will finally arrive at a situation, with up to say 4 or 6 or 8 (but surely 8 monosynthlines in a single track is abit over the top)......anyway.......you know from creating the new overdubbed lines with each pass, that they are all in sync & work together........so when you've finished, you'll have say 4,6 or 8 seperate synth lines......then go to your hard disk programme, such as SAW, and construct the track !!....or send the shorter loops such as the bassline parts to your sampler..........

Why do you think I'm always banging on about the EVENT 8 seperate out soundcards !!!!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: ratfink
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I'm drooling! This is way fatter than rebirth (but I like that one too)! Does anyone know why I can't hear the slide on notes unless accent is on too? (a bug?) Thanks all!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Cools
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Its cool. At last i can get 303 sounds without paying tons of cash for it. Anyone fancy getting some happy hardcore/techno/gabba mods done by me and as yet unreleased - make contact. 303 303 3030303. Any other cheap software synths to make drum sounds available. E-mail them to me ;-)

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: DeMoN
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

The bollox. This softsynth pissis all over Rebirth the rip off!!!. The sounds are great easy to use and it doesnt take long to make a cool tune!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Steve S
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Its good. But mix it with hammer. It will them kick ass

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Vitali
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Mmmm...guys... Rubberduck is great butttt ....

you can't sync it with your main sequencer via MIDI.

That's why I believe it is just a toy. Oh yes yes

you'd say to write a bassline separately using RubberD

and then insert it into main sequence




That makes it useful i think...

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: upo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Humma. This should be a Mac program. Else = suxx

bad. pc- monopoly suxx

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: nelis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Marvin The Martian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

ya ya ,.,[[/.,$@&@ it's GREAT

.........Greater than Rebiz-338 :o(

-=-=endless basslines=-=-

BEST for minimal tekno ==

=========== Best for me ...

But w/o drumMasine only (4)



at least make possible non-paused

changing of rhythm WAV's ;;;;;;;;;

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Wayne Budgen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I think that it is most excellent.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Zsolt Kaszap
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Pawel Olszewski
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Really cool programm, little complicated but cool

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Yeltsin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

To Pawel: Complicated? You really mean it? How old

are you man?

It's EZ and nice. But it needs some upgrades as well.

(talking about the first release). I've tyred it

with a CHORUS footpedal and a bigger mixer... It was

dangerous!!! The whole room took the vibration!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: R_Evil_twin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

this program makes me want to trade in all my synth gear

fuckn beautiful 303 emmulation clean and precise and i only have a cheap $20.00 sound card

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: JaGGy-B
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Awww, da-am, this is tha best equip ive eva used! Despite

the problems with recording lengthy beats, it still has

some wicked kapabilities. You can add waves into the beat

along with your synth, which isnt the best, but, oh i love it.

Using hammerhead to make the drum beat, then playing it in the back

allowing a fade in or whatever, is wot ya gotta do. Plus you

can add any sample like "its a neuclear device" I'd do a live recording with

this donchka now!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: john
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

superb lot s of fun but when I load in a wav drum loop and hit Play- nothing happens - is this a registered only function?

also is there similar software for drums -808s or 909s?

1 mark off for no midi sync a really long evolving mod line would use up too much HD space- or would it?

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Alex Frost
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: M. Suding
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey guys,

nice Software-Synth.

I love it !!!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Cody
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Rubber Duck is good, but VAZ is better.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Jaakko Hyvärinen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Well I must admit that with the new 2.0 version of rubberduck we can kiss goodbye to rebirth (or any other softsynth available at the moment. The new rubberduck offers various waveforms which to mix from and that is much improvement compared to other softsynths (rebirth) which offer only couple of waveforms. The new resonance/filtering model (which was not so great in older versions) also kicks ass. Not to mention that this software is very easy to use compared to some synth progs which offer waytoo complex interface and still don't manage to produce satisfying snarling results. Only thing missing is a proper drums section - two drumloops just don't do the trick.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Kamral
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

It's difficult 2 get some patterns. I wish if that was improved, U'd do a fine job.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Heikki Hirvonen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

it`s like donald Duck screaming !!

Very nice with large a PA-system

The triangle wave in 0,86beta sounds very analog.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Mike
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I'm getting mighty damn sick of hearing all

these people with Macs compaining about these pieces

of software. I'm ashamed. This is my advice - spend

$125 and get yourself Virtual PC. That's what I'm using, and

it works great.

I have encountered a prob with Rubberduck tho, and it's

a problem that somebody else posted about as well; I CAN'T

OPEN IT! ACK! Whenever I try it gives an error message about it

being unable to locate sound source. Please help.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: purplemonkeydishwasher
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

rubberduck is okay, but after the REBIRTH experience,rubberduck actually starts sounding more like a real rubberduck instead of a303!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Raven
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program kicks ass. I agree with all the guys who say it is great with Hammerhead. Why do you all like RB-338 so much? It's garbage. My grandma's fatter than that. You can't put RB-338 sounds in a track. Rubberduck rulez, ReBirth sucks. A fact. I'm regging.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Raven
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

..... Sorry for a wrong mark there

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Snatch
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This was the first PC based synth I had ever come

acrossed that left me optimistic about PC music. Still

gotta get sround to registering it though....

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: johnno
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

spot on chaps.can you send me details of version 2 ie. how much, where to send cash to and when is it here?


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Big Macka
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Well, I played with it for a while, and I think it is the most fucking awsome prog I have ever used... But why compare it to Rebirth??? I think that is just as awsome at Rubber (Funky) Duck..... Oh yeah, if anyone wants to send me a regi code, I would gladly

accept...... Buh-Bye

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Master Forty
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Good work

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Alpha 10
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This thing kicks ass!!

very easy to use,great real time midi control.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Cyclops
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Someone can help me setting up R-Duck to emulate the

prodigy "Smack my Bitch Up" sound. I mean the very

overdrived loop "perhaps with some chorus". I realy need it. Or something close to the original... thanks!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Shlamadamadingdong
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jul-99

Where do ya get it???

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Psyche
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Aug-99

extremely PHAT sound good for acid but has other applications as well... sequencer much more user friendly than rebirth's.. I control it with my quasimidi raveolution and it responds great!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: droid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Sep-99

the duck has the ability to emulate so many syns that to callit a "303" copy
is a wank. i make my sounds and export t
my sampler excellent soft syn

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Tyson Westby
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Dec-99

Propellerheads can shove Rebirth up there ass, this Rocks. Makes me want to use my computer even more.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Marc
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 08-Dec-99

I love the sounds but I have never been able to respect this synth because when you stop a sequence and then start up again, it starts from the place you stopped, never at the beggining. This makes it very hard to sequence with any drum loops and wav sequencer like Cakewalk.

I have pain. The fact that you cant start from the beginning and record 1 loop makes me cry because otherwise THIS THING RULEZ

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Strict-9
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 04-Feb-00

Very cool ..... thanx .

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Herbert
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Feb-00

As Marc says, when you stop a sequence and then run it again, it doesn't start from the beginning, which makes it a bit difficult to use. But you can download from http://www.d-lusion.com/ a program called DAS (digital audio server). It lets you synchronize e.g. 3 ducks or 2 ducks and one drumstation (the duck's beatbox companion). And it has a rewind-button! I only regret that the whole thing doesn't work in stereo, but - hey! - nothing in this world is perfect.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: pjabber
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Jun-00

This software is da bomb!

Simple to use and way great fx.

I was laying track within minutes and the sound was knocking me down!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Zepp
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not available (yet)
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jun-00

A real TB-303 sound thrue Emulation has not been realized yet, and in my opinion it will never be that way, coz the only machine capable of giving the real 303 sound is....The TB-303 made by the Roland corp. And people...PLEASE STOP WHINING ABOUT IT! We all know what a 303 is by now, lets go on to the next level and stop this foolish search for a sound that has already created.
Now lets talk about RubberDuck... Well actually its a very nice program indeed, and it's capable of some serious sh*t!!! , From deep sub-bass sounds to sequenced screams of yoy (also know as melodies),plus with it's build in Wav player (actually 2)which can be used for drumloops,vocals etc it can be used stand alone. A nice one.

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Michele Milani
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jun-00

Very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: qa
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jun-00


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: herbert weixelbaum
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 15-May-01

Anyone still using rubberduck? If so, you might be interested that an installation of rubberduck 2.10 demo puts timesink-tsadbot-spyware in your system (as does d-lusion's MJStudio). Uninstalling rubberduck seems to get rid of the spyware. If you just remove the spyware (with Ad-aware from http://www.lavasoft.de for instance), your rubberduck won't work any longer. The older rubberduck-version 2.01 seems to be clean. Also other programs install spyware (e.g. Go!zilla). Some information on spyware can be found on http://grc.com/optout.htm. Maybe you don't care much about this spyware-thing - I just thought, you should know. Herbert

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: tom
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-May-01


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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: TecX
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-May-01

Still a beginner and have no-idea what half that shit on it does, however, wacking the mouse button on different things seems to make some groovy tunes!

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: Piero Campilii
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Sep-03

It looks nice... What do I have to do to download it???

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Sep-03

it's not freeware - buy it from d-lusion.com for $34,95

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Product:  D-Lusion - RUBBERDUCK
Name: BoingoBoing
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Nov-09

Still rocks!

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