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Logic Pro X - Electronic Drummer Tracks + Drum Machine Designer

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Author: admin
Date: 26-Jul-15

Logic Pro X Electronic Drummers and the Drum Machine Designer offer a lot of creativity for dance & electronic musicians. Programming beats with Electronic Drummer Tracks pattern editor is similar to the Acoustic Drummers pattern editor but with some major differences. These videos show you everything about using the Electronic Drummer Tracks pattern creator/editor editor in detail including tricks and tips for creating beats & production extras - The second playlist is about the actual Drum Machine Designer instrument.... except it isn't really an 'instrument', it's a clever overlay which sits on top of Ultrabeat!

Drum Machine Designer factory voice patches are a combination of an Ultrabeat voice and it's output channel with eq & effects added. These load into the Ultrabeat in the background on the fly. Check out the videos for a full on tutorial... Everything you need to know including: How to create completely synthesised Drum Machine Designer voices; how to create and save your custom drum voice patches into the library alongside the factory voices; how to create & save a blank 'vanilla' Drum Machine Designer kit always ready to quickly load your samples into for creating custom sample-based kits; how to use custom Smart Control panels in Drum Machine Designer for custom voices; How to create custom mixer setups to accompany your custom kits etc etc... you wont find this stuff in other tutorials out there on the web!! - All videos in full 1080 HD!

Logic Pro X Electronic Drummer tracks tutorial


Logic Pro X Drum Machine Designer tutorial


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'Logic Pro X - Electronic Drummer Tracks + Drum Machine Designer'

There are a total:  2  comments posted to this page.

Name:  Jeff Taylor
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  17-Apr-16

Finally a GREAT and exaustive tutorial with Logic Drummer!

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Name:  Civa
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  29-May-16

I love this series, and am working to use it for all the drum samples I have now, however I would like to know if you
could do one for Drum Kit Designer as well?


A multisample made from multiple samples would probably be better for drum kit designer drum kits than it would
be for drum machine designer (which I don't think can do multisample, though I could be wrong) In all honesty, I'm
not even sure what Drum Kit designer, and the producer kits, are fed by.

Another example would be that Logic does provide Taiko Drums and Chinese Drums in it's sampler
(World>Percussion>Asian Kit), however that would be much better utilized if it were a drum Kit, I would think.
The same applies to the hang drums, which are in the european kit. It's just not the same using them in piano roll,
when I believe it would be much better served as a multichannel drum kit.

I know it's a lot to ask, however is this possible?

I thank you in advance, either way.

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