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Synths For Dance & Home Studio - An Overview

Welcome to Synths information. Here we will attempt to offer some guidance & advice for beginners who may be confused by the new world of home & studio recording & dance music making.

To start with, these are the top-selling synths last month at Thomann superstore, one of the largest retailers in Europe - This shortlist gives you some pointers as to what products are popular in this category at today's date.

arturia - microfreak

behringer - cat

behringer - crave

behringer - deepmind 12

behringer - model d

behringer - neutron

behringer - poly d

behringer - pro-1

behringer - td-3-am yellow

behringer - td-3-bu

behringer - td-3-sr

d³breq - stylophone gen-x1

korg - minilogue xd

korg - nts-1

korg - volca beats

korg - volca drum

korg - volca fm

korg - volca keys

moog - dfam

moog - subharmonicon

There's no rules as to what sounds you can & can't use beyond the basics that define a style... First, and number one priority is The Groove!!... Nothing is going to matter soundwise if the groove aint happening, so this is our first tip....


Nothing is going to improve your tracks more... NOTHING... and you'll probably have alot of good times, and meet some cool people.... Just get your arse out of the house, and go and join a percussion workshop..... learn to play Djembe, conga, bongos... any hand drums, because all the rhythms from the drums, bass, synths etc is just drum patterns but with other features like pitch.


Next come the sounds themselves... There are loads of requests from people on the newsgroups....

"WHAT IS THE BEST DANCE SYNTH/MODULE ?"... or.... "Is the VD303 pro quality?"..

And they are bollox questions really.... What the hell is "Pro quality".....or a "Dance module" ??......Hmmmmm !

There are definately sounds you do need, like 909 style thumping kiks for house etc or mebbe 'typical' garage drum sounds, but beyond these standard sounds there comes originality, and that can be achieved without spending a packet....

So... basically, styles have usual or 'typical' sounds which identify the style!.... What we need is to get a good compromise between the sounds that are particular for a style, or what people want to hear, and some originality to go with it....

So yes in a way, there are modern "Dance" synths, but... If we all end up using them, think about it?.... What will make your sound different to others??..... So when we say "Dance synth", we mean a synth with versatile sounds for styles, and not too much orchestral stuff!


The weapons available can be devided into 4 types.... these are the basis for all the dance sounds you hear... It's probably good to have one of each type if working in hardware OR in software now that FM, Additive & Subtractive, wavetable etc styles of synthesis are available in s/w plugin form to be played and controlled in real-time with decent fast computers costing £500 quid or so.


This covers all the mono and polysynths up to about the late 70's early 80's... They use analog oscillator curcuits to create basic raw waves... these are then manipulated with filters, envelopes, modulation etc... The great thing is they have so much control source in the form of knobs and/or sliders and wheels etc... that they are a players dream... because they were played by players... people who had migrated from Hammonds, Rhodes and other players instruments.

The trademark of the analog synth, is a very fat warm upfront sound & some tuning problems on some models.

Famous Analog synths include: Rolands Juno 106 & the Jupiter6, the Moog Prodigy & the Minimoog, Roland's tb303, mc202, SH02, sh09, sh1000 & sh2000, Sequential Pro-one & prophet5, Arp Odyssey, korgs monopoly & polysix etc.

If you don't want to spend a bucketful of money on old vintage kit, you can try Novation's Basstation range, ControlSynthesis' Deep Bass 9, Syntechno, Access virus, etc etc etc...


DCO's or Digital Control Oscillators came along in the late seventies, ofering more tuning stability than the Analog VCO's..... They are sometimes classed as Analog synths (especially by those wanting to sell them !!)......Yet they sound different.....cleaner, and less upfront & harsh......The Roland JX3P or the MKS module range were classic examples, as were Korgs DW stuff, ....they are cheaper to buy nowadays that true Analog gear, and can be real cool to use....Later models like the Ensonique stuff were very popular with people like Adamski.... Most later DCO synths included Ring Modulation, which allowed them to start making Glassy pads and transparent FX pads....


Then along came Yamaha, and blew the world away....FM or Frequency Modulation Synthesis, introduced the Algorithm......The best way to describe it, is as a series of building blocks....the contents of which can change and interact with each other....The raw sound waves for FM are digital waves...these are then tweaked and modulated.......The Yamaha DX7 changed the music business almost overnight......Suddenly, keyboard players could get passable real piano, strings and other instrument impressions at the flick of a switch.....FM synthesis was the first step outside of sampling to reproduce real instruments and other cool sounds to an acceptable standard......FM synths from Yamaha come with 4 or 6 Operators......The operators each contain a DCO, envelope, filter etc...

These FM synths are the foundation of House, Garage, original Chicago Techno and alot of other styles.....Your sound arsenal will not be complete without one......They do all the cheezey little organ sounds....harp type patches.....tuned percussive stuff.....solid & hollow basses etc etc....

Models to look for are listed via the Budget Synth Button....4 Operator stuff like the DX100 mini-keyboard...the FB01 module....and the best of the lot, the TX81Z (8 part multi-timbrel !!)....Then of course you have the 6 Operator DX7, TX802 rack etc.....But the 6 Operator stuff doesnt sound so cheezey......


The next step came with the introduction of the Roland D50 synth, as featured exclusively on "Man in the Mirror" by Micheal Jackson/Quincey Jones, and it blew the rest away subjectively. This time the raw waves for processing were actual samples of instrument attack transients, like the Flute "Chiff" sound on Man in the Mirror. These attack waves were then combined with Digital fundamental tones to produce the sustain part of the sound. They produced more believable pianos, strings, etc.

The D50 quickly found favour with the house producers for it's harsh up-front piano sound, and it's lush strings... Other models from other manufacturers soon followed.

Sample based synths or Samploid/PCM synths have reigned supreme for most of the time. These are your source for the truly wierd and wonderful. They also usually contain lots of Sawtooth, Square & Sine waves and can produce pretty cool analog impressions too, although the sound is cleaner and less harsh that a real analog. So these synths can either do the lot, if you can get into programming them, or can be a compliment to the more upfront basic synths. They are great for all chewns and especially good for atmospherics & imitations of strings, saxes, pianos etc as well as ambient pads and other noises and evolving stuff.

Of these types, my favourite is the Korg Wavestation, because it's the most different soundwise... Some early cheapies include the D110 & 220 from Roland, most of the Kawai range etc... Star Top-range sample synths include models like the Kurzwiel K Series range and the famous Roland JV1080.


Analog modelling was introduced commercially with the Swedish Clavia "Nord Lead" synth which was embellished with a "NO SAMPLES" logo just to rub in the point... These synths use mathmatical software calculations of some kind to mimic the classical analog waves. They were typified in the early days by very limited multi-timbrelity and low polyphony... For example, the Roland JP-8000 will only give 2 parts multi-mode... In other words, in a midi set-up, you can only have it play 2 sounds at a time... Since then analog modelling has come on in leaps and bounds with typical modern units such as the classic Novation Supernova or Virus offering full on multi-timbrality and large polyphony.

These Analog modelling synths definately do sound more upfront & raw than sampled analog wave synths... Other Analog modelling synths include the Novation Drumstation & Basstation & Quasimidi 309... Soon after hardware Analog modelling synths hit the market we saw software based analog modelling synths appearing in plugin form such as the excellent Rebirth RB-338 from Propellorheads, or the Rubberduck Synth from D-Lusion... Both available from the reviews here in the "Synth Section".


They have come of age in the last few years over the turn of the millenium and now in 2008 with cheap powerful PC's & Mac's possible for a modest outlay, these are becoming more and more the norm people use, especialy as crack versions are so easy to come by online - Other benefit's over hardware are easier interfaces using big screens, saving of presets with your sequencer songs, and with a decent asio or whatever soundcards you can play them all in realtime, just like playing a hardware module from another hardware synth-keyboard in a hardware setup.

The downside is lack of portability ease, potential lesser stability/robustness if taken to play live gigs which relates to the first downside of portability too... Also, hardware has that 'something' about it - Another pain is hardware controller setup - but with hardware controllers becming more common & easier to use you can get that sorted with a variety of makes and models and more to come.

Add your general synth comments
or nominate an unlisted synth here!
For listed synths, please leave your comments or review on the actual synth item page - You can browse all synths in the GEAR section - if you have an actual question, try asking on the forums.



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Synth section comments

Name: K
Email: Here
Activity:  Professional
Date: 18-Sep-99

test synth comments

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Name: Paul
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 19-Sep-99

Rolands Juno & Jupiter range are dco-synths. At least the ones I own. To make a distinction between "true" analog synths and these type of synths is not very relative, especially if you get it wrong!

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Website:  My name is AKIRA. I live in Tokyo Japan.
Activity:  Professional
Date: 24-Sep-99

My name is AKIRA. I live in Tokyo Japan.
Ifm interested in TECHNO, electronic instruments store, musical magazine concerned in DTM of Germany and England.
Please, show me the most discount store and onefs URL.
( Especially, I want Pulsar, Nord Lead2, Waldorf Q, Logic Audio platinum4.0,
Reality, Super nova )
If youfll instruct me information, Ifm sure to send information about electronic instruments stores in Tokyo.
Next ,please, exchange the magazines appeared about DTM and a good deal of advertisement of the stores between you and me. AKIRA

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Activity:  Professional
Date: 24-Sep-99

My name is AKIRA. I live in Tokyo Japan. Ifm interested in TECHNO, electronic instruments store, musical magazine concerned in DTM of Germany and England. Please, show me the most discount store and onefs URL. ( Especially, I want Pulsar, Nord Lead2, Waldorf Q, Logic Audio platinum4.0, Reality, Super nova ) If youfll instruct me information, Ifm sure to send information about electronic instruments stores in Tokyo. Next ,please, exchange the magazines appeared about DTM and a good deal of advertisement of the stores between you and me.

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Name: Sayer
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 26-Sep-99

Hey! Where's the entries for the Roland Alpha Juno/MKS-50 and the Super JX(JX-10)/MKS-70 synths? These are great synths for dance music, but no mention in the synth section of this site.

These synths can be heard on many pro techno/trance recordings and can be bought second hand for cheap.

Lets get some coverage of these monsters.... :-)

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Name: pillform
Activity:  Professional
Date: 30-Sep-99

I love the new sounds of Roland synths,
but they're made so cheap now. I had an
MC-303 groove box and it fried in about 1one year. I just wish Roland would still make the old heavy metal box's that they used to...but don't we all.

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Name: vlady
Website:  no
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Oct-99

Hey there! I haave a quastion to ask you. I am just startin with dance music and now I have about 1500$US to spend on dance gear . What must I buy?

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Name: MynDLesS
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Oct-99

Hi, I'm a beginner dance music producer using only my computer and a couple of software apps. I'm looking for the best synthesizer for under $1000 that has a lot of techno-oriented instruments, as well as easy to use. What synthesizer should I get or what make should I be looking into?

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Name: Georgie
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Oct-99

ARP QUADRA for sale.
Want to bid?
Check: (Musik & Instrumente).
Auktion until november 28.

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Name: Pekka Väisänen
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Nov-99

If you have a good computer. P2 > 400Mhz, you really only need Rebirth 338(everybody knows this) and DREAMSTATION (from audiosimulation). With these two there just isn't anything you can't do!!!
The DS is a software virtual modelling synth that allows samples to used as the source for the oscillators. I used the Nord lead 2 for a year, and now after a month of using the DS, i've got SOOOOOO much better sounds!!!

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Name: Kevyn David
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 05-Nov-99

Can anyone compare the nova and the virus who's played with both? I'd like to get one, but can't choose which. I've also been thinking of bagging my sh-101 for a juno60 or 106. Any opinions on either of these, in comparison?

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Name: Zach
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Nov-99

I'm a DJ that recently got into production. I'm looking for a unit with huge drum and synth sounds for breakbeat production. I looked into novation but the sounds in the demos on their site were pretty lame. If anyone can help me find a reasonably priced way to get sounds like Crystal Method, Cirrus, and Prodigy (for lack of better examples) please e-mail me. Thanx

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Name: Z-twig
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 06-Nov-99

I'm a new electronic Autechre-like music maker, I want to buy a waldorf/novation synth but I don't know wich! re me Autechreliker!

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Name: Rand
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 10-Nov-99

Nominate: Clavia Nord Modular
Virtual Analog Modeling (4 DSPs @ 80MHz)
[MP3s][Specs][Editor & OS Download]
If it can be mathematically described, then the Modular can [probably] make it live in your ears! Anything you can imagine! Oh, As long as you're willing to download one of the 3000+ user shared analog (physical system) models (patches) OR (virtually) wire the model (patch) yourself. Check it out. 5 of 5.
*A bit expensive but worth every cent - Also, Micro (1 DSP @ 80MHz) Modular for <$900

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Name: NovaHeart
Activity:  Professional
Date: 14-Nov-99

The Jupiter series synths by Roland were VCO, not DCO as Paul states up higher in september. The Juno six was Roland's first DCO synth I believe....By the way, my fav synth is the Jupiter 6. Its analog, but more musical then many of the older analogs before it. Plus, it looks great and sounds fat and rich. And it has midi too!! The JP 8000 is awesome too.

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Name: EX|EL
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Nov-99

*Access Virus Editor software for Mac*

I've recently completed an editor for the Access Virus synth, if you own a Virus and are using a Mac, check out and download Virus Visual Editor v1.1!!!!

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Name: Das_Emax
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Nov-99

I wonder if anyone here has used the Ensoniq Fizmo. I'd like to know how good is it directly from a user.
Regards !

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Name: mindwrecker
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 19-Nov-99

My korg prophecy outputs are going bad, where can i get replacement parts? I need them sent to the US, and is it hard to fix? Where can i get it fixed?

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Name: ian
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 22-Nov-99

im looking for a korg ms10.... or any info on old japanes shitty sounding snths... does something called a black box exist?

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Name: Brett
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 25-Nov-99

hey people i ned someones help
im stuck on my W-30 its a pain in the ass but i love it so much
if u have icq, icq me!!!!39230369
plus how do i get them low end bass sounds of my juno-106? cause i dont have the presets tape

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Name: Daniel
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 26-Dec-99

I wanna make breakbeat/drumnbass with element of jazz/funk. What drum machines/samplers/synths would be best to buy ? If anyone can help me, please send me an email.

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Name: Ron Harper
Email: Here@Microf***k
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 13-Jan-00

Is there anabody who have got the Doepfer A-100 Mini ?
How does it sound ?

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Name: jojo the dog faced boy
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Jan-00

I know i say this at the risk of being laughed at but...
how bout you review the yamaha DJX keyboard.
It looks like a toy i know, but so is the mc 303 and the djx does pretty much the same thing with out the ludicrous price tag

give the po' man a break here , and give it a review

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Name: Sean
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Jan-00

I have a DJX my parents gave me.....its terrible, dont buy one! I only use the keys to play samples from my sampler, everything from the keys up is a joke! I think I'm gonna sell it and get a real keyboard. The think is bulky as hell too.

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Name: Ice Trey
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 27-Jan-00

The DJX is awsome. Apprently somebody doesnt know how to use it to its full extent. All those effects, all those synth sounds, those neat knobs. Its like a lite version of the CS1x with sampler capability. Sampler does suck though, with memory in the kilobyte range and telephone quality recording it really blows. But everything else rocks on it.

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Name: Ben
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 30-Jan-00

Hi , i like very much eurodance from 94-95-96 and i want to make some , i just want to know if its hard (some people say dance is easy to make ) . i like strong synthetiser like MR VAIN , i would like get a sound like that , i dont know anything in synth , anybody can help me (what should i buy , is it hard to compose music like this ... etc)
thx e-mail me back please

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Name: Chad
Email: chad
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Feb-00

Im thinking of buying the Yamaha
CS2X- The style i wanto focus on
is a TEchno/Trance type thing.
Would the CS2X be able to DO THAT
kinda style It was reccomended to me
Its Polyphony looks good etc -
Should I spend my money on this
or should i get a more expensive
Synth from the very start if I wanto
try these styles???

Thoughts anyone?
Thanx a Bunch

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Name: Erick
Email: dj_
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 24-Feb-00

I'm a DJ and I want to creat my own track. I have a MC-505, RM1X and a PC running Cubase VST, Rebrith, Acid. But I don't like the sound of MC-505 cause it like a toy, and the sound of RM1X was not suitable for me. (I'm into making Tidy Trax and Tripoly Trax's style dance music.)I've been thinking of buying a Quasimidi Sirius because I need the beat match function for auto beat counting and match the external audio source, but I've heard the demo cd of the Sirius was very techno and electro. I'm worry Sirius also not good for my style, I'm looking for a hardware is easy for use and the sound can suitable for my style, I don't want to waste my money anymore. if anyone have any good suggestions for me, please send me an e-mail. Thanks!

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Name: Dj Tommy
Activity:  Professional
Date: 03-Mar-00

Anybody know about EMU AUDITY 2000 V2.0 some BUG inside?HELP~~~~me thank.

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Name: John Thor is Dreamboy
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 14-Mar-00

I need a few good men to create the
coolest techno trance freestyle fever
I'm in upstate New Yawk , I mean New York , I sing the techno House and
freestyle , I also compose very
wild yet clean and melodic techno
grooves and full songs too ,
I do it part time , at the moment
but If I met the right crew , I will
kick ass , and lick well lick
my fingers good baby , I mean it
I want to party all night long
how bout yawl ?????????

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Name: Audionaut
Activity:  Professional
Date: 20-Mar-00

The biggest synth patch database in the world, over 3400 files, more than 100 000 free sounds just waiting to be downloaded

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Name: Peter Hasek
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 25-Mar-00

hey K, can I write up a review for the RM1X? I was extremely surprised that it wasn't up here yet. Esp. after all the newbies askin about em.


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Name: Chad Meiring
Activity:  Professional,Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Mar-00

What be a good synth to purchase for creating trance/dance

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Name: Necrochine
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 27-Mar-00

ATTN: The Juno series may be DCO's, but the Jupiter 4/6/8 were ALL VCO synths--even if the JP6 used CEM 3370's in the voice architecture.

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Name: The Author
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 29-Mar-00

I make a special hybrid of Acid Trance Dance music with a hardcore beat. I've gotten several expensive software synths (Rebirth, Dreamstation, others). But I found that the free ones were the best (Hammerhead, Orangator). They provide a much thicker and harder sound in the proper hands, like mine.

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Name: Niels
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 01-Apr-00

mmm...Why is the Nord Modular not in the Synth List. It's a great synth
You can make any sound out of it.

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Name: CTK-601
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Apr-00

I think the CTK-601 is good for making
dancemusic.I use it with dreamstation.

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Name: Steve-O
Activity:  Professional
Date: 04-Apr-00

Hi I am a composer and I want to get into writing electronic music dance beats, etc...I don't know where to start. Could anyone out there let me know what I need to create that music.
I am completely new at this:)

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Name: ashley
Email: ashley
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Apr-00

kawai k5000r,
just picked one up last week. my first impressions are good as they are with any new synth. a few too many organs and pianos in the presets. i have started some programming, you can get results by modifiying the presets quite quickly. i have made a few sounds up from scratch, the results take a little time and arent always what you think they should be.i put this down to learning the system. i hope you all know this is an additive synth? if not i will try and explain another time as i am only giving first impressions here. there are a very large number of parameters to adjust but kawai group quite a few of these to speed things up. navigation is fine as long as you can remember some of the abreviations. the filter and amp are as expected. the effects work in a similar way to the emu proteus racks. the sounds are just great, the presets give you slowly evolving pads but i soon sped these up. the envelopes are not the quickest. the filter is either low pass or high pass but you can combine up to 6 "mini synths" to make one voice so you can make the combination you want. the filter is an extra here has you build the sound you want via the additive engine and you also have a 128 band formant filter- dont ask. this with the additive engine make an enormously powerful synth. it has a unique sound- no it really does. this is the polar opposite to your average s+s workstation and far the better for that. it isnt a dance specialised unit (no midi sync to the lfos etc) but a very very powerful synthesiser which can be used very effectively for dance. more to follow.

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Name: Wiwied
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 23-Apr-00

Hi I am from Indonesia. I am a techno, modern rock and even a ska musician. I want to start get serious with
Electronic music, but I don’t know how to start I just makes some songs with my Korg 01/w and rebirth 338. Could anyone out there let me know how to make a great, great music with this instruments? And now I have a new gear MC-303, but I don’t know to connect it with my other gears. I am really new at this. Thanks! (I am sorry for my bad grammar).

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Name: steve
Activity:  Professional
Date: 25-Apr-00

sent me latest news

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Name: Patric
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Apr-00

Hi. I live in Holland and I'm looking for a "anlogish" synth so that I really can tweak my sounds. New VAs are so expensive, so does anyone know any good sites or places to get 2nd hand gear?

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Name: Jason
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 19-May-00

Could someone tell me the best equipment out there for creating trance/house music in the styles of BT, Paul van Dyk, and others. I have been looking at purchasing a Korg Triton as my first synth....bad idea, you tell me...thanks!

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Name: joshua
Email: nemesis
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 22-May-00

I just got a Yamaha DjX and it's excellent! I'm just a beginner with Keyboards (since I used to just use the MTV Music Generator). I would like to become a Dream Trance/Dance musician but like I said, I'm no good at making my own stuff. So if someone could help me out or somethin', I would deeply appreciate it! Thanks!

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Name: timmytek
Activity:  Professional,part-timer
Date: 25-May-00

the korg triton is awesome for all genres the sounds are rich and bountiful....dancetech should go in depth on this one baby!!!!! it's only $2,100.00 =O

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Activity:  Professional,part-timer
Date: 02-Jun-00


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Name: Chris Banks
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 08-Jun-00

I like produce Techno/Trance/Ambient music using a PC as a sequencer. What drum machines/samplers/synths and if necessary, mixing desk would be best to buy ? And how are they connected together.If anyone can help me, please send me an email.


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Name: Jon
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Jun-00

Hi pro-bods. I'm new to the game, I have a cs2x syth, akai 28001 sampler digitech s100, mc303, behringer composer pro, 6 channel behringer mixing desk, PC running Cubase VST 3.7, Rebirth 2.0 and Vaz Modular. Up until visiting this site I was putting everything into Cubase as recorded wav files, giving shit results. I was just simply arranging wav files on screen. Now I know this is wrong, and I have to set up the midi channels to run the outboard hardware. Any industry bods with a few spare minutes wanna send me down the right track to actually properly putting a track together?? I'm making funky house and my disco samples on the Akai are central to my work, and I am looking at releasing my stuff on White Label (I'm a DJ and have alot of creativity, but simply no production brains!)

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Name: PMG
Website:  HTTP://WWW.MP3.COM/PMG
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 22-Jun-00


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Name: placidboy
Activity:  Professional,part-timer
Date: 26-Jun-00

listen !

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Name: Jon
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 28-Jun-00

I really want to get started in making trance dance (Astral projection, MWNN, x-dream style..etc.). I'm on a tight budget so I'm thinking of spending about $1000 Canadian to get started. What I basically want is a good synth which has everything I need to get started with. Please give me some pointers on which synth to get. Also, a link to a site which explains all the components and their uses of techno gear would be very helpful.

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Name: dj m&m
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Jul-00

keep on giong

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Name: MixMasterCid
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 21-Jul-00

I need a synth that cand do basses, leads and pads as well as
built in drums,im thinking of a Roland JX-305, or an MC-505 but im not sure if
the sounds are editable, or if i can create my own sounds. I already have an Electribe-A and an Ensoniq ESQ-1.
i can spend up to $1500 CDN.

Can anyone make recommendations?

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Name: l,.äöbnm
Email: hvjhg
Website:  jghjh
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 30-Jul-00


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Name: VV
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 31-Jul-00

hey k - pro'lly time that the cs1x moved on into the budget synth section, eh? 350 typically used, 300 if u shop a bunch - i think like 500 new or 550 mebbe (all that's US, too)

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Name: Jim
Activity:  Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Aug-00

mixmastercid... i have a jx305
The sound patches are editable and there are lots of deadly sounds. there's a lot of hollow fm type sounds but the good ones make up for it.
Most of the bass's are thin sounding but there are a few good ones aswell.
There are plenty of drum sounds and drum kits, and the inbuilt sequencer is perfect for creating a basic idea of how the track is to's simple and quick to use.. however a proper sequencer is needed after this stage. The fx are pretty good but only one can be used at a time(besides reverb and delay). The main downside is there are only left and right outputs.. which makes outboard manipulation of any of the individual 8 channels impossible.
Still.. good sounds from it but a bit pricy. The MC-505 is the exact same except without the keyboard and a with a few more features.
I have days i regret getting it and days i couldn't be without it..

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Name: rob
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 05-Aug-00

i just started making trance music. i'm looking for keyboards with big, fat sounds. there's a specific sound alot of producers use in their epic trance tracks. when the sound is filtered it sort of sounds like an arp and then when it opens it turns into a pretty synth stab/ if anyone could help me would appreciate.

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Name: Tim Young
Activity:  Professional
Date: 21-Aug-00

I am surprised you haven't mentioned Sequential Circuits. I adore my Prophet VS, which I find FAR superior to the Korg Wavestation. Not to mention the Prophet 5, which no studio should be without.

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Name: jon
Activity:  Professional
Date: 31-Aug-00

i would like to know if u guys know where in the internet find a voice maker, like voice changer when u talk on a voice chat or somethin, please if u know an adress where i could go please write me back, ill precite it, thank u

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Name: Javier
Activity:  Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Sep-00

I have used Audiosim v2.0 by Audio Simulation in my band for over a year and I must say its one of the most straight forward, powerful and most beautiful realtime analog software synths Ive ever used..I can do anything I want with it, keeping a raw edge on my music! It rocks!

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Name: Stephan
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 16-Sep-00

can anybody tell me about software synths? can you compare the quality of their sound to hardware synths-advantages´n´ disadvantages! thanks for response

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Name: al
Activity:  part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 24-Sep-00

can you guys reccomend a synth for industrial music? Ive been looking at the Darkstar and Electribes and was wondering which were better?

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Name: bi
Email: a@.s
Activity:  Professional
Date: 27-Sep-00

No to anser a question?
soft synths I find do not compare very well against hardware syn's
I have tested every soft syn to date- ok

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Name: samanthar
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Sep-00

is there any websites where u can compose music on line

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Name: k
Email: here
Activity:  Professional
Date: 28-Sep-00

guys - if you have discussions or questions, also try the forums

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Activity:  Professional
Date: 25-Oct-00


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Name: Essence
Activity:  Professional,Hobby-ist
Date: 30-Oct-00

Hi, I just need a complete version of the "Audisim 2.0 Demo" that let me write to wav, can anybody help me?

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Name: Wesley
Activity:  Professional
Date: 06-Nov-00

Someone said the Triton, it's most definitely the shiznit. It has a dual polyphonic arpeggiator- very original.
The Emu X-treme Lead one also happens to kick a lot of ass.
I am in particuar a techno-type keyist, only I also play rock and classical...
The Emu has 16 arpeggiators-talk about power- you could sequence an entire mix just from this one machine.
Great for someone looking for a lot but without much cash.

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Name: Booden
Activity:  Professional
Date: 21-Nov-00

Shut up you bunch of mutleyz

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Name: al
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 24-Nov-00

i know this question must make me sound like a dumbass, but how do convert patterns you make in rebirth into either midi files or wavs?

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Name: ben
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Nov-00

I guess i am somewhat new to all this kinda stuff. i own a tr-707 and i have a friend with an sp-808. i was thinking of getting an es-1 (the new electribe thing) i have been looking all over for reviews but with out any success if anyone knows anything at all about it i would appreciate you emailing me just saying if you think its a good buy or not thanks

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Name: Sean K
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 08-Dec-00

I'm into goa/psy and it's my favorite to create, but I feel very limited using the tools I have now (yamaha cs6x and several SAMPLE BASED progs). I've had my eye on the mc 505 for the longest time, but I just wanted to know if anyone can comment on what'd be a good addition to my equipment for goa/psy making purposes. Also, if anyone could help me out with midi and my cs6x, I'd be much greatful!

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Name: Sean K
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 08-Dec-00

hello me, it's me again... back to my cs6x and midi...I was wondering if there's anyway with midi to do machine like sequencing with my cs6x and midi. (such as the quality of what a 505 could offer). There's a thick obvious difference between sequences and synth lines, and I'd love to rock out sequences with my cs6x via midi if possible (the only way it would be possible). You can't make user arpegio that's out of the question...GAY!

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Name: Sean K
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 08-Dec-00

3rd listing in a row...I know! sorry...but I was just so excited to come across this site. but I was wondering if anyone could comment on the Korg Z1. how is it's sound qualities? I know the stats...I just wanna know if it's as good as it is sexable!

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Name: Chris Bride
Activity:  Professional
Date: 15-Dec-00

Korg Triton Pro w/MOSS expansion, 16mg,
version 2 software, 8 months old, in
studio use only, asking $27

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Name: Nick Fire
Activity:  Professional,Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Dec-00

i use acid pro 2.0 (from Sonic Foundry-free trial version available)
I use Fruity Loops (drum machine, basslines, etc)
Orion (awesome TR909 Drum machine, also capable of doing Bass Lines,
sampling, etc.)
Hammer- Drum Machine-- Freeware
BeatMe- (will make your samples -loopable)
Rubber Duck-- awesome acid bass

to hear my music, go to:

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Name: Brandon
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Dec-00

Ok here it goes...... I want to start making electro music in the styles of DARUDE and BLANK & JONES I'm really new at this but I love it!!! Newayz my question is could someone please give me some good synths or drum machines that would help me do this and please i'm only 15 so try to keep the price down a bit.Thanxs Very Very Much!!!!!

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Name: Paladin
Website:  HTTP://
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Dec-00

Hey, about DJX! I own one, and if you would like to hear some sample pieces, just check my Personally I think that DJX is fine for a newbie (like me), but it lacks badly when it comes to sampling, since it has terrible sampler !

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Name: Paladin
Website:  HTTP://
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Dec-00

Hey, about DJX! I own one, and if you would like to hear some sample pieces, just check my Personally I think that DJX is fine for a newbie (like me), but it lacks badly when it comes to sampling, since it has terrible sampler !

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Name: Sean K
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 01-Jan-01

F the DJX...F it!

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Name: Rick
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 03-Jan-01

I have been working with the Yamaha RM1x for some time now and am looking to get a synth for some new sounds. Have been thinking of a Korg EA-1 or ES-1 but am not quite sure yet. Any advice for good trance/ambient sounding modules? Thanks

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Name: poxxero
Activity:  Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Jan-01

What is that one synthesiser sound that i keep hearing on 90% of trance music? It is usually the trance line or the lead line that it's mostly used. Anyone know?

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Name: Sablone87
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 12-Jan-01

Hey Jojo the dog faced,
The DJX is not comparable to the mc-303 in any way, If you own one you'll know that it is not a professional sounding instrument, but is an excellent entry into programming and sequencing electronic music, the DJx is another yamaha budget synth that has very little editing capabilty (compared to the 303, and a sequencer that is not very "Groove Friendly", minimal at best. I bought the 303 the day it was released as my first synth/sequencer, and I think anyone on a budget should pick one up just to learn from, and it will help show you what its all about. since my 505 days, I've purchase a novation drum station, juno 106, alpha juno 2/pg300, korg poly 800, jx3p/pg200, mks 30, casio cz 101,cz 1000, numerous soft synths, an alesis sr-16, and a roland mc-505 groovebox, the 505 is an excellent Professional sequencer and controller, the synthesis engine I have not found to be the sound quality that I like, but is usable if you spend a lot of time creating original sounds. But as a sequencer and a controller, I am very pleased. If you are a newbie and dont want to spend $1500 on a non multitimbral polysynth, $500 on a drum machine, $300 on a monosynth. Then buy the 303 or 505 and learn sequencing first. later

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Name: bug boy
Email: none
Activity:  Professional
Date: 16-Jan-01

Reply to Z1 question: -

I ued a Korg Z1 in my last college and it whooped ass, the user interface is a bit slow but apart from that it's great.
I've got a supernova (the king synth in my opinion), but I'm still saving for a Z1 and Nord micro modular, anyone got any feedback on the micro modular, is the four note poly to restricting or does it still sound good with complex patches.

!Bug Boy!

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Name: Sean
Activity:  Professional,part-timer
Date: 18-Jan-01

in reply to rick's post. I played with a korg ea-1, and I was very impressed with the powerful sound it has that I haven't heard anywhere else. you'll be happy if you get one. do it!

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Name: some guy
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Jan-01

need advice on dance music production(house/trance).what equipment to buy etc!07833117373.just startin out.please!!!!!!!!!! anyone out there think tall pauls "freebase" is DA TUNE!

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Name: Stewart Miles
Activity:  part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-01

Check it out, a major new release of MASS the Modular Analogue Soft Synth for Win 95/98/2000. Hmmm, I know there's loads of these available already like, Buzz, Vaz, Reactor, SynC Modular etc. However the difference is that MASS is really REALLY quick and easy to use. No more mucking about with multipliers, adders, ramps etc. to even get a sound. No more holding loads of keys to just make a module connection. No more restrictions!

Check it!


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Name: Jason
Activity:  Professional
Date: 20-Jan-01

OK, to all the newbies that want to create music, listen to the sound of the synth. If it sounds good to you, use it.Dont listen to people who cant even figure out how to play a synth like the djx. Its not about price, or bells and whistles of a synth, its the person playing it, retarded people make retarded sounds. Look at the old synth masters like Gary Newman, Kraftworks, Neworder, and the likes. What did they have to work with, and how did it sound. Now do you get the drift? KULTUR ( 4 of us in the states ) uses djx, juno 6, SC pro 1, and anything else that sounds good to us. We make music because we love to create, simple. If you are trying to copy a style do it with taste, add your own touch and soul. Dont imitate, create a sound to call your own. If any one questions these words, go to our site on mp3, and see what I mean. If your going to bash a synth, or a person for liking it, thats your issue. We will keep making music, and you will fade away in your fake world.

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Name: shaun
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Jan-01

I've been playing around with music on my computer using trackers for a number of years, and now Im wanting to dive deeper and get some hardware. I played with the Korg EA-1, ES-1, ER-1, and Roland MC-505 in the stores. The 505, although made by the Gods of electronica themselves, I wasn't too impressed with. Maybe because it's so many things bundled together into one. Sampler, drumkit, sequencer, etc. The sound had decent bass, but it wasn't very... meaty. The Korg blew me away. It was easy to use, and the sound was absolutely phat. Nice range on the EA-1 from gritty, to meaty, to soft analog synth. The ER-1 put out some nice bass, and the midi was cool. I didn't figure out much on the midi end (didn't have any books to read at the store). The ES-1 I didn't play with as much, but the sounds were still nice and rich (what I heard anyways). Anyways, those are my 2 cents, based on a few days playing around in the music store. Oh yea... I also like the price difference between the Electribes and the Groovebox 505. :)

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Name: Sean
Activity:  Professional,part-timer
Date: 22-Jan-01

In responce to jason's post. I checked out your page, I think your project is talented, a track like shiek would definitely get me on the dance floor. But I think you got a little too easily offended by my "F the DJX post". The DJX is a toy, you can buy them at best buy for fucks sake. if playing preset drum sounds and hitting "oooh" and record scrath sound fx while preset house beats play is your thing, then I guess the DJX is a fabulous instrument. And gary newman, kraftwork and new order all used synths that are sought after majorly today, so your comment on them about the instruments they used was not a very appropriate one. I use a yamaha cs6x synthesizer, a roland mc 505, and several computer programs. no matter what, if you slap an electronic instrument in front of someone who isn't talented, they're not going to be able to do very much with it. I started 8 years ago with a yamaha pss toy keyboard, different machines are capable of different things, and the DJX just does not reach the profesional level any serious electronic music maker is looking for. I'm sure you'd prefer several machines over it but it's what you have so you're making the best of it. A year and a half ago I was performing with a psr 530, a korg X3, and a casio cz1000. I love making music, but these machines just do not have the status I need to feel unlimited, either does the DJX. hopefully I didn't come off offensive in anyway, that was far from any motive I had. I like your music and respect your opinion, but I'm sure you'd be willing to trade your djx for my cs6x any day!

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Name: poop dawg
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 22-Jan-01

yo the 505 don't have a sampler on it derost, and roland aren't the gods of electronica anymore, they fired the person who mad the 909 n 303...and i'm sure the 101/202/808/jupiter creators are gone now, although the jp8000 does sound nice^_^, the ES1 will sound as good as the sounds u put into them, but the sampler specs are low, don't get groove boxes, they're bad stuff, if u want to make tracks get real gear, but if u wanna just make it a hobby, go for the groove stuff i get, go for hte rm1x in particular, great sequencer, you can use it still when u want to go more pro...also check out for a new rm1x/su700 hybrid, which should b good.^_^

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Name: Jason Vanhelsdingen
Activity:  Professional
Date: 24-Jan-01

Thanks for the reply Sean, and yes, we would be glad to trade you one of our djx's for a cs6x, I recommend that keyboard to any up and comming, or established musician. In regards to your post, we all have our ideas, no offence taken. You are right about the electronic " TOYS " , to use them for the preset beats, and the pre-sampled effects would be sad. But on the other hand there are sounds and effects that these toys do so well, and ran through an effects processor even does more. But it does take some skill, as you stated. Like the cz101, at on time was considered a toy, now its a very sought after relic, ( I want one, LOL ). If any one is searching for this, and other classic synths, you can find them in abundance on ebay. I picked my juno 1 up for under 200 US dollars, and it was in perfect condition. By the way Sean, do you have any of your tracks on the net? I would like to listen to them, as you gave us a nice critique, I am curious about your style. Thanks for the listen again. Talk to you peeps soon, bye.

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Name: Jason Vanhelsdingen
Activity:  Professional
Date: 24-Jan-01

Oh, forgot to say in the last post, I love Neworder, they are my all time favorite band, and a big influence to my music. My comment on them ,kraftwork and Gary was a compliment to their ingenuity. They had to deal with real anolog synths that went out of tune, had to warm up, and were tempermental. ( whew, are we not lucky? ) But the sounds and music they created are still heavenly to my ears. I guess what I am trying to say is, its too easy to get caught up in the " HOT " new gear craze. Dont let it drown the originality and soul of the music you create. Thanks, see ya!

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Name: Sean K
Activity:  Professional,part-timer
Date: 26-Jan-01

In response to "poop dawg": The 505 is based on synthesis, how many sample based SEQUENCERS do you see with synth engines? You can link a 505 up to any sampler (or computer with a sample based sequencing program) via midi and sync the tempo; having the patterns from both machines start at the same time by pressing play on one...And the 505 was brought out well past the time of the 303 and the 909. So if anything that statement about their creator being fired would relate to progression in roland gear design. Sample based music is limited when it comes to thick sound design and especially tweaking. You can hardly ever get away with thick punchy, morphing synth sounds when working with strictly sample based machinery (I did say MORPHING), even if you sampled the sound from a machine that this is capable of, which I've learned from experience. I'm not content with it, I've been doing it for years and still feel limited, so I got a 505 to brighten things up. If the music you make is along the lines of house, hiphop gabber, or d&b that mainly focuses on the beat, then you should have no problem coming up with acceptable music with a sampler. But for complex sound editing and design, synthesis is a must have. A few artists off the top of my head (bypass unit, astral projection, and the industrial scenes kevorkian death cycle) all use the 505 and are concidered to be on a very professional level. I've played the exact same pattern on my cs6x, and sampled the sound, programed the same sequence on my comp, and gotten horrible results compared to the original. I do not take any particular liking to one companies machines and never bosted about roland having great gear and I do resent the name "groovebox" being on a machine I love very much, but never the less, its' mainstream name has nothing to do with what the 505 is capable of. ::NUFF SAID::

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Name: Psychedelica Kat
Website:  n/a
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Feb-01

Does anyone know how to program a Casio CZ-101? Some people say it's very easy to program and others say it's hard. I followed the instructions in the Sound Synthesis Book but they weren't any help. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Name: Philip Lyons
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Feb-01

Anyone know how I can access the
built-in sounds (1-155) on my DJX
from Cubase 5 Mac?

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Name: Tom Collingburn
Activity:  part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Feb-01

Ok.. anyone wanting to do dance/trance the only synths worthit are Roland JP's, Nords, but the best is novations Supernova2... i have 1... they blow all the other crap away!

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Name: Gothx
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Feb-01

I've been listening to it long enuff and i want to try making my own industrial music. Can anyone point me to a site(s) that show me the way to go or start..thanks

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Name: Alexander Lau
Activity:  Professional
Date: 22-Feb-01

To the guy looking for a good synth. The Clavia Nord Lead or the Clavis Nord Modular with Keyboard really kick ass!!
We use both...........

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Name: Chris Shilton
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Feb-01

Hi there!

Im 19 and want to make a living out of making dance/trance tunes (but then everyone does - right?!!). Please visit my site & download some tunes (especially "Dreaming") and send me some feed back - please!!!!

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Name: Matt Fitzpatrick
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 26-Feb-01

Please keep me informed of any software that i might be interested in. I have just set up my PC for studio use and I am looking for any useful software.

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Name: greg
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Mar-01

I want to produce house beats like the H-Foundation, what is the best machine/snyth/software to buy?

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Name: Shaggy Louise Grout
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 06-Mar-01

What keyboards of today do you think produce the sounds closest to the Prophet 5, and OBX of the early 80's.

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Name: Damian
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 11-Mar-01

John Thor -
I realize that your post is nearly a year old now but.. I
read your message posted in the synth section of and the
Upstate NY thing caught my eye. Where are you upstate? I'm in the new
paltz, poughkeepsie area. I am definetly interested in doing some
colaboration if you're not too far away. Drop me an email and let me know
what you think.

PS tried to email you directly with no luck - returned with fatal errors.

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Name: Dj Nicky-M
Activity:  Professional
Date: 13-Jun-01

I was wondering if anybody has wav samples of synth sounds ??? if so can you please e-mail me. I would like to know if they want to share them !
Thank You

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Name: Mort la Creier
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 01-Sep-01

using cool edit and fruityloops 3.0 i find that electronical music sounds weird and more...electro.
and were do i find the most acid sounds?

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Name: Rocky
Activity:  Professional
Date: 09-Sep-01

This page is very useful, becouse have many good links to other pages

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Name: Nick Fire
Activity:  Professional
Date: 24-Sep-01

CHeck out my new Drum and bass/Tek Step and Break Beat tracks. thanks!@!

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Name: Ania
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 02-Oct-01

Check out my new trak called Is @
A progressive movement 4 2 chill>>>>>>>
Anew language,*:D

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Name: Ania
Activity:  Professional
Date: 02-Oct-01

feel free to use it in your live sets!!!!!!!

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Name: Cory Shaw
Activity:  Professional
Date: 07-Oct-01

I'm converting from Propellerheads Reason software to a hardware synth/workstation. I am lookin to produce Trance Music with killer synth sounds as well as laid back hip-hoppy organic type stuff with my guitars. Can anyone tell me what would be the best workstation for me? Right now I'm lookin at the Korg Karma station but I know there's lots more out there that could be a better fit. Any help would be great....thanks in advance!

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Name: Bren
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Oct-01

The Yamaha DJX keyboard sux - also if your into scratching then don't even think about buying the DJX IIB - for fucks sake it doesn't even have an onboard sampler!!!

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Name: blue-cell
Activity:  Professional
Date: 08-Nov-01

i need sounds for microwave 1
thank u

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Name: Techno-iD
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 24-Nov-01

If you need some Operating systems, infos, new sounds,new patterns, free editors for the following : Roland JX305,Roland MC505,Roland VS880Ex,Korg Prophecy, Korg ElecTribe A,Korg ElecTribe R, Korg Karma, Korg i40M,Yamaha CS2X, and more, feel free to visit my website, in english and french.
I will link to this great website too, because it is really full of ressources for my visitors ;)

Thank You !

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Name: robbie
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 25-Nov-01

Wher can I get a the sound used on the beginning W.Orbits "Adajio For strings".
It sounds like a lush soft string/Pad.I have a CX6 and a supernova.I would love a patch if poss.

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Name: riego
Website:  non
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Dec-01


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Name: Brian
Activity:  Professional
Date: 30-Dec-01

CS6X- its a good synth but needs more FX. you can only use one fx when using 16 channels with midi. if you could put an fx to each channel the synth would be the best money can buy. but with the help of midi software you can add your own fx. in my opinion its one of the best synths made. easy to learn and use, good sounds. check out my site and my music, most of which was made with just the cs6x. 4:20

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Name: tedd
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Jan-02

what synth would be good for creating goa/psy trance. i need help getting started producing goa me


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Name: Joe Strange
Activity:  Professional
Date: 14-Feb-02

Hey all,If anyone ever needs help just e-mail me,and the L in my name is an i.
Ive been producing electronic music for awhile now.I got that shit down...hahahaha.And I play drums...hahaha

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Name: DG
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Feb-02

Whats an all around good synth to by for tech,rap,or what the hell ever???

I want to simply make sounds,blow it threw my sound card and then cubase.
Just for hobby!!!

Thanks for your time

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Name: lyday
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Mar-02

My friend wants to by a workstation or synth. He is kind of just starting to produce electronic music, so I suggested that he get a workstation--like a triton or proteous.

What do you think? He is into producing Trancy Deep House and things of the sort.

Do you think a workstation is a good idea. I think it is because it's an all in one kinda thing.

AND a sequencer isn't required.

Thanks for your time Dustin Lyday

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Name: John
Activity:  Professional
Date: 05-May-02

=Soviet analog synthesizers=
Polivoks, Aelita, Ritm-2 and other real analog power machines from old CCCP...

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Name: DJ Adrenaline
Website:  n/a
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Jul-02

i DJ as a hobby, but would like to expand on my hobby and possibly go Professionally

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Name: Jonathan
Activity:  Professional
Date: 07-Aug-02


Pro-Rec offers top rated synth sounds and CD-ROMs for all major synths and samplers including the Triton, Fantom, Karma and MANY more... We have been the #1 producer of synth sounds in the world for over ten years, and our sounds have been top rated in almost every synth publication in existence. See all of our sounds at

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Name: Dave Sherriff
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Aug-02

See link - hopefully a useful little article about how analogue synths work and what they do.

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Name: Sebastian Cobreros
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Oct-02

Hello, I´ve in my computer "fruityloops",is there any software better???? please contact me... thanks

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Name: Groove Master
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Oct-02

The groovebox forum is now online @ here you can talk about grooveboxes & related gear

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Name: Groove Master
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Oct-02

The new groovebox forum is now online @ here you can talk about grooveboxes and related gear

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Name: naser
Email: jasari3@hotmail .com
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 19-Oct-02

style mambo* beguine *bossa nova

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Name: Kyle Melton
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Jan-03

Can I trigger my Roland MC 202 to play notes triggered by the CV out to its CV in with my TR 909 or 808?

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Name: Paul Maddox
Website:  Http://
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 30-Jan-03

I recently was informed of your page and wondered if you would consider adding my synth to your listing?
Its Two oscillators, each with 256 waveforms (from PPG and others) and two sub oscillators, Moog ladder VCF, analogue ADSRs and VCA.

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Name: Vinny Venom
Email: MicheleBrigante@AOL.COM
Website:  DanceTech
Activity:  Professional
Date: 22-Mar-03

I have a lot of analog gear .
I am a tweek head I like to twist nobs and buttons. I have a Virus.B Virus.C
Roland Jp8080. supernova2prox48 A6.WaldrofMicro.Q and Roland Sh-32 Nord2 and Nord3 307roland .I like come up with my own sounds .Do know about some padals or unints. I can buy to make my gear sound more hard and wierd and beefy .I do dance music and hip hop and trance some one told me about electro-harmonix stompboxs

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Name: John
Activity:  Professional
Date: 11-Jun-03

If you interested about rare analog gear - please read it!
I have a lot of vintage soviet-made analog machines for sale -
POLIVOKS - great legendary poly synth!(killer rez filter!)
ALTAIR231 - "russian minimoog"
RITM-2 - portable killer synth!!
ALISA1387 - perfect melodic synthesizer!
ROKTON -analog drum-machine!!
LEADER - transistor multi-FX processor!
MAESTRO -very compact power (+arpeggiator) polysynth!
...and more...more..
...and everyone sound much more FAT than classical machines!!!
click here and you will hear it:

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Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 20-Jul-04

i have recentley bought myself a korg electribe ea1 mk2. I have noticed that their are no websites dedicated to or mentioning this great little synth. their are a few in french but apart from "kellys industries" who dont really go in to much detail, theres hardly any mention of it, Why is this? and would you concider looking in to it and reviewing it its a brilliant synth for those who cant affored to spend a couple of grand on the latest piece of equitment, as its going for £160 brand new. many thanks haydn

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Name: alberto zarate diaz
Website:  astral projection the experience
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 12-Sep-04

espero aprender hacer sintes como astral projection ya que el goa te lleva a otro estado de conciwencia y te ayuda a explorar tu mente cuerpo y alma

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Name: Adri
Website:  uytyt
Activity:  Professional
Date: 18-Jan-05


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Name: steph
Website:  ?
Activity:  Professional
Date: 08-Apr-05

i need a synth

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Name: Daly
Website:  no
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Apr-05

Nice site:D

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Name: Bastiaan
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 22-Apr-05

We need a page for the Rozzbox. I'll write a review for it.

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Name: philippe
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 03-May-05

good and tank you.philippe

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Name: kyle spellman
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 09-May-05

good shit

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Name: Ben Prescott
Website:  n/a
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Jun-05

Hello, I currently have a few rack effect units and was wondering waht the best way to set them up into my amp from my guitar, I can't find this information anywhere. Can you help please?

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Name: Tindo
Email: slim@luxmail/com
Website:  dancetech
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 25-Jun-05

I want to creat my own music i am a pro.

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Name: steph
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 12-Aug-05

real nice

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Name: DJ M.D
Email: djmd20@walla.COM
Activity:  Professional
Date: 30-Aug-05


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Name: marco tulio orozco
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 11-Sep-05


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Name: jdjd jfdj
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Sep-05


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Name: iiro
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 22-Sep-05


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Name: harish
Email: hariish292003
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Sep-05

to learn

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Name: david
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Oct-05

I have been looking for software with good techno/trance/dance capabilities that would be easy to use and have a wide range of techno/trance synth instruments can anyone give me suggestions I have a digital keyboard attached to my computer.

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Name: Aaron Jackson
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Nov-05

i want to start producing i have been to to dance music for two years now what software should i use do i need a synth or key board or a drum machine if any ones can help me plz plz plz i want to start producting but i dont want to pick the wrong thing or buy things that i dont need thank you aaron jackson xxx

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Name: Den Van Ptycho
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 24-Nov-05

test synth comments :D i interesing at TECHNO & TRANCE Sounds

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Name: m-shiv
Activity:  Professional
Date: 24-Nov-05

I have a music softwers ,vst.loops.plugin,I want 2 share,plz pme me in my ad thx love.

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Name: r4v3n
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Feb-06


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Name: kasey
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 16-Feb-06

check it out

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Name: Mario
Activity:  Professional
Date: 20-Feb-06

i like music, i love italo dance

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Name: Aktovegin
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 24-Feb-06

I am from Baku(Azerbaijan).
I like tehno and trance. Sometimes I compose music

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Name: andre
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Mar-06

awesome synth

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Name: Paul Cunningham
Activity:  Professional
Date: 03-Apr-06

Cool site. How about the Moog Rogue? Send me an
email if you need information or photos! -Paul

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Name: Mohammad
Activity:  No user-activity listed
Date: 07-Apr-06

I am looking for buy a
01/W pro X
01/W fd
please send me email and tell price,,

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Name: Dj GlennROY U.K
Email: Hra
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Apr-06

Hard Dance D.J Producer...........

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Name: math
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Apr-06

I love TECHNO and analog

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Name: Key
Activity:  Professional
Date: 16-May-06


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Name: DJ Rez
Activity:  Professional
Date: 30-May-06

JP8000 wickid n classic

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Name: DJ Anubis
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 08-Jun-06

Keep the beat up and steady!

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Name: DJ Anubis
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 08-Jun-06

Keep the beat up and steady!

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Name: Langlois
Website:  no
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Jun-06

I'm french

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Name: isaac rom keita
Activity:  Professional
Date: 28-Jun-06

instalation of my protuse software now requires my registration number and i would want to install it in my computer.

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Name: isaac rom keita
Activity:  Professional
Date: 28-Jun-06

instalation of my protuse software now requires my registration number and i would want to install it in my computer.

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Name: Alex
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 02-Sep-06

Rock On!

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Name: kman
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Sep-06

create my own psy with reason 3.0 , need psy samples

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Name: frieda
Activity:  Professional
Date: 28-Sep-06

i like your site very nice !!!!

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Name: dj reza
Activity:  Professional
Date: 25-Nov-06

i want techno/trance synth instruments

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Name: Eren
Website:  ....
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Dec-06

Hi I AM EREN ...

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Name: Slawomir
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Dec-06

I'm young musicman but I wont to learn.

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Name: darkzeerack
Activity:  Professional
Date: 31-Dec-06

strat by feeling darkamonic --darkzeerack-unsuported psycho-

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Name: Joe
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-07

I love doing trance songs look at my newly made profile at

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Name: JMP
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Feb-07

Nominate Elka Synthex to listings, a synth I use for pads, bass and arps as featured in my own music at My audio demo of the Synthex is on the site plus links to tracks (including dance tunes) featuring this synth.

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Name: Dion de la Cruz
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Feb-07

Everythings allright. I need step sequenzer freeware and vst/i plugins.

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Name: Jamie Shoebridge
Website:  google
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Feb-07

I'm looking for midi files for bass as i'm finding it difficult to get the base right can you help

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Name: joni kenyod
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Feb-07


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Name: pedro
Activity:  Professional
Date: 08-Mar-07


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Name: Joël
Activity:  Professional
Date: 28-Mar-07

Where can i download free Fruity Loops Synth samples etc..:) ?

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Name: zoya
Website:  my name`s zoya
Activity:  Professional
Date: 29-Mar-07

very best

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Name: albe
Website:  no
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Apr-07


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Name: joao
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 08-May-07


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Name: dan
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 10-May-07

is good what you do

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Name: marco
Activity:  Professional
Date: 14-May-07

i bougth the korg ea1 ,a cubase vst and sx and one emu 1820m.
could anyone tell me how to connect all this to use properly,please

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Name: John Budden
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 17-May-07

Great site!

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Name: lol
Website:  lol?
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 27-May-07

Oh no...whery is it?

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Name: zeljkojuice
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 02-Jun-07

please i wana became a great psy trance dj but i dont have a lot money to buy samples so please give me anything wich i can use for my home studio

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Name: Michael
Website:  none
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Jun-07


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Name: sebastian
Activity:  Professional
Date: 20-Jun-07

soy Dj

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Name: Jack Fagan
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Jul-07

Comment :P

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Name: zem
Activity:  Professional
Date: 17-Sep-07


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Name: Jason Hamm
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Sep-07


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Name: djabre
Activity:  Professional
Date: 27-Oct-07


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Name: satchmo
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 29-Oct-07

bibimus fratres , ne mortem nos oziosos inveniat!

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Name: satchmo
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 29-Oct-07


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Name: satchmo
Activity:  Professional
Date: 29-Oct-07

my name is carlo ,born in '64 I live near udine , Italy and I'm musician .I play violin keyboards viola and my voice.Interested in audio recording,I use korg pax 1 midijay ketron .

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Name: ciao
Activity:  Professional
Date: 01-Nov-07


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Name: Leonid
Website:  frends
Activity:  Professional
Date: 30-Jan-08


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Name: Osiris
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Feb-08

Great new synth Cymbiant 1.0 for dance & trance. Can be downloaded at the link above

Made with Synthedit by me.

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Name: Nic Ferr
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 10-Feb-08

just seeing if i can find any good loops here....

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Name: jrn
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Mar-08

need some nice synth!

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Name: Jens
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Mar-08


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Name: condor
Website:  none
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Mar-08

Own a Korg Poly 61 and SC Six Trak

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Name: rev peter
Activity:  Professional
Date: 29-Apr-08

hello, if you need a place of leaning your computer studies and you are looking for one this is the right place to visit and is ietech for all computers programms.

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Name: ph
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 23-May-08


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Name: igor
Activity:  Professional
Date: 25-May-08

i like it

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Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Jun-08


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Name: ali
Activity:  Professional
Date: 22-Jun-08


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Name: Richard
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Jul-08

nice hand full vor beginners

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Name: vivien
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 31-Jul-08

I love dance music

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Name: Osiris
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Aug-08

Cymbiant 2.0 is ready for download. New effects, New presets.

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Name: rob
Website:  trugrooves
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Sep-08


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Name: Space 16 Studio
Activity:  Professional
Date: 19-Jun-13

Love the Arturia Minibrute - Had once since it came out. Its gives some major bass for tracks!

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Name: Eduardo
Activity:  Professional
Date: 22-Dec-14

Most popular soft synth for electronic music?

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Name: synth4ever
Email: Visit website
Activity:  part-timer
Date: 25-Feb-15

Lots of synths out there today to choose from... analog, digital, wavetable, FM etc. I've tried many synths and they all have their own sound palettes and personalities, and pros and cons.

Visit my Youtube for video demos of various hardware synths in a space/ambient music style.

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Here's a selection of classic & bargain dance synths

Roland Juno-106

The famous Juno 106 - something of a legend in dance music production. The Juno-106 was the last Roland analog DCO synth to feature control sliders on the front panel to edit & tweak the main parameters. It also featured quite extensive MIDI implementation.

Roland MC-202

Th MC-202 is a sequencer/synth unit a cheap controllable genuine Roland oldie, which can be clocked by midi-cv clock... it has plenty of realtime controllers to mess with, sorta like an SH-101 without the keys ?... well... sorta !

Roland SH101

From 1982 costing a mere £249 GBP, this is another of the few budget old Roland synths that won't break the bank nowadays when other classic old synths are fetching silly money

Moog MiniMoog

The famous MiniMoog released in 1970 was not really designed by Bob Moog & was famous for its sound which was actually caused by a power supply the Moog engineers could never stablise, but since it's creation the MiniMoog has riden forth to achieve an almost legendary status with its classic 3 Oscillator format and 4-Pole filter,  & it's been played over the years by a veritable who's who list of famous artists in every possible genre of music, from chart pop & hiphop to jazz, techno & film scores

Quasimidi 309 Rave-O-Lution

Quasimidi are now defunct but this under-rated unit sold by the hundreds of thousands. Lots of dance sounds and plenty of realtime control makes it an item worth looking out for in the free-ad's

Yamaha DX100

The famous DX100 - This IS the one with all the presets you know & love...

Roland JP-8000

The Roland JP-8000 released in 1997 was one of the first wave of virtual analog synths from various companies which all arrived in the mid to late 1990's & bringer of the unison Supersaw trance sound.

Quasimidi Quasar

German indy company Quasimidi released the Quasar in 1994 for £995 GBP, squarely aimed at the dance music market & it competed at the time with products like the JV1080 from Roland, but was more orientated to dance/club music sounds. The Quasar is an analog modelling or VA (Virtual Analog) synth, using what Quasimidi called M.A.S.S (Multi Algorithm Sound Synthesis) which was a combination of PCM samples, FM & additive synthesis.

Roland TB303

The classic acid bassline synth

Access Virus

The original Access Virus released in 1997 became a mainstay of dance music production, particularly popular with trance producers and went through various OS & hardware revision releases until the Virus Ti brought in completely new features.

JEN SX1000

An often overlooked Italian bargain bucket old classic from 1977 which is analog but with a difference and thus could lay claim to being the first DCO synth, except it's not really a DCO synth. The Jen SX doesn't have a lot of sound variety, but despite what people say it has a very nice filter. Check one out.

Roland D50

A classic old skool digital synth from Roland

Roland Alpha Juno 1

The legendary 1985 Roland Alpha Juno 1, bringer of the "hoover" techno sound.

Quasimidi Raven

The 1996 Raven was Quasimidi's follow up to the Quasar & Technox - a dance-music worksation capable of making a complete song including drums, but the Raven can function in its own right as a rather under-rated synth with a wide palette of electronic sounds from rich pads to house organs to cutting leads & fat basses

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