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Bram Bos Hammerhead


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Bram Bos Hammerhead

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 17-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: FREE !!!  |   S/H price: Not listed

Bram Bos Hammerhead

This is the kind of software programme that makes you feel good all day... You've got a software for audio & midi, you have some software synths, maybe some midi hardware, but you still need a drumbox to create your riddims ouside of the loops you're using....

Well here it is... and what an awesome software it is too !!!.... The loops it creates are absolutely fantastic man... they really kik.....plus you can import user samples into the software to add to the sounds.... This thing is FREE....and sounds as good as any drum box I heard with kikin' 44.1 audio !!!...phew !!!

Once you have created your patterns or song, you can then write it direct to a .wav file from where it can be exported to your sampler, sampler card, or to an audio track in your midi & h/d software such as Cakewalk to play with the track !

I did a couple of saves with the demo patterns... Perfect.... No distortion or anything.... Just a beautiful .wav of a wicked drum loop !!..... The programme comes with some great demo patterns..... everything from Jungle to hardcore

Ok... here's a few things I found out using the programme for a little while...(Hey !!!... I'm at work !!)... First, the drum box itself really needs no instructions.... You select the channel from 1 to 6.... then select the sound for that channel.... So in effect the channels equal sound select... the difference for this software machine, is that the channels or sounds are not fixed.... you can have 6 kik-drums if you like or 6 different sounds.... also sounds and channels are assignable per pattern.... Next, each sound/channel, has a volume, and a reverse function to give you the option to have that sound played backward, and also you can add distortion.... These features are brilliant, cos you can add wicked little reversed sounds, and also, you can add distortion to any sound which is wicked for getting evil hardcore kiks etc..

Ok....once you have selected a sound... then you programme it in just like with a 909 or 808, by lighting the buttons , each representing one beat of the bar.... Yes, You can specify how many measures make up a bar....and of course tempo.... If you want to you can chain all the patterns together to create a song.... or, you can export the patterns to .WAV file, and arrange them together with your sampler or h/d software...

When you go to export.....you can either select a pattern, then just hit export ("Stream to audio") and it automatically writes a .wav file to the dir that you specify.......or....You can select more than one measure and record it across as it plays....so then you can use the faders or mute buttons to punch stuff in & out as you record......

But.....as if that lot wasn't enuff for you, there's more !!.... Hammerhead also allows any of the selected sounds to be your own samples.... Included with the Hammerhead programme, is a utility called "Makebank.Exe", which allows you to create up to 6 user banks of samples which can be inputed into the Hammerhead programme....So you can add loops or individual samples as sounds, and input them into the patterns... and get this.. if you tick the "Stretch To Measure" checkbox next to a sample when it is imported into the drum box, it will speed up & slow down to fit the tempo as you adjust the tempo of the track or pattern.... Amazingly useful !!!!

Included with the programme, is a bank of sample loops which are utilised in the demo patterns....and what good demo patterns they are too !!......Check out the RA3 audio files I made of the exported .wav files demo patterns..... Excellent !!!

Well... what more can I say.... all exports are 44.1 mono files... you can copy and paste patterns around the composition, just like a real drum box.... even you can copy and paste an active sound in a pattern or the whole pattern with all the sounds active, so you can quickly grab the kik drum part from one pattern, and paste it to a new one, or copy the whole lot or anything in between.....

It's getting to the point where we aren't going to need any hardware sound units to make a cool track soon....and software artists like this are only helping to provide better sounds for us to use without having to spend a fortune... I mean this software is free !!!...... There are others like the Propellorheads posse, who are teaming up with companies like Steinberg to sell the soft for 200 quid !!... The author of Hammerhead says..."Hey, if you like it send me some money so I can go on to write updates like to make the programme clock to midi ..."

Now that would be 100% the best with midi clock... so hey !!.. send something if you like it huh ???... cos this coder is a genius man.... and also very generous!!... 100/10

Since this was written, Bram & Steinberg have released BEATBOX... It's ok.. but Hammerhead is pretty mcuh the same.. (i'd better do a page for BEATBOX..

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User Comments

Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Reyneali
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Quite a marvel. Extremely commendable. This is something done that has been worth doing. I thank you deepy,

bram bos!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Michel van Wijngaarden
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Een 909 hoef ik niet meer te kopen.te gek en bij jou gaat de zon dus wel voorniks op.Ze zeggen dat Nederlanders

zo gierig zijn.NIET dus!!! Als je in de toekomst tune snap en tone functies in the hammer(net zo als rebirth338)

verwerkt en midi features dan denk ik dat er veel dance producers het gaan gebruiken. En dat het als een

hamerslag in midiland zal veroorzakenIk heb er nu 5 minuten meegewerkt en mijn indruk is GOED.Ik heb een paar

jaar geleden een aantal danceproducties gedaan en uitgebracht .In de toekomst zal ik het zeker gebruiken. veel

succes in de toekomst eeen10 met een griffel

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Too many 909 sounds! It would great if it had some old DMX, or Drumulator sounds. But its pretty wicked !

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: kILO
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

yeah but Avene, you can load up to 6 user banks of samples !!!...just use the Makebank.exe programme...you'll

find it in the Dir where hammerhead is installed....just run it, and add up to 6 samples per bank....then you can

select the samples from hammerhead when you programme....

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Mr Zap (author of Stomper)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yes, Hammerhead is cool. But is it *that* cool? Just six sounds, mono, and with no ability to accent the beats.... it

COULD do so much more, and I hope a future version will. To throw in a plug, though, it's PERFECT to use

together with Stomper, check http://stomper.base.org for details....

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: arnold
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is excellent. Good job! Still fooling with it. Thanks!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Guru Johan (Surfer)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Damn this is some phat brakbeats and nasty jungle. This shark you better swim 4

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Chris de Giere (A.I.:digital audio)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is amazing! Love those thumpin 909 samples. And the ability to import my own samples is invaluable!

I love it! A.I.: digital audio collage: http://sb.net/degiere

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Simom Farrant
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Excellent sounds and useability. Where is that midi version. I need to send you some money then. SF

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Jaspis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

God in a program.... =

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: darryl primas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Otna-X (from The Otna-X Live-Act)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Definitely a very promising software! If you guys are looking for Tekk-related Softwares, you may wanna take a

peak at "The Live-Act Homepage": http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/9000 It has the best

Tekk-Softwares (Sequencers, virtual analog synthe, etc...) and Synth Editors

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Grassy Noel :)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Aren't some of those samples from the MC-303 Groovebox? I like the program nonetheless. The Groovebox had

some pitch differences from the real pieces of kit, and *SOME* the HH program's samples are the EXACT same

pitch as the Groovebox. Good program though!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Mario Xavier Alvarez Tajes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This is my best program!!!!!!!!! I can't belive that my sound card could sound like this I was thinking to buy biggers

machines but with this program you save me U$S 4000 because now with the Cakewalk pro audio I can use my

Kawai G-mega to make melodies and your program for the drums... Thank you for living in this world!!! Live in

Uruguay (South America) If I have to give you a mark I woluld give you 999...... Thanks!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: KILO
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Dont thank me....thank Mr Bram Bos !!!!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Stenka Määttänen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hyvää softaa kannattaa käyttää. Monipuolisuus on ohjelmassa kivoin asia. Tällä tehdään loopit ja Rubber Duckilla

loput.. Sais olla kyllä Midi-synkka.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Rob
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

What can I say, Brilliant!!!! Well written, good interface, no nag screens or save disabled junk, easy to use, good

results, mixdown to wav file (sheer genius), useable results.....ok I'll stop the bragging now...please confirm your

mailing address & i'll send you a donation (in good British pounds). Well done--Can't wait for the MIDI sync

version with additional channels.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: squid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

thanks 4 drumbox!! its a great program!! please mail me if any more such programs like this become available! i

will gladly fork over some duckies for any re-writes or upgrades !!!once again tanks to the programmer of this


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: dj christopher gerald
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99



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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Marlon van Alen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

reallyy great!!!!! schitterend ...te gek man..!!!!!!! groovy!!!!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Pat King
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99



Voordeel verpaakt !!! 1 behaale keen betaale...or something like that...KeEp dA WaReZ FrEe !!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Chuck Pitre
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead is the Shit (american lingo for the very best) the sound quality is remarkable, and the program is easy

to use almost to easy. thank you so much

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

well....now for the bad news.....Steinberg have signed up the author, so expect a new Hammerhead to appear soon,

with a Steinberg pricetag attatched !!!....

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Grassy Noel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

With Steinberg, Kilo?? NOOOO!!! Zap gave in!!! Oh well, there's always WaReZ versions! Serves the greedy

companies right!!! Still like the prog. Noel

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: jens thieme
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

You're the best!!!! I'm luky that i have found hammerhead! Sorry, my english is bad!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Zap
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

EXCUZE me, but I didn't write hammerhead, I wrote STOMPER. Hammerhead is by Bram Bos. Stomper is by

ZAP (that's me). Just to avoid future confusion. :-)


Have you given your wife Stomper Ultra today

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

No No...no.......Bram signed with Steinberg.....Zap did not....zap is the Stomper author....Bram is the Hammerhead

author !!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: JeanB
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

How do you spell evil? S-T-E-I-N-B-E-R-G. (

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: philippe landry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

it fuck'in rocks with tha block rock'in beats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: ploj
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Wow !!! It´s something i´ve waiting for: a real live tool not only to be used as a 909 emulation but as a realtime

step-sequencer to be used with my own samples. Thank You !!! I´m still waiting for such a tool for midi which can be

used with several channels at the same time.Do you now one ?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Tiger
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead has saved me hundreds of dollars. It is definetly DA BOMB!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Josep Ferrer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Thanks a lot to keep a copy of HAMMERHEAD 1.0 'for me'!!!! I went to Bram Bos website to download a copy of

it just to read that he decided to 'erase it' from the net because he is praparing something revolutionary in the

electronic sound arena... Fortunately i've found your page through 'stomping' webpage (to where i arrived from a

link in Bram's webpage!!) I tested the examples already and it sounds GREAAATTT in my AWE64!!!!.... Thanks

again!. Regards! Josep Ferrer

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Steve decker
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

That shit sounds and is dope as hell ...... did you ever check out the *rebirth rb-338* I still think yours is ighhtttttt

also..... ....over and out peaceeeeee..

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

There's nothing this program can really do that you can't do with a sequencer and sampler. I think it's the interface

that makes it appealing. It's annoying that it doesn't use .wav files. Also, Stienberg suck, don't they! I've never

liked cubase...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

er......the whole point is here mate that you dont need a sampler to do it if you cant afford one etc or if you prefer working in a H/D only format.........also It does use .WAV files !!!(?)!!........use the MAKEBANK.EXE programme (you'll find it in the file folder that hammerhead creates.......use tht to create up to 6 user banks of .wav sample loops or sounds........as for steinberg.....I just think they are overpriced on their utilities and they can do that by having a stranglehold on the market along with the other big s/w houses........so I think it's a shame bram went with them, but then......it's his future not yours !!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Paavo Eensalu
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

All great except one thing that makes it not very usable: its not possible to make good drum parts with only 6

sounds!!! Please look into it.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

er.......ever heard of "LAYERING" !!?!!.........

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Brian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

WOW! Hammerhead is the most valuable audio utility I have on my hard drive...kepp up the EXCELLENT work

Bram, this shit ROCKS!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: philippe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

forget prefab-roland,you can be macguyver too by using the hammerhead and stomper!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Bryan Sharpe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This IS the best sound generating program i have seen

since STOMPER! I have already made a few mixes into

WAV files and sent them to my friends, and they are

impressed! With this utility, i feel like

L.Muggerud (Cypress Hill).

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Daniel Reichman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

The Hammerhead is, well, THE BEST rhythm composer in existence. Regarding 6-voice polyphony, why not export a loop, make it into a bank, and replay it on one drum track (ie, bouncing). As to stereo, you can export the elements of your loop, and mix and pan them with a program like CoolEdit. 'Bit disappointing to learn that Bram Bos has signed with Steinberg (especially when he taunted the Propellerheads for doing same).

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is good, especially when using the loops in

a HD program alongside loops from VAZ...
Mine doesn't seem to

work with .wav files. Maybe I'll have to re-check it.

As for Stienberg, well I was just knocking them in general

because I think their sequencers really suck. Good luck

to Bram nonetheless. It'll be interesting to see what improvements

are made to this program and whether there'll be a Mac

version considering Bram slaggs them off in the documentation

that comes with the program. Enuff Said!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Balthasar Hoffmann
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I like this piece of work (Hammerhead)

please make it for the Macintosh platform too

I will thank you

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

well..........it just may be that there could be a new

software drum box coming !!!....better in facilities

than the Hammerhead !!...

(and NOT from Steinberg)....

still.....hammerhead is awesome c'nest pas?

I cant blame steinberg for grabbing it...and who knows the deal they offered him ?.......

But I expect...sadly for Bram, that someone will

crack it within 2 weeks of release, as with Rebirth

..... I mean the crack appeared for that within about

4 weeks of release...however, maybe if steinberg are

reading this column (as I suspect)....

then perhaps they'll take note of comments, & figure

out that lower price means more sales

.....and less chance of a crack being worthwhile

anyhow.....I sincerely hope all is cool for Bram, cos he 's written a real cool soft

As for the "doesn't work with .WAV files" comment above, read the review !!!!!!!!! :-)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Carl
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

IT's GREAT!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: zen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

ey yo what??!!? what!!?? That HAMMERHEAD joint is the

BOMB!!! no question... The first thing I did was

play the hiphop sample beat and I knew the program was

BANGIN. !!!!!! BIG UP YO!!!!



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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: JeanB
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Bram, u DA MAN!!!! I can't believe it's possible to have this much fun....and it's legal (isn't it?)

For all of u out there making bad remarks bout this brilliant piece of software: SHUT THE F*** UP! IT'S FREEEEEEEE

FOR GODS SAKE!!!!! The man (Bram i.e.) puts in time&effort to give to us, the people, the chance to explore musical

frontiers :), and all U can do is wine ((

Combine it with rubberduck, stomper, wavesurgeon.... and you're THERE!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Käng-Kong-Productions Midi Marketing
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Geat stuff !!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Chunga
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Corey M. Horton
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

i luv it!!! as a producer of hip hop, r&b and club music,

i can't say enough about this package. if it could only sync

to midi clock and leave enough resources so it could run

simultaneously with cakewalk or digital orchestrator plus...

you see, people who like the music i listen too think in

terms of patterns or bars, mostly with repetitive loops, not

in the so-called "traditional" music theory. our music is

rigid. things start on the beat, without much of the in-

between stuff. we don't need 960 ticks per beat. 16 is just

fine. i turned to the tracker programs like fasttracker

and screamtracker for a while (i owned an amiga and got

into them before going into the pc world). but, those

programs are cryptic. no one wants to use hexadecimal just

to get a little reverb or to loop a sample. i've been

waiting for a long, long, long time for a program like this.

it is crazy to pay $1500.00 (US) for a mpc2000 or the new

ensonique box. who wants to fiddle with a tiny display,

no keyboard to type sound names, poor sample editing, floppy

disks, etc. please let me know what this "new" thing is

that the web site mentions.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

You are the greatest Bram! could´nt afford a real 909

but you threw an alternative at me for free, you can have my KORG DDD-5.........


Thanx .........

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Beep....booom
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

This is so good thing so i cant write so long letter

it can made all music from klassic dumshit to real

TEKNO and it sounds graet with the big BOOOOM.

This is from now my favorit program..


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: PB404
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program kicks ass! I've been using it for a few months now and I love it!! I now have every drum machine in the world!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: George Natis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey this thingie is just the phattest I´ve ever seen.
And for FREE....respect to you Bram. Steinberg can learn something from you :)
As a beginner I´ll try to do my best with this proggie.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Hunter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Release one with 16 sample channels and I will have an orgasm.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Mark Jeacoma
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

One of the finest drum machine/techno box I have found on the internet
I use a minimoog among other analog devices and the
Hammerhead is a convincing replica...thank you for the
development of such a usefull tool.
ReBirth suxs!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This fucking machine RULEZ the planet!!!!!!!
ThankYOU for whoever made this!!!
I'm in fuck'n HEAVEN!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: duh
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

thanx for HH - BTW it's been withdrawn by them!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Keep that good work up man...
my advice for future versions is to
allow bpm control for each individual channel,
and my advice to you all is to use it with
Zaps AWESOME stomper program...
to Zap: hey man I'm workin' on my cd so expect it
in the mail soon man

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Michael
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Dit prog. roX m'n hele huis plat!! It phreakin ruLeZ!
En dat voor een "test" progje?! ;o) Bram, PAK DIE KANS
notice that this program can run under Windows 3.x
with win32s?! REALLY it does!! Go check it out!!
grtX mkEE, co-author of SMPI

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Theist
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

yeah, this is a pretty cool program; it keeps me entertained for hours. however, i ran into immediate difficulties with the limitations of the program.
#1: Six channels is far too few for serious recording ("MakingWaves" allows 64!!!).
#2: The limits placed on the size or duration of a sample render many good sounds useless.
#3: Since the timing is very rigid, it is impossible to program in the typical range of beats.
#4: It is impossible to accent beats.
#5: The "reverse" function is rarely used in recordings, and sounds pretty bad with most samples.
A basic reverb or delay would be much more useful.
However, i do not hold any of this against our friend Bram Bos,
who has already explained in his disclaimor that he is not
a serious programmer or musician. I think it is overall an
admirable program, and i have been turning all of my friends on to
it. Bram, please accept my heartfelt thanks.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: dF
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Probably the coolest shiat ever in this phonkin' univerzeeeeeee. Bramdude, ya sure know how to bang a room!
Damn too bad those shitty morons of Steinberg bought it, now I got to pay a shitload of money fer some cool Warez... lucky there's still undaground!
Fuck em!
Ya rule!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Stuart Menzies Farrant
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Most excellent FREE software drum machine !
A bit limited at the moment, i.e. no midi, no 6/8 or triplet capability; but very good drum sounds and graphic interface !
Keep it up Bram... the cheque is in the post !

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Enigma_III
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah, cool!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Frode Hansen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Steve Freeman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Very simple to use and sounds excellent. Dowload it now cos it loads and saves wave files(Unlike some programs)and you get instant results. But if only you could create a whole song on it. I don't understand why we are limited to just eight bars. Similarly why just six user patches. Yes, I know you can bounce down but this will use up the already limeted number of user sound files.
PC's are hardly short of memory these days so I do see why the (brilliant) programer chose not to improve the program in this way.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Vaxa Poo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

You make my work so easy !

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Zsolt Gordos
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

It's great! Will you go to Sreinberg with it? This will result is a fat price and an ever loade
CD-ROM driver. Don't you think about othe remulations? I mean not only drum parts.
You could fire out ReBirth from the market! (I have to say, ReBirth is very good, I like it, but might
build a better one!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Vit Exner
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

No more words to say...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: bugslacer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

It is the coolest program i have found on the net...mono...who cares!!!.....only 6 samples...who cares...its free and its COOOOOL. There is sooo much you can do with it...if you have the imagination.
Electronic Information...tampers with you soul!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: KIlo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

yup........aint it great........however, if you need more tracks/sounds (64)....BPM adjust & offset for each track, and pan & volume & tuning & offset for each track.......try MAKING WAVES....Alright, it dont look so gravy....but...(it's in the synth & software section.....) I can also say, that they are working on a version that will allow multiple soundcard use, so you can assign sounds to outputs...(pretty good with an event 8 output card huh ??)...just plugging a great british programme....

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: onur
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Its sooo cool!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: R.J.M. v. Emmerik
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

From the Netherlands i wanna say that i never heard
such a drummachine. Great sound. Great look.
This is verry close to perfection but i missing one
thing, and that is not much. Yes......
But verry good. See ya.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dave VanDevier
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I love it! Cant wait to see what's next!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

it's cool man!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: John Taylor
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

the demo of the real audio is great. i can't wait to
play with the software!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

sounds great easy to programme but
i tried stringing a couple of patterns together,
that worked but when i go to copy and paste another
patt' i still have the first one on there, in other
words i can't clear my clipboard ????
also it won't save to a .wav file all the time and when
it does save cake walk does'nt always accept it
can you help???

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: radio ratatosk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

wunderbar.non-commercial independent talkradio luves the head.Could we maybe one day make interview,please.morten lindelof station manager bye

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Rob Zroom
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

HammerHead is easy to use...has good built-in sounds, but is only able to handle six different channels and eight bars. Only RAW-files in mono are supported...Is this really the "coolest" thing among drum machine emulations...?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Mii
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

OK, it's only six channels. OK, it's mono. OK, it can't
take WAV-files. But hey, it's free and it does the job
_very_ well.
I'm a professional sound engineer and I used HH in
a recent project with real drums playing along. It really
spiced things up and made the thing groove.
I also am sad to hear that there won't be free releases
in the future, because of Mr. Bos signing with Steinberg.
It's a shame because on his site he manifested that the
thing is and will be free "forever". Well, one has the right
to change one's mind. But I won't be buying the Steinberg
Any news about "R.A.C.E"? Will it be free? Will it
be published by Steinberg and have a 300$ price tag?
What will it be like?!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

people...if you wanna get 64 note poly, use .wav samples, have pan & level & offset etc try making waves.....the new version if you register also allows filtering etc......download the demo....it works very very well, and there are enuff tracks, to dedicate 3 or 4 to just the kik drum, so you can get different velocity for different beats.....once you have your kik drum poattern with different velocities, you can add your other stuff,..plenty of polyphony.....and stereo samples too if you like, as well as pan for mono samples.......great !!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: alex maggi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Clemens Kurtz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Where can I find Bram Bos original website?
"Http://inside.hku.nl/~bram/hammer/index.htm" can´t
be reached.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Clemens Kurtz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I do my drum´n basses jobs, using several utils. Two of these
"little helpers" are ReBirth and HammerHead in combination
with Stomper. Both utils have their good and bad sites.
The most I miss at HammerHead is accent a drum-hit, the
most I miss at ReBirth is not to be able to load up your
own WAV-sample. And ReBirth is really too expensive!
Let Bram and Steinberg work together (... respect his own
decision, folks!) and hope, there will grow up a really
good "virtual" drummer. And never forget: The only thing
you can motivate a software programmer to do his job well
for a longer time is to give him some money! You would take it
too for doing a good job!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Michael Backman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Havent tried it yet but I´ve heard great things about it! I think I´ll be pleaced with it.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Kwame
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Blessed - One In A Million - program... The tool i need
to start my Empire.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Marc Hogan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Well, I've been making some amateur music for a while, but was having trouble giving it a cool beat, then I found Hammerhead after searching the Internet for weeks for a drum machine. This thing is FREE, and it does anything! Sure, it could have some added features, but dear Gawd it's freeeeee!!! And brilliant...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: mark nielsen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

kinda a fun toy. its free so get one!
dj sire http://www.iinet.net.au/~drex

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Johnny E. Smith
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead is outstanding. The sounds are incredibally bright and really duplicates actual sounds from a live kit. This software rocks with the best. The 'KICK' is unbelievable. Hammerhead really gives me a workout when I use it to practice and duplicate Hammerhead originals. Thanks BRAM!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Angelo Rajan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is the best!! Now I can bust out the phat beats at the click of a mouse...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: DJ Pee
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Quite nice, but not enough options for me, but i like it, its cool, nice beats, i hope that next version will include saple editing, more chanels, ect. sup kids

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Alain GIORGI
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Où trouver HAMMERHEAD ???????

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Amnesia
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

I have downloaded this prog twice and each time I try to run
exe prog it comes up with a logo page and thats it...
I cant get rid of it without turning off the computer.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Flatline_
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is great.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

well, I'll say it again...... I think with web
promotion like we are giving the programme here,
Bram could have gone it alone....... Actually, I did
contact him with a great NON-EXCLUSIVE distribution
offer with one of the worlds biggest audio CDrom distribution companies,
but it was too late, he'd already signed it over
exclusively to steinberg.......
well, the steinberg version will probably be about
100 dollars or so...... true, It's a reasonable price
if they add more channels etc......
but I cant see it beating Making Waves for
price - facilities when released....
AND, with the price, and all the attitude that is around toward
steinberg, within a week of release, there will inevitably be a crack appearing...... oh well....

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Goran Hedberg
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hi! Tried it a while back and loved it!
Then I had a computer-crash and lost it... :(
As you know, the Hammer-site has ended for the moment
until the next prog. hits us! So I've been without
the Hammer until I stumbled on your site! So, do I feel
lucky? Yes... VERY... :)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dave Andrew
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Nice to hear that you have been signed to Steinberg it's a bit like getting the major record deal.
I am still using an earlier version of Hammerhead Drum box an I look forward to trying out your Steinberg version and I don't mind paying. You guy's have worked hard to get where you are know so it's time to get PAID..
Be Cool, Be Know & Stay out There?.
Dave A.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Robert Siemelink
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Ik vind het een erg goed programma
Lekker snel,save en simple

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Lukas Romanowski
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Z_A_J_E_B_I_S_T_Y Mysle ze jeden z najlepszych ...
Na Piatke z Plusem.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: publicSEX!
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I love this program since the beginnin
'Love it!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Hippyduck
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Wow you guys did a great job I have been looking for something like this for a long time but I haven't been able to get anything i wanted I am only 16 but very interested in techno/trance stuff and this is wicked
keep up the great work

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Hydra
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

HH is so f***ing gr8,
BTW i have some HH Hub at:

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Sam Gibson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Vlad Ivanov
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

It is a real cool software but you should probably point to a few annoying limitations:
1. You can't change samples between patterns. (Once you've selevted those 6, you stick with them through hole song)
2. 6 samples at a time is clearly not enough.
3. You can't control volume, stereo panning and other effects from pattern to pattern (once they are set - they are set)
4. And you can't apply different volumes or effects within one pattern, changing from beat to beat.
P.S But it is still really cool for a free software. Besides i don't know if there's a hardware box wich can do all that.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Vlad Ivanov
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I would like to add to what i said above. I probably went to harsh on the software. So i want to make one thing clear: I love it. There. And it's so cool that somebody makes a free software of high quality. And also here's a link for ya to alot of music stuff and software, mostly freeware:

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Erxman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Shame that Propellerheads don't do it free! :(
Way2go Bram!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Michael Backman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

What can I say ....
Though it would be nice with some phat filters like
the once on the 909.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Allen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

With the facility of the drum machine format AND the
ability to roll your own sounds into the mix using
MAKEBANK.exe, there are no more excuses not to create
monster loops quickly. The immediacy of an idea being
translated from something in your head to something that
rocks the house is crucial! So much spontaneity is
lost when using tech. Its great to have a device that
actually works & works well....& quickly.
This thing KICKS ASS

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Adam Jeffers (of Superargo)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Truly THE best computer-based drumbox I've ever used. (And, I've found, it works well as a phrase sampler too!) I've honestly been lamenting the fact that with regular ol' MIDI drum machines, you couldn't implement your own sounds (obviously)...so I am very thankful for this piece of software...are you SURE you wanna keep giving it away FREE? It's very sellable...just a suggestion. Thanks!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: d.b.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

hammerhead is one of the best . period
thanks alot Bram!!!!!!...everyone needs this program
please keep me informed on any updates or new releases of this product.
thank you

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Thor Carver
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

just got it and checked it out. OH MY GOD! I'M IN LUST!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: ScALLyWaG
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Wow! - I'm just downloading your programm, but all those nice comments I'm reading about it - I hope I'll soon write again after tryin' Hammerhead :-)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Strobe Bat
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Love it! What a wick bit of software.
da rude, Birmingham UK.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Joei Messer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammehead blows Rebirth away. I told a tech. at Cakewalk about it and he loved it to.Please add more updates. A clock to midi would be great.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Teddy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

It's a great software ... the easy way to make music

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: bill
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

it kicks ass

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: thierry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This is the greatest software i've ever had to do kinda beat
It's so great but you can't do song with it...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: terry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Great but 8 measures isn't enuf, look at all the TR-X0X
series, you can assemble songs. I hope this will be fixex
in the newest relase. MOre chanels an a bass line will
be appreciated a lot too

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: dA cHILL
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead iz da foooockin' Bomb!
I also use all kinds of expensive Samplers but Hammerhead really kicks ass with only one cheap soundcard!!!!!
Straight UP!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: ACiD
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Brilliant piece of work.. Great to create those drum patterns, without having a stack of equipment.. And its even pretty easy to patch things in and out.
For every beginner or Expert......

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Andre k.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

The best

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: RLj
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Extremely useful software!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: DarkTower
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

This is a goddamn cool thing. I tell you get it as fast as you can ...
more effects would be nicer though i am already having great fun!
thanks for the progy...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Thierry Noir
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead! Das ist ein Hammer!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: happytongue
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Why even complain, it's free, it's new and BAM, good luck in the future,
selling to Steinburp made some dough, and who doesn't want that.
Besides if you think about it everything's free if you know where to look.
But as far as the program goes, shagadelic!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Jeff W./DMT
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

phat program

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: addam leadman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I think it is pretty damned cool!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Edwin Tan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey... Bram! great job you've done here... I like the way the panels are being structured and placed to order...
I'm actually using it to do demo drum beats for my songs(Dreampop and noise mostly) And it is a cool tool....... :)
Keep it up friend!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: dj KinekTeD
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Awesome work, excellent for hobbyist up to the pros. easy interface... and its FREE. Good work and what a way to put Propellor Heads To Shame!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: reggi reg
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Tim Soete
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This rocks! Hammerhead let's you make crucial drum
-lines within minutes. A nice, carefully thought
-out piece of 'ware. Thanks Bram!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Tobbe Paulsson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I´ve just downloaded it. It looks great and sounds great aswell. I look forward to really try it out.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: John Paul Phillippe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

This program is so cool!! I produce drum loops for sample cds and this is an invaluable tool for my work everything sounds tight and punchy! I could sit and play with it all day!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Koen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey there,
I Got a very nice 42 something pages print of comments about your drummachine out of my printer . Thanks for that ! Could you howe-ever explain how to download your software ? I tried to click the hypertext links and puched all possible buttons on the screen but nothing happend. I am planning to test this software since a few months now, but downloading ain't possible.
I acces the net wit a Ie 2.0 for windows 3.11 at the office. At home, where I plan to use the program next to a Cubase score VST, I work under Win 95. Could you possibly send your software as an attachement by e-mail.
May the bytes be with you

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Koen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hye there again. Problem solved, software downloaded and very eager to get home now. You'll here from me soon.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

DE DRUMBOZ is so coooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Phat Suirrel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Phunky, live, I got down to the groove, I use it in my recordings endlessly... two thumbs up and Smack that bass up :)-~!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Geoff Farina
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey, everyone knows it's awesome! Maybe
we should use this space for
tips instead. Here's mine, simple but effective. Use two
channels for the same sound, ie a snare sound, and make
the level of one much lower for accents on weak beats.
As for what it needs, how about a way to move the beats by
small units to simulate layed back beats, or pushed

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

It beats all. It's good. It's cheap (couldn't be
cheaper). The only thing I need is a beeeeeeg sampleset.
With new and futuristic sounds. And no noise!
Hammerhead leads the REBIRTH-killer army:

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: gforce
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

trick,thick,tight ass licks.Hammerheads booya!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Herb Bear
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

it's like when you were 14 an had one of those nights when you had to change your sheets in the morning

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: PsyGReaP
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

now i found the ""PHATEST"" drumcomputer on earth loud my friend
he is makin music like industrial teccno u know, but its a great
sound , and he means look at it , try it and be happy
so i looked found and download it to make some goodbreakz

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Carl Hester
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

YEAH! it kix @$$ doods, good work!.. maybe being able to save as another format would be good, but OH MY GOD this is some FUNKY SHIT... Keep up the good work

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Ummm, Shit, uuuhh, forgot
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

This programe is pretty good....but I think some of yall getten a bit to excited. Damn hold on to your draws. And as for you BRAM! thanks for selling out. As for STEINBURG yall can kiss my A$$, I'll get what I need through WAREZ. -=Peace=-

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Get Bent
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

To Adam Jeffers aka. (Fool of the world.)
Shut the hell up you damn fool. We like the price. you can't beat it! If he sells it he will sell it with Steinburg (blaa) and them being the money squelchers they are the price will go up BIG, what would you rather pay $0 or $350. Tough choice huh. But yo! This programs pretty cool, we can all say THANKS to Zam for keepen i real, Stomp kicks ass, your one of the good ones. Don't sell out like Bram. See ya!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Martin Antolini
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Stack
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey check it! I got a bomb ass idea, How about individual Step control for each of the channels, this would be the bomd cause you could get some real kick ass beats. It would enable you to make a far more detailed funked up beat. Say somthin if you agree with me on this one. To Bram, it kinda sucks that you turned to Steingburg but hey, I guess you gotta make some cash, to bad your gonna lose the respect of the masses. How's it feel to be like the Propeller Heads? Up and Out a Pretty Good program,
_Peace and Respect_

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: mark korman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

kickin beats!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: vangander
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Pretty cool program you've come up with. .Looking forward to
your stereo version, mono a drawback, otherwise its dudeairs.Looking forward to stereo version, so four out of five. Perhaps the new version you will be able to use wav files also !!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Phishy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

EXCELLENT PROGRAM!!! Get it! Use it!
Found this slight bug Makebank introduces a click
to the user sounds....Nice for da klicky kick drum
but kind of burns the ears out :(
Other than that its DA PHAT!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: LuCaS P.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

bad ass prog. I laugh at all my friends who use a Mac, cause they are worthless computers with worthless OS's. Don't insult steinburg....someones gotta make money to continue making these bad ass progs. keep up the good work.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Maurice Campbell
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Here we go!! Is this what I've been looking for or what.
Keep up the good work on the programing side and I fart in the
direction of Propellerheads for charging crazy money.
Maurice (Techno will never die) Campbell

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: mindsweeper
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

nice drum module... but do u know another virtual
sampler: FASTTRACKER II , I think it is very close
to those things that are on the net now... it has more
effects... sample editing and nice sequencing... very
good too...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Tad
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

hammerhead rules.. hope to see more sounds in the next version.. and hope it stays free

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dryke
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hubba, Hubba, I think this is the isle of beatyful women!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Really AMAZING !
I'm so happy with this useful "toy"... I should use it
in my next work !

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: sahara
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

this is my fave toy! more channels would be a definite
plus, as well as more sounds. i love bram for making HH
but steinberg? can you say corporate pimps? everyone
has a price, i guess.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Pieter De Swardt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Excellent app. The best i've seen in a very long time !

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dj Puritan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

So much programm's all over the world, different stylez and different prices. It's better that there are free program's that allow you to try your to make your own music, I'm downloading now hammerhead. I have alreaduy used Roland Tb 303, but now I'm going to try some motherfucking stompin hammerhead. MAzzel see you!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dillon Weyer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I haven't use the software yet so I can't comment

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: aaaa
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

hey there.
id like to comment on all those loosers that keep on
saying "ooooh bram sold out to steinberg", grow the
fuck up assholes ! maybe once u turn eighteen and mommy
and daddy cant buy u anymore cool computer toys u'll
realize that in order to survive in this world u need
!!!!money!!! its not about selling out but bringing
someting u've created to people ! so stop bitching about
sell-outs, the scene (yeah , how the scene used to be,
how the fuck would u know u were like 3 then?) and
cut your dreds off and go learn something!
real people visit teknine for cool info!
teknine - http://members.xoom.com/teknine

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: T-Ci
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yo, dis is some phat shit you made keep up da great work and let me know what u b doin!!! KEEP IT REAL

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Ummm,Shit,uuuh,forgot
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah this is to that no name professional about two or three up from me. Shut the hell up, what do you know about the "SCENE" nothin, nada, zilch. You punk you don't know a damn thing about stiengburg, and you sure as hell don't know anything about the Prop. Heads. One of the big reasons we knoc at fun at good ol bramy boy is cause he made fun of the Prop. Heads for doing the same thing he did. You know how much his prorams gona cost now, I hacked into there files and got the price. $110 000 000.94, I can't afford that other .94 cents. ha ha ha ha. Anyhoe this is a really good prog (I have grown to like it) so you know this new ones gona be the bomb, and HURRAY!! we can all get it throug warez. ;-) And always remember "You can never beat a Bee to the taste of nuts and honey". -=PEACE=-

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Wim Jansingh
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I just love de 909...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Hydra
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I have made a Major update on my Site
it's has been updated whit, New layout,
9 new HammerHead User bank's,Music Links etc,

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: cyberpope
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

well guess what guys.. it's true that bram ain't
keeping it real and it's true that he sold out but can
we blame him? he doesn't realize how many people out
there use hammerhead but do we use it enough to pay for
it? i know i don't. i honestly don't even think that the
new version with all it's new gadgets will be good enough
for me to use seriously.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: the-tek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

hey asshole ,u proved my point .
which was : "hey im in the "scene" and the only fucking thing i know how to
do is dis people and play on the my computer that mommy
bought ". quit trying to be so hard u little wanna be
umm i forgot !

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Discjockey Icon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

this is a very good page!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Amnionaut
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah, this software is great!. A very fast and intuitive way of get wicked drumloops. I really liked it a lot and respect Bram's genious and generosity, but I have to agree Mr. Zap in that is a bit limited: no accents, no .WAVs, only 6 (short) instruments. I like it anyway.
(my english is a bit limited too, sorry)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Adrian Jarvis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

5 marks for freeware
5 marks for quality
5 marks for import/export
5 marks for ease of use
5 marks for GUI
Please, please add MIDI and SoundFont writing as well as wave export.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Farmer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Cool program, great samples. A real bassdrum would be handy as well as effects like reverb and dirt to make it more loopish sounding . .

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Vic Dmise
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Truly Inspired! The interface is clean and easy and the operation is great. I created killer House and Hip Hop loops within seconds. It inspires music making as only a sampling drummachine can! (Why didn't someone think of this before?) Smart move Steinberg.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: the tek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

to the "hacker" above who suposedly "hacked" into
steinbergs files and found out how much the new version
of hammerhead will cost.
asshole how the fuck can u hack when u cant even count
id really like to see the doc with price!
have it? (oops i forgot u cant download with webtv!)
dumb fuck!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Ummm, shit, uuh, forgot (hacker?)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah this is to that really smart grade five kid who calls himself the tek, why are you so stupid. Any normal person would have found the sarcasim in that "hacked" sentence. boy you really hit low, sooo to avoid waisting my time answereing stupid questions (wink, wink) I will tell you where you can find a disk containing all the info you need. I already know where you live (we all do) anyhoe go to 134st. on the corner of 32ave at exactly 6:34:02pm. There you will see a mail box stand beside it and take two steps forward and then three steps to your right. You will then see at exactly 6:39:20pm you will see an old man which will sit down on the bench directly accross, not to the right of you but directly accross from you, (now becarefull there will be killer spys all around you). Next I want you to walk to him and ask him for a dime, once the dime is in your possesion slowly walk down 2 blocks north, and you will see a small sea food shop, there will be exactly three crabs there with one of the crabs holding a key. take the middle crab and take the key out of it's shell. Then you will see a bumb lady offering to sell flowers give her the dime, in return you will recieve a blue flower with the directions to the drop off point, follow them carefully when you reach the drop off point go to the small black box, open it slowly and disarm the booby trap (cut it with a razor blade and you know ther rest) Then when take some gloves and open the box fully when you open it there will be the disk. I will meet you there to help you get away. P.S. to know it's me I will say "I'm about to bring out the tiger in me" you will then say "They're GRRRRREEEAAATTT!!!!" over and out you dumb fuck!! P.S. Stomp kicks ass word up to my boy Zap keep it real when hammer and stomp combined it's unstopable. -=PEACE=- P.P.S. sorry I don't have a really super plan, just that I got rushed that's all. And remember you never ever read this. ANY OF U!!! your all in this it's bigger than you think. ha ha ha ha ;-)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: sahara
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

this site does not only offer some wicked software but
also endless hours of entertainment reading the
messages of people like that tek cretin and the
"hacker?". keep it up boys, we all need a laugh or two
once in a while.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Filina
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah tek- you really suck!! Keep it up "umm, I forgot". Now back to Hammer head, I have a feeling that this commercial version is goona be PHAT,. i hope that it has reverb, individual speed for each channel, more than 6 channels, and a shit load more. It should be worth the Cash, or the waiting time if you get it through Warez. Tah tah for now!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: fynris
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

hammerhead kicks my ass! i've used it for a vairiety
of things, creating loops, etc.. keep up the good work!
btw, if you want to hear some stuff done with hammerhead, check out
my page at:

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Mark Savoy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Great program.
I've spent lots of money on stuff with half the

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Alyen 01
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Judging by the RA demo, this thing KICKS ASS! Gonna
download it in a few minutes, and then I'll get back to ya,
as soon as I check it out.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Errorist
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Oh yeah !
At least, a real hardcore kit..for free !!
Very wize!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Jeff
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

The program is the bomb. One thing i wish it had
is userbank for a wav file that would make the
hammerhead that i find is the best soft ware i can
find even better. thanks for the great program.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: dog
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

totally amazing ........ outta this world ......

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Jaimz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Ummm.. I got a problem.....
When I start HH I get the startup screen but I also get
some kind of dialogue box with an OK button on it
Unfortunatly this tends to be hidden behind the start screen
so no joy... The one time i managed to get it to run
I got sound whatsoever...
If you can help please Email me
MKs out of 5 = 1 till i can get it to run properly
which i do

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead rocks my face!!!!!
I've used it on my friends PC,
But it wont work on mine!!!!
EVERY other audio on my PCprogram works,
including the MakeBank thingy, but
Hammerhead doesn't make any sound.
I have an AWE64 and everything works peachy.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: eric
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

damn it kicks MAJOR ass

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Andrew kelly
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

My computer crashed today and this is the first thing i got back(i saved it to disk this time)anyway great stuff cant wait for more?!i give it 6 out of 5.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Eric E.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I totally love this program. I use it for everything. I have even recorded a couple songs just tweaking the settings in real time. I LOVE IT!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Nick Stern
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Holy SHIT! This kicks ass like nothing ive ever
heard before. The only proggie that comes close to
this in easy handling and max. effect is Fast Tracker2.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dave Wharton
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah This is 1 cool Drum program. Coupled with stomper you can produce great sounding Beats, and Baselines quickly. Easy to use and a good sound. Love the 909 samples.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Fred Alexander
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey, i checked out your machine, its great. Abolutely love it. Im an Orlando area DJ (in the US) and im makin the transition to creating music. Excellent transitional device if you ask me. Keep up the great work!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: ROUGIE!!
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: paul de aragon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

i have been using it for my forthcoming album in summer
of this year out on jackpot records....its great wheres that
midi clock!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: shane
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Isaw this at a friends and im downloading it now
i play drums proffessionally and this is very very good
the one i need!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dj Meeka
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: chris scott
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Mann tgis thing rocks........ love usinging it with gold ave.
this ting is one of the best i have used
and n9ice and easy to use

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Riot
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Caesar
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

An excelent piece of software, asskickin' sound and
very flexible, making banks with your own samples works just great, very inspiring, I die for an update,
(16 channels?, midi clock?, pattern and song mode?, more FX?, It could be wicked!) Cheers Bram!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: mute parameter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hellyeah! This little monster kicks!!
I have been up until dawn 3 days in a row with this

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Philippe LeSuave
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Yeah, can´t touch dis!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HH is f***ing cool.
You´ve done great work.
P.S.L / Germany / Black Forest

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Eric
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey man, REALLY dig your program. This is some fat shit! I only have one problem, that hopefully with a little help, can easily be solved. The program itself if self-explanitory, however, I don't know where to find any samples to import to the userbank. I'm assuming that if you owned a synthesizer you could import some from there; the only problem is that I don't have one. Is there anywhere that I can download some smooth samples from? Please, whoever reads this and knows the answer, WRITE BACK! Much appreciated!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Simon Williams
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I agree with you, its very good, and I now use it almost exclusively to generate my own drum loops. BUT! I think its a serious handicap that the resolution is fixed, I hope this is sorted when I upgrade to the new commercial product!
Also, its mint for generating .WAV rhythms for use with rubberduck!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Parkside
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Oh my fucking God Hammer head is the best damn thing thats i ever saw. I mean and its free who ever made this program should get an award

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Jörg Wieczorek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Best Super Tool

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: kent
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

AS i remember.. It would be nice to have it work with
any size file..under a meg. And adding more sounds to
it.. Only then it will be PEFECTION...GOOD JOB!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: [BoBo]
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

love it, fucking wonderfull, cya, bye

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: zendem
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I think This is the best tool available for FREE ,and better other expensive programs!!!
Many thanks

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: !ke
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hmmmm... ik weet het nog niet. Volgens mij is dit
programma eigenlijk behoorlijk klote.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Christian Urriola
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I'm using a Mac Based setup, running Hammerhead
on Virtual PC. Great program and I love the samples.
Changing Tempo is no problem and is excellent for those
long samples. If Steinberg release Hammerhead it would
be cool to see a direct link between Cubase Vst and
hammerhead as they have done with rebirth version 2.0
(Which now includes a 909 as well as the 808) with no
midi syncronisation required. 10/10

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: George Frewin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

A superb piece of software, very easy to make neat drum sequences.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Process
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Great software man...Love it. Really helpfull for
remixing and such very very nice works great with

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: per kristian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

i really enjoy the hammerhead as a drum loop maker

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Edo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Thank you Bram!!!!
And dont belive the dark side of the force ( Steinberg )

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99



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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Alexander Franck
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

i'm using hammerhead since a long time, unbelievable, that this thing is freeware...
the only bad thing is, that bram doesn't seem to be engaged in any updates/grades.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Sean
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

this program kicks ass

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Simply the best and free .........
Please continue and make other vitual machine :)
SEE you

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Evolution
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

My band uses this program and it kix! It helps us out soooo much. Our techno sounds so much better. This program is worth it!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: aj devera
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This abosolutely kix serious ass. I am currently using this program to make my cd of electronica songs. keep up the good work.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Chris Barnes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Pretty fun, but needs a little more flexibility

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Mathias
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead needs ALOT more definable samples, plus,
the frequencey limitation due to the "laziness" of the
coder is ridiculus! Other than that, it's a good

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: jukka hautamaki
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

I Think the idea is really great, and it works.
I've been searching for long time software were
you can programme drumpatterns with your own
individul samples.
Perhaps there could some things you could add:
Easy for me to say , you the one who's programming
creating your own banks, there should more sounds and
maybe all the ROM could be taked away.
Then Bank creation program should be able to read
"normal" PCM-wav format, with 22,32,44 frequensies.
and of course that MIDI clock/sync would be great.
I liked specially that drumloops changed tempo
according to programs internal tempo.
And of course FILTERS... ...

- But the distortion was really great too...
Best Wishes from Jukkis
ps. Sorry i didn't send any money.
I'm very poor student and it's little bit
expensive to send money here from Finland.

ps II. How many points ? Four for personality.
And i'm really waiting for updates to come.
ps III. Your program is very much like Seq-303,
little but powerful...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: TrOoP
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

well, i finally got it to work. this thang kix ass. it is a little scratchy, but the fact i can import a bassline and play it on a channel and then pump a beat kix ass... it took me five minutes to learn. i just got it workin today and i have been playing with it all day long... this thing kix ass. u, yeah u reading this right now... u have no right now to download this program... it's even good just as a toy for people who dont make music....!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: P McMahon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I can't believe it's free! Excellent.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Date Check
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Just checkin to see when the last message was posted here. Current date: April 12 1998

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dolemite
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Its pretty bad that a cool guy like Bram can make a
comparable program to one that costs $200 and give it
Being a high school student, I can't just throw my money away for one piece of software. Rebirth is a great program, and a Porsche is a nice car, but I
don't think that I'll have either anytime soon =)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Benjamin Rowe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Excellent peice of software, but it would be nice to copy all the measures from measure 1 into another then, have another 6 measures to play with (IE six different channels per measure..)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Definitely sweet! And the Zap man is right, it marries perfectly with stomper! Great coding from the both of you guys!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: DJ CAM
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Cool piece of software.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Riot
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Tha Bomb !!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

i'am completlely dumbfounded by this program! I must give u praise and thanx. This is truly a work of art and(with ur permission i will b using this program relgoiusly in my music 4 my next album)i will b a faithfull followere of HAMMERHEAD.Please send me any updates and i also will do my best 2 support u. U have my respect and gratitude and i also will preach the gospel of HAMMERHEAD, 1 last thing,................THANK U,...4 bieng true 2 muscians,..it is not easy writing programs without corporate sponsership,but u have and a damn xcellent 1 at that.Please put me on any type of mailing list u have and keep me informed of any changes 2 the program! My syncere thanx ROI VARGAS

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Vic Vector
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hammerhead is dope as fuck. Keep up the good work! Music is freedom.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Ben Sherburne
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

I have been using Hammerhead for some work on our (The Coalition, Columbus, OH) upcoming CD release. The program is incredible. The ability to sequence drum samples and to create new kits from my own sample library allowed me to produce some killer tracks that just wouldn't have had the punch with mere MIDI gear. The shuffle slide bar allowed me to give the beats a more human feel by making the time feel a little off from perfectly straight 8's or perfectly swing 8's, which really makes the tracks come alive. I look forward to an upgrade with MIDI sync. Also more than six tracks would be very useful, as would the ability to pan L/R and save to a stereo .wav instead of just mono. But this is an amazing program, a necessity if you are going to be doing any kind of serious track production.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Frode Kaspersen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Smashing software. Great interface. Great !!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: HookWing
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Dolemite pick up rebirth and cool stuff like dat on warez pages....!!!!! Mon!!!!!!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Jerome C Mudha
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

sorry about my engglish
I think The HH is very cool , better than that Mc303 shit
Now I already making very "PATAH" drum loops
I was thinking to buy the 309 thing (which is very sexsy)
but is very expensive
the HammerHead is VERY POWERFULL rhythm engine,because
the basic is sampling. Unlimited!!!!
i just wish the HammerHead has 8 track (or more) maybe
he name change to Octopus HEHEHE....
and it has effect(flanger or Phaser) so I can sweep the
drum loops....(knobs....tweaking....)
and very important ... the on/of button or the step sequencer
can be controled with the computer keyboard (like the MIXMAN
thing). So you can play it more live and more creative.
(not just whith mouse)
A MIDI clock is also very cool
So to you Bram Bros..... TERIMA KASIH BANGET
So next week I'm gonna take my HammerHead and Play it
live with my friend in a DJ set. You just make my live
very happy now . Thanks.........

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: KILO
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 12-Mar-99

one thing no-one seems to mention, or think of with this s/w when it comes to more sounds.... first.. use hammerhead to create a simple beat using say 3,4 or whatever drum sounds.... stream it to audio as .wav file.... next format that resulting wav file using the MakeBank.exe programme into a raw file, and reload it into hammerhead... now, that 3,4, 5 or6 drum beat will only occupy 1 channel of hammerhead, leaving 5 free channels to create extra sounds, or percussion etc....

so for example as a simple scenario.... create a banging 4 on the floor kik & hat house pattern, stream it, convert it, reload it as a loop.... add more drums.... simple...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 12-Mar-99

one thing no-one seems to mention, or think of with this s/w when it comes to more sounds.... first.. use hammerhead to create a simple beat using say 3,4 or whatever drum sounds.... stream it to audio as .wav file.... next format that resulting wav file using the MakeBank.exe programme into a raw file, and reload it into hammerhead... now, that 3,4, 5 or6 drum beat will only occupy 1 channel of hammerhead, leaving 5 free channels to create extra sounds, or percussion etc....

so for example as a simple scenario.... create a banging 4 on the floor kik & hat house pattern, stream it, convert it, reload it as a loop.... add more drums.... simple...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 12-Mar-99

one thing no-one seems to mention, or think of with this s/w when it comes to more sounds.... first.. use hammerhead to create a simple beat using say 3,4 or whatever drum sounds.... stream it to audio as .wav file.... next format that resulting wav file using the MakeBank.exe programme into a raw file, and reload it into hammerhead... now, that 3,4, 5 or6 drum beat will only occupy 1 channel of hammerhead, leaving 5 free channels to create extra sounds, or percussion etc....

so for example as a simple scenario.... create a banging 4 on the floor kik & hat house pattern, stream it, convert it, reload it as a loop.... add more drums.... simple...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: wookie
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jun-99

Kick ass. as long as steinberg puts ridicilulous price tags on their stupid shit i will just keep downloading craked versions from the net...
their programs are ok but their prices are fucked up... retards... sucks that bram bros is gonna work for them, i wonder what program they will release.....

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Gringo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Jun-99

finally a software thingie worth using.
I only use hardware-based gear, but this guy really surprised me with his invention.If i read correctly, it won´t b for free anymore..that sux..

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: tuO-nI
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Aug-99

well I've used it before and its great,
but my roomy did a full restore on comp
(shit) and the D\L page is down so where can i find it

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: oHm
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Aug-99

The reason that you won´t find is that Steinberg found is as good as you and therefore bought and renamed it. The program is avaliable as "b-box" at your local music shop.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: k
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Aug-99

sorry, the hammerhead file is now added again.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: yaya
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Sep-99


this is the software that got me started in the world of electronic music during summer-late 1998. My broke arse couldnt afford anything so all i could do was play with freeware hammerhead all day long non-stop (the memories bring a tear to my eye!) --- thousands of hours of nonstop fun! This software is DAMN amazing all considered.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Markus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Oct-99

PROBLEMS:I've been using HH for some time. It's a great program, but I've had some problems. The appearance is twisted compared to the picture on this page; the channel numbers are not aligned with the channel controls. Is there any special version of any particular graphics library the program needs? I've tried upgrading my dll's, but that has not helped so far. A more serious problem is the timing - the streamed loops are constantly too long in relation to BPM. Just a fraction of a millisecond or so, but when you row up a number of loops to form a track, the difference becomes audible. Since the error is very small, it's a pain to edit. Anybody have any similar experiences? Perhaps the problem would go away if I upgraded my trusty (not!) DX4; however, with the "486 performance" option activated the program is operating fine apart from the timing.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: B-Frank
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Oct-99

Hey man, Ive been trying to download this hammerhead beaat machine for a couple of weeks now and it keeps telling me Im not getting a complete zip file. What should I do?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: steve
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Nov-99

even homemade rebirth mods dont come close to stomping it up as much as hammerhead, bram must like his techno....
anyway after i had a HD failure i lost hammerhead, i downloaded it again but it appears to be broken could you check your end of things? im starting to get the shakes from withdrawl...

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: bryan seton
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Nov-99

hoe krijg ik dit spul gedownload.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: k
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Nov-99

sorry - hammerhead file is now fixed - grab it - it's freeware !! - soory about that, but no-one told me before that the file was screwed

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Ricky Mastermind
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Dec-99

Where's the DL?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: ssd
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Feb-00

It is simply excellent,What else I can say?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: SiStEk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Feb-00

Is it possible that mr.Bram is the neo-christ of modern desktop-drum-programming?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: stan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 16-Feb-00

very nice well written piece of software very useful tool for creating mad beats and the best part its free. props to the bram brothers.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Bram Bos himself
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 12-Mar-00

Check out the Tuareg. Free, Powerfull,
Fun, Great sound. It's the big brother of HammerHead. You'll love it.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: darkstar
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Mar-00

WICKED SOFTWARE if anyone out there has trouble downloading it email me at matt.darkstar@btinternet.com or mattj@mattj.eurobell.co.uk and i will email it to you fully working, i also have all the bios file for the playstation emu and loads of other fully working software, well you know where i'm at CHEERS

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: shox
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Jun-00


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: yaki mazor
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Jun-00

verey good

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: DBE
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 25-Jun-00


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: dbe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 25-Jun-00


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Steve Newcomb
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Jun-00

Pretty dang cool!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Craig
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 27-Jun-00

It's good, yes? Yes! But not perfect... There's no velocity sensitivity, and that sucks. An accent would be nice, at least. You can work around this by using several tracks of the same drum, but there's only 6 tracks... And it doesn't clock fast enough to do 32nd notes either :-(

But! On the flip side it's a great piece for putting together quick and dirty loops. It lasted me a long time as my only drum machine!

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Glen Oglethorpe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Feb-03

Hi, this may or may notbe the correct way to contact you, however I'm studying 'Creative Music & Sound Technology' @ Leeds Metropolitain University, in the UK. For my final individual project I am attempting to create a soft synth drum machine similiar (or the same) in many ways to the hammer head program, using interactive music programming software pd. It would be helpfull if u could give me an overview as to how you handle, and structure your working timetable during programming.

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Feb-03

you'd better contact bram then and ask him - he wrote it

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: HongSon
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Apr-03


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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: coz
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Sep-03

its okay,shit the way theres only 6 channels,and the way theres no minor notes in the base files,hard to make a decent drum,n bass track with no minor notes and only 6 channels,but then again the program is free,so hats off to its creator:)

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: jorban r
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-May-06

i think this program is great but i cant export the loop to use with audacity ? so if any one could show me please email me thanks heaps jorban?????

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Bugwhana
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Activity: Professional
Date: 22-May-08

Hammerhead is where it all started folks

Hats off..



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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Dani
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Jan-09

its cool

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: Aaron
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 25-May-10

tried first on my grndpas Vista-machine - it worked.
so I wanted to use it on my Windows 7 Notebook - no way. Can't squeeze any sound out of my loudspeakers...
nyone who's got a tip?

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Product:  Bram Bos - Hammerhead
Name: RedCar
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Aug-10

Does anyone know if Hammer runs on Windows CE / Windows Mobile or if there is a version running on Android?

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