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Akai MPC60


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Akai MPC60

Category:  Products / samplers / akai samplers

Added: 22-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 500 GBP upwards

Akai MPC60

I just realised we didn't have the damned mpc60 in the listins! - so here is some info to get it in asap

The Akai MPC60 ("MIDI Production Center 60") was an electronic musical instrument produced in 1988, by the Japanese company Akai in collaboration with celebrated designer Roger Linn. It combined MIDI sequencing and audio sampling with a set of velocity/aftertouch-sensitive performance pads, to produce an instrument optimized for use as a drum machine. The MPC60 enjoyed great popularity, particularly among musicians producing Hip Hop and similar styles.

The MPC60's success and popularity can perhaps be best understood in the context of earlier drum machines.

Early machines in the 1970s tended to use analogue synthesis for their sounds (characterful, but not very realistic) and only provided pre-set rhythms. By the late 1970s, use of microprocessors and affordable RAM memory led to the development of machines which allowed musicians to program their own rhythm patterns (e.g. the Roland CR-78).

In 1980, Roger Linn produced one of the world's first drum machines to use digital audio samples as the sound source, the Linn LM-1. This was very popular as these sampled sounds were generally much more realistic and "punchy" than analogue ones.

In 1983, the MIDI protocol was launched, as a standard way to interconnect electronic musical instruments, and quickly became very popular, replacing the plethora of manufacturer's incompatible proprietary interfaces. MIDI provided a ready way to synchronize the operation of drum machines with other studio devices, and enabled programmed rhythms to be exchanged as MIDI note data.

By the mid-1980s, machines such as the Sequential Circuits Inc. Studio 440 and Linn's own Linn 9000, combined powerful MIDI sequencers with the ability to sample one's own sounds. This offered much more flexibility in terms of what had been available before, both in terms of drum sounds, and the ability to integrate the drum machine with other studio devices. However neither of these machines were a great commercial success, and both Linn and Sequential ceased trading.

Roger Linn then began a design collaboration with Akai, drawing heavily on the Linn 9000 and Studio 440 concepts, resulting in the MPC60. Willie Wilcox produced & recorded all the original drum sounds shipped with the original Akai MPC 60.

  • 16 velocity sensitive pads
  • 4 pad banks (64 voices per program)
  • sampling rate of 40kHz (freq response 20Hz - 18kHz)
  • 16-bit ADC and DAC, with data stored in special non-linear 12bit format (for lower noise)
  • 750kB sampling memory (13.1 seconds), upgradable to 1.5MB (26.2 seconds) (expansion card: EXM003)
  • 128 sounds in memory, 64 sounds per program, 16 voice polyphony.
  • 2 MIDI inputs, 4 MIDI outputs
  • 20 songs, 99 sequences, 99 tracks, 60,000 note capacity
  • timing resolution of 96ppq (parts per quarter note)
  • syncable via MIDI Time Code (MTC), MIDI Clock, FSK24, SMPTE, 1/4 note click.
  • SMPTE supported frame rates: 24, 25, 29.97 drop, and 30.
  • 8 assignable outputs + 1 stereo + 1 effects send/return
  • Internal 3�" floppy drive (Double Density 720 kB)
  • optional 3rd-party SCSI interface (by Marion Systems)

[from Wikipedia]

Product Videos

About the Akai MPC60 PT. 1

basic info on the MPC60 mkII ...

Akai Mpc 60 Mk1 Beat Just For The Fun 1

I was testing my new father's camera...it's sounds a little bit compressed and i breath like Dark Va...

idk making another beat

beatmaking with akai mpc60, s950 and sonar6 ...

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User Comments

Product:  Akai - MPC60
Name: skul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-May-99

love this thing. it's so nice to work with. sounds awesome.

if you see an MPC60 II, and are wondering what the difference is, it's only that the II has a different (more plastic) case and a headphone output (which was absent on the original).

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Product:  Akai - MPC60
Name: arvmeister
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Jun-02

This machine changed my life!

I'm not gonna rant on a long length about it like i've seen on the other forum for MPC3000.

I will say this however. I've used software sequencers since I knew how to operate a computer properly. That was 11 years ago. I'm now 23. I thought nothing would beat sequencing using Cubase. Iknew the program inside-out. It did everything I wanted, my music had a structure to it that I was pleased with.

My life changed when I could start affording hardware. I got a job and saved up to build a bedroom studio. I was listening to a lot of hip=hop and trip hop. My influences come from everywhere, but mainly old funk/jazz/soul music. What was so important about these pieces of music was so their 'groove' factor. I read about a lot of people using MPC's, like the Chemical Brothers, Rae and Christian, Aim, etc. I thought I would never need to get one.

The first piece of hardware I bought was the Akai S5000. And that made me realise that hardware sampling had an extra edge over when I was sampling using my soundcard. This thing was a custom-built sampling machine, not something that can be used for a hundred tasks, that have nothing to do with music.

After this amazement, the next piece of kit was the MPC60, going by my previous hardware result. And that was it. After using computer sequencing, and knowing it inside out. I decided to move well-away and use one machine to control all the instruments.

Now, my music is more full of life, it's amazingly goos, and has all the feeling that was captured in the old music I listen to 'SOUL'. The music sounds like it's actually being playaed rather than progrmmed. Any MPC is really tactile piece of equipment, which suits me fine, as I am a tacile person and like to play my parts. I would say that this machine is not for everyone. But unless you know what you want from your music, you will always think inside a box. I've realised that in all the years of using computer sequencing, that my music was lacking that something I couldn't work out.

All i'm trying to say is that you should write you feel comfortable with. If like using the equipment you've got, then, that's cool. I THOUGHT LIKE THAT FOR 11 YEARS. IMAGINE HOW MY MUSIC WOULD SOUND NOW IF I HAD BEEN USING THE MPC OVER CUBASE ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!

Go with your soul when it comes to music, it's an art form that will only live for as long as it is good!!

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Product:  Akai - MPC60
Name: arvmeister
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Jun-02

sorry forgot to mention 5 out of 5

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