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Ensoniq EPS


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Ensoniq EPS

Category:  Products / samplers / ensoniq samplers

Added: 05-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 300 ish

Ensoniq EPS

I don't own one, and aint used one.... but due to request, I'm adding this page to the sampler section..... and believe me, trying to get info on the web for the EPS series is a total no-go..... I spent about 6 hours on our 128k link scouring the www, and not one single site could i find with the full specs of each machine.... well sad.... so here's the best I could find, and of course.... you users can add all the comments below and set us straight !!

The basic Ensoniq 'EPS' is a relatively cheap sampler to find secondhand, given it's spec's which are pretty good..... Not a massive memory at a maximum of 2mb, but a decent sampler nonetheless. The EPS-16+ adds built in FX which can be re-sampled, which is a great facility given the price these can be had for....

Structuraly, the EPS seems to follow the layers theory set by the Mirage series.... with each 'Instrument' consisting of up to 8 layers, each layer having 127 maximum number of samples mapped over the 61 note keyboard..... each sample can have it's own envelope, filter, LFO, pitch, and amp settings.... The filters by the way are not resonant filters ...and the LFO can't be clocked to midi.... but you do get load while-play, which may be of use in a live set-up, especially bearing in mind the fairly low memory.... What the maximum total number of samples that can be held in memory is... i dunno...

The EPS has a maximum poly of 20 notes, with 16 being more typical when in use, only 8 part multi-timbrel..... sample rates go from 6.5K up to 50K and it's 16 bit sampling......You get stereo out, and you can optionaly add an 8 output expander... whether these are available i dunno.... so you'd better check that out if there's a prospective purchase....

Believe it or not, that's all I could find.... there does seem to be quite alot of comment on the net regarding the un-reliability of these EPS machines, with output expander break-downs, power supply problems etc cropping up....however, people generaly are quick to let others know about problems, and less liable to post good news type stuff..... so I dunno...... anyway... if you use either the EPS, or EPS-16+.....please add some decent comments.... thanks.....

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: twelve bit pimp
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Sep-99

In my opinion the best sampler in the budget range. Possibility to add 8 outs,scsi

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: dean
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Sep-99

ive had an eps 16+ for years, and recently purchased my first pc, im pretty set up now to start taking my music writing more seriously.
finding this site got me very exited. when i saw there is an eps hompage, i got even more exited. however i couldnt make the link for some reason, has the address changed.
im keen to get drumkits, effects, and any thing else that will expand the power of my eps16+.

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Dan
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Nov-99

Hmm, thought I'd add a bit of info since this was my first sampler. I miss this machine due to it's ease of use and am thinking of buying it again.

I have since been through an ASR 10, and now have an ASR X which is pethetic.
You can get more work done on an EPS. However, that is another topic.

I,m thinking my (Early Outward's) set up will be a decent laptop running all loops and midi sequencing together, only leaving a place for a sampler to do these jobs: Loop functions Cool Edit and Soundforge can't do, Live triggering of samples, Use as a midi controller, use as a drum module for all of our Recycled kits for D+B.

Here are some facts I can share that I learned while I had my keyboard version of the EPS:

Same exact sequencer as the ASR 10, very tight and robotic though. Easy to use for basic song creation, nothing to tricky as far as drum programming.

With it's raw samples at lower rates, which actually give some amazing sounding grainy samples, you can have a lot of samples in memory if you mind your sampling rates.

Has a "synthesize loop function" which will turn any noisy loop into an ambient scape, kinda whispery. Try this with a sample of a very staticy old church or opera record. pretty strange.

Never crashed, froze or corrupted my files. (like the ASR X will destroy and mishandle all SCSI info, ahem!)

Filter can be manipulated by the mod wheel, although not resonant.

Is supported problem free, in my experience and using Steinberg Recycle with the EPS and ASR 10.

Some questions I still wonder is, can the EPS load standard midi files,like from sequence 303 from techno toys, or just from Cakewalk? Does anyone make a retrofit memory upgrade? That would make the EPS amazing.

Very cool sampler if you don't need a lot of memory,are using an audio program and need some rapid triggered drum stuff to add in midi wise.

This or the Emax in this price range, $300.00 to $500.00, is the way to go.

Bye all.

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: mike
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Feb-00

if your looking for some samples for you
new EPS, or EPS 16 check out the ensoniq
resources on the net (linked in the side
bar towards the top of this webpage). I
recently purchased an eps16, the big
brother of the eps and im amazed with
it. I tried an asr first and had
fantastic. Easy to use. fun to sample
with. easy to make mu

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: s.e.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Feb-00

This was my first sampler. It was 1989, I think. I got it for 400 back then which was a really good deal. I bought it from a guitarist who apparently realize its power.
The main drawback was it limited memory. Nowadays that can easily be worked around. If you have a PC and a copy of Acid you can layer all of your samples for days. If only I had that luxury back then.
This a is a great machine to get started on. The sequencer is very easy to use. It has basic quantize features. The quantize doesn't quantize your input as it is going in so you go back an select the value (1/4, 1/8, etc). I go SO much work done on it. You could copy, transpose, track in a couple of button pushes. You could also append them as easily. If you dont need ultra high resolution this could make a decent sequencer. MIDI was a foriegn language then so I cannot comment on it performance in that regard.
To be honest the best move would be to save a little more and get an ASR-10. I will not even discuss the ASR-X. It is not worth the time. The ASR-10 is a very versatile tool that even after getting an Emu 6400 I would still like to have. In fact in a little while I may try to find a good deal on one. Sorry to get off track.
As for reliability the EPS I had did like to lock up. We used to always say that we knew we had a dope track going because the thing would lock up like a drum. BTW the ASR-10s are much more stable. I think for all of them stability is a case by case issue. Some are great others are lemons that crash more. Before you buy please play with it alot (if possible) and really try to "stress it out" by making it compute alot and see how fast it crashes. If you have to try really hard then you got a pretty good one.
I wish I remembered more hard facts. I realize this is just a testomonial but I figure one more opinion wont slow the web down that much more.
I give it a 3.5 for its powerful simplicity and not a point more because of its limitations (memory and stability).
Hope this helps.
You get 8 instrument slots and can layer each "instrument" with 8 layers. That gave me plenty of places to put all of my noises. It was 89 so I was very into Public Enemy. The EPS gave me all power to create my personal "Nation of Millions..." rippoff.
At the time I thought the sound was very clear. I didn't really I was operating in a lo-fi environment:)

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: adky
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Feb-01

EPS is a 13bit mono input stereo output
EPS+ is 16bit stereo input and out put
EPS had 3expender option they are called
2X , 4X , and the 4XSCSI

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Jonathan Porter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Nov-02

If you have an EPS 16+, you should get hold of the waveboy software which made the things a bit more versatile. I loved mine at the time but would find my hands tied on one nowadays. The lack od resonant filters always bugged me. Transwaves were a very unusual and novel way round it and led to some interesting useful sounds. SCSI is a must really now.


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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: most high ent.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Dec-02

need operation systems disks for

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Chris
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 18-Jan-03

The EPS16+ as some very cool effects that are available from Waveboy. Using the audio in you can use the EPS 16+ as an effects box AND still playback samples. My band used the EPS16+ to plug the guitar into for distorton and delay while it played back drums and bass. Not bad, IMHO.

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: chris kern
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 30-May-03

need asr 10 scsi-user instruction!

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Bill Rabey
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Jan-04

Hi all I dont play keyboard but I bought this esoniq performance sampler eps in a musical equiptment package deal. I play guitar myself but was able to figure enough out to play alittle. Have quite a few floopy's and os disk.Need to sell ASAP. $300.00 OBO. feel free to contact me brabey@kconline.com 574-936-4481 before 2:00 est.

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: duff
Email: No email added
Activity: Professional
Date: 09-Nov-04

This was the first sampler i owned , the first sampler i used was the mirage

I had this for around 1 year then upgraded to the Eps 16+ which i loved

this one was great in the fact that it was quite affordable at the time , everything else was way out of my price range ( Emulator 2 , Akai etc)

to be honest i dont remember a lot of the features other than it
was pretty damn easy to get up and running with it
and once u learnt the OS you can make stuff very very quickly with it

the sequencer as in ALL the ensoniq sequencers was a bit buggy
prone to crashing at the end of sequence sections
but as long as u saved a lot it was ok

u could buy the Scsi kit and save to HD if u wanted and the output expander was very handy .. and NO you cant buy them anymore

All this stuff was greatly enhanced in the Eps16+ and if u want a cheap
workstation sampler .. the Eps 16+ is the one to go for

how ever .. the ASR-10 which is the same OS style and layout
is by far the best one to look at ..

if your on a budget go for the eps16+ , i woudnt touch the EPS now
as there are too many bits and peices that can break

during my tour with mine
i broke..

One pitch bend spring ( had to get it custom made )
several panel buttons ( luckly a standard electronic switch just solder it on)

but i used it at gigs and everyday so im not surprised

Dont bother unless its real cheap .. and look for eps 16+_or ASR-10

still usable however and sounds great with outboard FX added

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Henry
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Nov-04

easy to use (cut and loop=breeze), dirty samples (good for old skool), great keyboard, can sound pretty good if you want it to
stability, loading time, filters, the output box (why put them in a box?)

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: james watkins
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 04-Dec-04

I have an Ensoniq EPS and want to configure it to use a SCSI drive to load all my dics on. I want to be able to access the sound files from this SCSI drive. If anyone have information on how to do this please email me. Thanks James.

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Dori
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

Good site. It would be desirable to return again and again!

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Mau
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

Good site. Why also is not present?! (

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Slimt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

To write the letter, it is necessary ...

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Alex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

Badly with scripts. Not the convenient interface. And so a site interesting and useful. Has come, was surprised with quantity of the information. Has added in the selected works, and I suggest you to exchange references. In advance thanks, write

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: John
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

Interesting site, it is well written. Registration not so was pleasant, and with scripts of a problem. Let's vary references, or banners. Write, how solve

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Martin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

Hi. You have very nice website! Beautiful design.

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Max
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

I suggest Poker Reviews good site for omaha and texas hold em...

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Dmitry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Dec-05

To write the letter, it is necessary ...

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Product:  Ensoniq - EPS
Name: Yo S ELf
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Jan-12

Dope sampler I use it to sequence an Akai S900 & S2000. I do most of my preliminary tracks on the on board sequencer and then dump them into my DAW to arrange. Reminds me of my old SP12 with more sample time and varying sample rates.

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