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Yamaha CS-10


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Yamaha CS-10

Category:  Products / synthesisers / analog synthesisers

Added: 20-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 100 - 200 GBP

Yamaha CS-10

The CS-10 is a cheap old 100% analog original from Yamaha circa 1977, much overlooked in the fight to buy old Roland synths, but a great unit with 22 knobs and lots of sliders to waggle.... This unit also has an external input.... a 3 way switchable Filter (hi-lo-band-pass)....

You've also got CV gate connectivity with Key volt in/out, and Trigger in/out which uses Hz/Volt triggers like the old Korg's.





All in all a good little cheapie with all the knobs, and a stand-up panel to look cool with... last time I saw one of these in action was about 1981.

Check them out... VERY nice units... user comments please!

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Voynich Modified Analogue Yamaha CS-10 Synth

An extra multiple waveshape oscillator is added to this monosynth for extra sonic power...

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Product:  Yamaha - CS-10
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Sep-99

I really like this keyboard. Noise, Attack level, PWM, 5x time boost(ADSR), LFO, PORTA., External audio, and overall a groovy interface. Plug your 777 into this.

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Product:  Yamaha - CS-10
Name: Alessandro
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Jan-00

Definetly a great synth. Bass, noise and percussive are the best sounds you can hear from this unit...I think it's fatter than other similar monosynth like ROLAND SH-101, MOOG PRODIGY or KORG MS 20. highly recommended.....

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Product:  Yamaha - CS-10
Name: B
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Oct-01

'I think it's fatter than other similar monosynth like ROLAND SH-101, MOOG PRODIGY or KORG MS 20. highly recommended.....'

What!! the CS is a nice little synth but it comes nowhere close to the SH101 or the ms20 end of story. Ive all three plus the CS5 and I can tell you they are very useful synths to have around but they are not killers by any means.


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Product:  Yamaha - CS-10
Name: Anthony
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Oct-01

Yeah I got one of these - still works - fantastic synth
but only really a solo unit as no arpeggio or polyphony (though if you detune one oscillator by a third or a fifth you can get a fat 'rave anthem' stylee chord. Plugged into loads of other kit (Boss cowbell was what I always used) then you're thumpin. Plenty of fiddle-factor and gave me indepth knowledge of the physics of sound

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Product:  Yamaha - CS-10
Name: vintagelover
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 02-Dec-03

Top sounds ! i just found one in mint condition, and i 'm really upset by the sounds. This synth sounds great, fatter than a cs-5, and simplier than the cs-15 (not so rich), i love to make subs basses, class leads with slide (in a "Laika" mood) - never sell it...!!

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