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Yamaha R1000


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Yamaha R1000

Category:  Products / fx & processors / reverb

Added: 15-Sep-08  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 40-60 quid max

Yamaha R1000

The Yamaha R1000 Digital Reverb Unit - a typical 80's no-frills digital reverb processor with a 19" rack mount. Working from left to right you've got power ON/OFF button, then 4 MODE selector buttons which simply select from 4 rverb presets, each one bigger then the previous - Next is an LED input ladder meter accompanied by an imput-level control pot - Next (according to the manual) comes a 3-way 'parametric Eq', although without a 'Q' control it's really a fixed sweep Eq by the look of it, offering 3 bands of eq achieved by using 3 X dual-layer pots offering 15dB of Cut/Boost with the eq center frequencies being:

LOW: 50Hz - 700 Hz
MID: 350Hz - 5kHz
HIGH: 2kHz - 20kHz

Following the EQ section is an eq on/off switch to bypass eq - Finaly comes a Mix control (Direct/Reverb), a master volume and at the far right, a bypass switch and footswitch socket.

Round the back it's a simple In/Out socket, a level switch and an insert send/return pair of sockets, so no stereo delay here then!

Well it's a typical early budget delay which would be used nowadays for specialist jobs like adding extra bite to a drumsound or a synth in a live set or whatever.... Added for posterity only as there's better units to be had from this era i'd say... Any user comments? Please add some!...

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Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 17-Sep-09

BOM DIA SOU TECNICO EM ELETRONICA HA 22 ANOS E TRABALHO COM PA(SONORIZAÇAO), E ESTOU COM UM reverb R1000 se possivel for gostaria de adquirir algumas peças ;

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Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Name: Robin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Jun-10

Yeah really good, very niche sound though; you won't want it on everything in the mix. Certain elements though it will give a great sparkle to, I think it will give vocals a great edge also. Selectable +4db/-10dB input is nice too. It's a very basic 12bitter but it has a nice sound and feel.

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Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Name: George
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 09-Nov-11

The R-1000 sounds quite good. Dont compare it to a 20 years newer model.
The R1000 is an early digital reverb and if you know on what sounds to
use it , it can sound amasing. There's a deept to the rev tail that you
dont find on many reverbs. Compare it to the many plug-ins and you see
that there's special sounds to get from the hardware units that the
plug-in's simply can't do. I use it on vocals and percussion. It sounds
fantastic if you know how to set the eq. And how many reverbs have 6 eq
knobs on the front? (3 Dual knobs). I've seen some people make comments
like 'sounds like crap' and so on, but these people don't know what they
are talking about. Every effects unit has it's forces. You use them for
what they are good at, and then you get a mix that sounds unique.

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Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Name: Laxen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Nov-11

This R1000 is a vintage reverb pearl. It does a sound thats quite
unique. I would recoment it to anyone whio wants to have different
sounding reverb machines. If you see it for sale and can get it for max
200 $ then go for it. It's a classic, and its no cheap class reverb . it
was Yamaha's top end studio reverb once.

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Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Name: chevdo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-May-12

This reverb is my secret weapon for dub. It's no space echo, spring or even bucket-brigade, but the analog EQ sounds like a non-resonant filter on the verb, so you can really go at it tweaking your reverbs in a dub mix. Highly recommended, and not just for live applications, it sounds pretty solid in a well-mixed recording.

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Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Name: Dan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Jan-16

Bought it new back in the stone age. 33 years ago. Used it for live band
performance mostly. Best thing around when it came out under $1000. I think
it was $600.00 used it ever since when appropriate. still love it for vocals.

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Last added comment

Product:  Yamaha - R1000
Name: hideo sakurai
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Feb-21

Please sell me the service manual of YAMAHA R1000 reverbe.

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