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Speedsoft Vsampler


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Speedsoft Vsampler

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 02-Jul-02  |  Author: admin

New price: $40 - $70 full version/vsti/dxi  |   S/H price: Not listed

Speedsoft Vsampler

Never tried VSAMPLER, but adding it to the listings so it is not overlooked by punters searching for options.... Here's the site info until we can get a review added... VSAMPLER can change 'skins' so there is lots of choices for how it looks.. The above image is a skin called @millenium Steel' - some other skins can be seen below... ok.. here's the Speedsoft VSAMPLER info...

VSampler emulates a hardware sample-player on a Windows-PC and turns every DirectX- or ASIO-soundcard into a powerful 24bit/96kHz sampler and synthesizer with up to 64 stereo-voices and 16 individual outputs, controlled through an easy to use interface. The native VST instrument offers sample accurate timing and seamless integration into a VST-environment, the DXi version integrates directly into Cakewalk's Sonar, the standalone-version can be driven by any MIDI-sequencer through a virtual MIDI port.

The Sampler

VSampler manages soundbanks of virtually unlimited size. The multi mode with it's user defined multi settings allows to quickly change soundsets within your songs. The program supports realtime effects for the sounds, such as volume-, filter- and LFO-envelopes with linear or logarithmic segments, two velocity controlled filters, two LFO's etc. Additional to the integrated effects VSampler supports external VST effect plugins. Velocity crossfades allow to use different samples in dependence of the velocity for realistic instruments. VSampler provides fully customizable realtime controls (modulation wheel, assignable controllers, pitchbend). By use of templates you can apply complex instrument settings to another instrument with just one mouseclick. A unique and extremely useful feature is the import/export of text format templates for processing with the functions of a spread sheet processor of your choice. This makes repeating monotone click orgies a relic of the past.

Virtual MIDI port or VSTi or DXi

VSampler provides virtual MIDI-ports through the included MIDI driver and thus can be played live via MIDI keyboard or driven by any program with MIDI output. To obtain 100% perfect sequencer-timing (no latency), independent of the soundcard, VSampler works either as native VST Instrument or DXi too. VST instrument and DXi contain a 16-channel MIDI-mixer.

WAV + AIF + SF2 + TTI + LM4 drumkits + AKAI

Additionally to it's own format VSampler is able to import 16- and 24-bit WAV- and AIF-files, TerraTec's TTI instruments, LM4 drumkits and to import/export the popular Creative Labs SF2 soundfont format. It also reads AKAI S-1000 and S-3000 CD-ROMs, both presets (including splits) and samples (including loop points, panning and volume) will be imported. Import of AKAI S1000 PRG and P files as well as of AKAI S5000/S6000 AKP files is supported too.

The Synthesizer

Fully integrated into the sampler structure there's a powerful realtime-synthesizer with an open interface. Currently we have a DX7 emulator and a classic analog-synth.

Skinnable Interface

VSampler allows the creative customization of the graphical interface by skins - you can make the interface match the mood of your song! Attention, skin authors, please send us your skins! If we like it and integrate it as official skin for VSampler you will get the 'Professional' version for free.

Windows 9x/ME and Windows 2000/XP

VSampler supports all soundcards via DirectSound driver and/or ASIO driver and runs under Windows 9x/ME and Windows 2000/XP . It supports the latest audio-standards, such as DirectSound 8, Environmental Audio Extension (EAX) 2.0 (SB Live! family), ASIO 2.0, the VST 2.0 instrument interface and the VST plugin interface.

Well, sounds Ok.... and cheap, any users out there please feel free to add some user-comments...

2/8/93 - Vsampler is currently at version 2.75 and VSampler 3 is announced and in Beta.

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User Comments

Product:  Speedsoft - Vsampler
Name: Groove
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-May-08

I would like to change the skin of my Vsampler, but everything I do produces very little changes. How can I get the skin poster on your page?


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Product:  Speedsoft - Vsampler
Name: uyt lkjh
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-May-10


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Product:  Speedsoft - Vsampler
Name: Mike Tashon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 08-Jan-14

I bought the latest edition Vs3,5 and I have error warning and I haven't any contact from MAZ even though I send them emails for help.
Before buying it the responses were in the same day.
Poor after market support.

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