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Category:  Products / synthesisers / sample synthesisers

Added: 17-Feb-00  |  Author: admin

New price: ?  |   S/H price: Not listed


The Microwave XTK Version extends the Microwave family to include a keyboard version. This unit is basically a Microwave XT spec, with added keys... Same amount of controller knobs & dials, same spec's, poly & multi-parts etc...


  • 49 key keyboard, velocity and release velocity, monophonic aftertouch
  • Pitch Bend wheel
  • Modulation wheel
  • 12 buttons for selecting multi and sound programs
  • 1 dial for page access
  • 44 dials for parameter changes
  • 2 buttons for parameter changes
  • 1 master volume potentiometer
  • 1 Play / Shift button
  • 5 buttons for mode selection (3 buttons for "Sound", 1 button for "Multi", 1 button for "Global")
  • 1 Standby button with alert function to assure that all edited sounds are stored
  • Multi Mode with 8 individual instruments
  • 10 voices
  • 128 multis
  • 256 sounds
  • 64 ROM wavetables
  • 32 RAM wavetables
  • 64 waves per wavetable
  • 500 waves
  • arpeggiator, syncable to MIDI Clock
  • programmable arpeggiator rhythm pattern per sound
  • 4 integrated effect units (1 Chorus available for any instrument in multi mode, 1 separate effect for each of the first 3 instruments in multi mode)
  • all parameters real time controllable through MIDI continous controller
  • MIDI In / Out / Thru
  • 1 stereo input
  • 2 stereo outputs

Parameters Per voice

  • 2 oscillators
  • oscillator synchronization
  • oscillator FM, fully modulatable
  • 2 wave generators
  • noise generator
  • ring modulator
  • adjustable quality levels for aliasing, interpolation and clipping
  • mixer, all levels (Wave 1, Wave 2, Noise, Ring Modulation, External In) modulatable with high resolution
  • 2 multi mode filters, connected serially

  • filter 1:

    • low pass 12dB
    • low pass 24dB
    • band pass 12dB
    • high pass 12dB
    • sinus shaper with low pass filter 12dB
    • wave shaper with low pass filter 12dB (selected wavetable determines the available shaper waves)
    • Sample & Hold with low pass filter 12dB (real time sample rate reduction down to 23Hz)
    • dual parallel filter with 12dB low pass and 12dB band pass, cutoff offset parameter for band pass
    • 12dB low pass filter with filter FM (cutoff modulation through oscillator 2)

  • filter 2:
    • low pass 6dB
    • high pass 6dB

  • stereo amplifier, fully modulatable
  • 8-time/level wave envelope with loop function, "one shot" mode, times and levels modulatable
  • ADSR filter envelope, each phase modulatable separately
  • ADSR amplifier envelope, each phase modulatable separately
  • 4-time/level free envelope, bipolar, one shot mode, times and levels modulatable
  • all envelopes work with separate trigger- and voice-modes, either monophonic or polyphonic:
  • single trigger with zero return
  • single trigger with return to last level
  • retrigger with zero return
  • retrigger with return to last level
  • dual mode (two voices per note)
  • unisono (all free voices at once)
  • two LFOs, each with different shapes, syncable to MIDI clock, LFO 2 can be synced to LFO 1
  • modulation matrix with 16 slots, all sources and destinations of the MicroWave and the Pulse plus new connections
  • 4 freely usable modifiers with several operators and algorithms

Physical Controller knobs & dials

Oscillator 1
  • Octave (with clicks)
  • Semitone (with clicks)
  • Detune
  • FM Amount

Oscillator 2

  • Octave (with clicks)
  • Semitone (with clicks)
  • Detune
  • Sync (button)

Waves 1 / 2
  • Wavetable (with clicks)

Wave 1

  • Startwave
  • Env. Amount

Wave 2

  • Startwave
  • Env. Amount


  • Wave 1
  • Ringmod
  • Wave 2
  • Noise


  • Cutoff
  • Resonance
  • Type (with clicks)
  • Keytrack
  • Env. Amount
  • Env. Velocity


  • Volume
  • Env. Velocity


  • Speed
  • Shape (with clicks)


  • Speed
  • Shape (with clicks)

Mod Amount

  • Mod 1
  • Mod 2


  • Time
  • Active (button)

Envelopes - (8 multi purpose dials)

  • Wave Env 1-4
  • Time 1
  • Level 1
  • Time 2
  • Level 2
  • Time 3
  • Level 3
  • Time 4
  • Level 4

  • Wave Env 5-8
  • Time 5
  • Level 5
  • Time 6
  • Level 6
  • Time 7
  • Level 7
  • Time 8
  • Level 8

  • Free Env
  • Time 1
  • Level 1
  • Time 2
  • Level 2
  • Time 3
  • Sustain
  • Release
  • Rel. Level

  • Filter / Amplifier
  • Attack
  • Decay
  • Sustain
  • Release
  • Attack
  • Decay
  • Sustain
  • Release

Other Microwave II/XT OS features:

  • Adjustable Aliasing: "listen to aliasing distortion just like in the dawn of the first digital musical instruments like the PPG Wave or the first Microwave."
  • Adjustable Time Quantization: "sometimes one might wish to add additional harshness to the lower end, just like the first microwave did, and this is what Time Quantization is for: The wave interpolation is overridden in five steps to get this extra fizziness."

  • 2 Clipping Modes:
    • Saturate - "This is the kind of distortion classic analog circuits will generate."
    • Overflow - "The polarity of the signal's part above the maximum level will be negated."

  • Random Patch Generator added (OS 1.303)
  • Oscillator FM added (OS 1.307) - Osc1 is Carrier and Osc2 Modulator
  • Arpeggiator Notes can be sent to MIDI out. (OS 1.500) - Adjustable globally in Sound Mode or by Instrument in Multi Mode.

Well... all I can say is... I wish I had one... Comments please...

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User Comments

Product:  Waldorf - MICROWAVE XTK
Name: jad
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 24-Aug-01

I hust bought one of these bad boys
today and with in 3 hours was
programming away like a mad
scientist! I love it, wicked sounds!!! If
someone else owns one please
e-mail me so we can exchange tips!


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Product:  Waldorf - MICROWAVE XTK
Name: Dregg Yolk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 16-May-02

I have owned one for over a year now, and love it. No complaints. Splitable keys would be nice, but oh well. There's only 4 octaves anyways. I wish I would have bought the 30 voice version though also. Great synth. If I had to make the decision over again today, I'd still get the XTk. No question.

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Product:  Waldorf - MICROWAVE XTK
Name: alieneyes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Aug-08

well.. iv had mine for 8 years now and i really dont think any synth matches the insanity of this beautiful orange beast, i had it upgraded to 30 voice a couple of years ago unfortunatly you only still get 4 effects which is a bit lame but hey its still the best thing i have ever bought... im looking to buy a rack version too

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