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D16 Group Nepheton


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D16 Group Nepheton

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 08-Mar-08  |  Author: admin

New price: 139 Euros  |   S/H price: Not listed

D16 Group Nepheton

Nepheton contains 17 fully synthesized instruments perfectly emulating the famous 808 drum machine. All the nuances and details of the instruments sounds are captured perfectly. The instruments models are equipped with additional controls giving you possibility to tweak the sound much better. Listen to the audio examples or just download the demo and try it out.

Nepheton has a flexible output configuration. Every instrument's audio signal can be routed to any of the 17 outputs. This allows users to further shape sounds individually or in groups via their favourite plug-ins. Each individual output can be set to mono or stereo. For the greatest 808 fans we've added also original Trigger output (configurable as well). Every instrument also has a Mute, Solo button and Activity led. Mute will not just silence the sound, it will stop the sound being triggered. Solo will stop all other instruments from being triggered and only allow the selected sound(s) to play.

Nepheton has extensive midi control. Midi notes can be used to trigger each individual sound. Alternatively, the internal sequencer can be used. This can be set to play using Nepheton's internal clock or set to synchronize perfectly to the host sequencer.

Most of Nepheton's parameters can be automated within the host and also controlled using MidiCC with an external controller. An easy-to-use Midi Learn function allows reassignment of any of the parameters.

Internal Sequencer
Internal sequencer's memory contains two banks of patterns: simple and extended. There is 16 extended and 96 simple patterns which both can be edited traditionally using the step buttons or using the tap function.

Simple patterns are used in Host Mode where each pattern location has a midi note number assigned to it. With these notes you can control freely the order of played patterns.

Extended pattern differs from the simple one in it has 4 segments (variation A/B and part 1/2). The whole bank of 16 extended patterns is divided into two groups of Basic Patterns and Intro/Fill In Patterns. You can choose freely from played patterns, used variations, and fill in modes (triggered automatically or manually). It also can be defined whether the starting pattern should be preceded by introduction pattern and many many more. Extended patterns are used when Host Mode is off.

A Randomizer function is also provided within the internal sequencer. It can be used to make simple changes to a pattern or create a whole new one - ideal when your creativity needs a boost! Randomizing can be applied to specific instruments and the frequency of occurrence can also be adjusted easily to give you just the right amount.

All external files are stored in the XML format. This allows single patterns or whole banks to be exchanged between users easily. XML allows the files to be edited in a text editor. Ideal if you want to post or share a pattern on a web site - just post the text!

Nepheton is available in VSTi format at the moment for both platforms (PC and Mac). It's a dynamic library (.dll file) for PC and Universal Binary bundle for Mac. To use the product you need Windows 2000/XP or Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later. It's not a standalone program so you need a VST compatible host application to use it. If you have not checked it yet please try the demo first with your favourite host and environment to check if Nepheton fulfills your needs.

The AU version for Mac will follow and the AU upgrade will be available freely for the registered users.

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Product:  D16 Group - Nepheton
Name: erikaerotiu@yahoo.it
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 29-Sep-09


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