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Subject: Vocal FX

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Original Message 1/11             11-Jun-00  @  09:24 AM   -   Vocal FX



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I have a question about a effect I've heard a few times in commercial and on some trance tracks. It's a vocal sampler but the vocal leads in like it's been streched out. Like if you were to say "love" it sounds like a sweeping loooooooooooooooove. I tried using and envelope but it's to slow and not long enough. I can't control the speed. And if i make the envelope to long it cuts the sample. It almost sounds like a reverse reverb but's not reverse. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Message 2/11             15-Jun-00  @  11:30 AM   -   RE: Vocal FX

max coombe


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sounds like a reverse reverb... to do this:

send the sample to your pc and open it in a sample editor like coold edit or wavelab. select the whole sample. reverse it. now select the part of the sample you want to add the rvb to. if you want it just to come in at the beginning then select just the first syllable (don't forget it'll be at the end as you've reversed the sample) then add a very long reverb. then reverse the sample again.

is this what you're after? you can also try adding the reverb to the whole reversed vocal (this is how the effect in prodigy's firestarter is achieved)

otherwise sounds like you could mean an exaggerated timestretch? like in old speed garage tunes. on an akai, simply time stretch the sample in cyclical mode, making it very long.

is that it?

otherwise let me know which tunes you're on about in which this effect occurs and i'll try to help you out.

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Message 3/11             15-Jun-00  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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I'll give that a try and see if it works, thanks!


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Message 4/11             15-Jun-00  @  12:33 PM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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hey max, i have an example of the sound I'm looking for in mp3 format. It's from the track "Starlight" by Desiderio. Can you email me or give me your email address so i can get it to you.


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Message 5/11             15-Jun-00  @  12:40 PM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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YES! Max you rock!!! It worked, the first thing about reverse reverb. I was just doing it wrong before!!!! Thanks so much!!!!


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Message 6/11             17-Jun-00  @  01:02 AM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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sounds like timestretch

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Message 7/11             22-Jun-00  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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old uk garage tunes???

what consitutes old these days for
christs year two years.....

my lord help them pleas

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Message 8/11             22-Jun-00  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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old uk garage tunes???

what consitutes old these days for
christs year two years.....

my lord help them pleas

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Message 9/11             22-Jun-00  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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old uk garage tunes???

what consitutes old these days for
christs year two years.....

my lord help them pleas

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Message 10/11             22-Jun-00  @  01:27 AM   -   RE: Vocal FX



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old uk garage tunes???

what consitutes old these days for
christs year two years.....

my lord help them pleas

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