aaa Yamaha 01v or AW4416? - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?

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Original Message 1/23             02-Jan-01  @  04:48 PM   -   Yamaha 01v or AW4416?

Fink Angel


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over the last year i have been acquiring the elements needed to complete my studio.

i downsized, sold bits of gear and now have the minimum i need to get intimate with.

the only thing that's missing now is outboard gear and a decent mixer. i have abit of outboard gear (compressor and effects unit) but that's it. the mixer definately let's the side down.

so whilst i try to analyze my finances this year (2001) what would you think i would get most longevity out of?

i'm not even sure what purpose either i've mentioned will help me accomplish. i want professional, polished sound which compared to my old studiomaster 16:2 analogue hiss monster, i'm sure both would suffice.

i would imagine there would be about a £1000.00 difference in price by the time i wanted to buy. that seems an awful lot of money. can anyone give me some knowledge??

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Message 2/23             02-Jan-01  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?



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the aw4416 isn't really a mixer unless you add some extra input cards. do that and then it's an 01V plus a whole lot more. better value for money, but do you really need a stand-alone hard disk recorder, phrase sampler etc? if not, then the extra £££ will be better spent elsewhere.

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Message 3/23             03-Jan-01  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?

Fink Angel


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that's the thing, do i need the aw4416??

i'm a little out of my depth with regards to upgrading to digital.

if i had the 01v, what would i need in addition to make it up the the aw4416.

that would put things in perspective for me.

i have a computer, sampler and cd recorder.

does the 01v output digitally (main output) as standard?

excuse if i'm asking silly question.

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Message 4/23             03-Jan-01  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?



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The 01v has one spdif digital output as well as several analog outputs. There are optional cards available for other digital formats, too.

I use the adat option, going into a RME Hammerfall in the PC. This makes it possible to record eight channels at a time from the 01v.

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Message 5/23             03-Jan-01  @  02:30 PM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?

Fink Angel


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so probably the most important question...can the 01v produce release quality material??

i mean, could you cut a record/cd with your end result with no further processing?

i know for the money i want to spend, an analogue machine with a bit of outboard could.

the aw4416 states there's an 02r 'inside'. so what's different from an 01v to an 02R? quality of recordings or features? can the 01v achieve 02R status via upgrades?

i need to start making decisions for something i won't be wanting to change after a year of use.

any other suggestions welcome.

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Message 6/23             03-Jan-01  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?



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You probably already know this, but anyway... There are some specs available at the Yamaha web site.

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Message 7/23             03-Jan-01  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?



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The 01v is capable of release-quality material, but it's always good to have extra processing on hand to make a good mix better.

As for the differences between the 02R and 01V, the 02R has more i/o capabilities (inserts on channels 1-8, 6 dedicated aux outs, more option slots, much more comprehensive digital interfacing) as well as more input channels (up to 40, the 01v tops out at 24). And it offers surround-sound mixing, 8-buss mixing, full dynamics on *every* input, internal mix automation etc, etc. It also has a more ergonomic control surface, and you can fit that TC-Unity card that gives you an internal Finalizer and/or M2000 FX. Speaking of cards, the 02R has four card slots to the 01V's single one.

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Message 8/23             04-Jan-01  @  03:19 AM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?



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gb, could you e-mail me. I'm working towards the same setup (01v communicating with PC via ADAT) and I want to pick your brain.


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Message 9/23             07-Jan-01  @  01:50 AM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?


Posts: 7627

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is the O1v capable of releasable results?

well  before affordable digital mixers, people used analog hiss monsters, no? some people DID, and they got their music out there. no?

O1v is dope. seems like the AW is overkill unless you like overkill

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Message 10/23             08-Jan-01  @  07:57 AM   -   RE: Yamaha 01v or AW4416?



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The 01V is only dope if you are used to budget consoles. It is great value for money but the eq and the compressors aren't that great to be honest. Sure, you can release records with it but if you want high quality eq and compressing you have to invest on outboard later anyway.

If you want a good, affordable digital mixer get the Panasonic DA7. It's, erm, a bit more expensive than the 01V but it'll last for a way longer than the 01V will.

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