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Subject: Spybase tracks...

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Original Message 1/17             18-Apr-01  @  10:22 AM   -   Spybase tracks...


Posts: 47

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Finally. I started out on dancetech in '97, gobbled up as much information as I could in a year of free net access and then disappeared with the occasional resurface. I always meant to get back and put some tracks around...

There's five up there in the hiphop category. Let me know what you think. If you want a single one to listen to first - Redwood Tree.

Finally (feeling like a fucking Oscar ceremony) thanks to:

Kilo obviously for the information then (what was it that you used to rant about - db50xg?)
Craig/99devils for advice on live sets (he probably doesn't even remember giving it but we've got it up and working like a dream now)
Xoxos (?) for various philosophical positions
Influx for making me feel like I didn't know enough about the music I was into making...

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Message 2/17             18-Apr-01  @  03:09 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 12353

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oh for gods sake Julia!!! :-) - yeah very cool.. out and at 'em mate!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/17             18-Apr-01  @  07:20 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 2003

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Damn, dude. Long ass time, no see. Redwood tree is dope as fuck. You been schoolin. It shows. Nuff respect. The other tracks are kickin as well. I just think you need to lay off watchin the porn, and start makin music for more of them.  


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Message 4/17             18-Apr-01  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 7627

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"influx for making me feel like I didnt know enough about the music I was making"


shucks..I cant tell if I should say youre welcome. How bout I just go check out your stuff?

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Message 5/17             18-Apr-01  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 7627

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YES!!! man you got some FUNK goin on!!!

Redwood Tree gave me an error. will try again.

listening to Freakbeats right now.


where can I get a CD?

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Message 6/17             19-Apr-01  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 195

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Superb tracks. Love the scratched stab at the start of freakbeats. Listening to Redwood Tree at the minute. Got the groove on live as well by the looks of it! First class.

Good to see some hip hop and chilled beats here as well as the manic stuff!


Any chance of casting your view over my first track? You criticism would be very much appreciated.

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Message 7/17             19-Apr-01  @  07:01 AM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 505

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Nice, first hip-hop flava I've heard from this site...

Good stuff... A definite UK groove to it, as well.
Reminds me of Jamiraqui (or however you spell 'em)

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Message 8/17             19-Apr-01  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 47

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its been a long time coming...and while the beats are mine it's all part of a live crew thing so any respect probably belongs to my dj, guitarist and most of all bass player...

influx - probably not just you, but you were the loudest so i remember the name...generally people who pointed out that you need to know your shit before you go making records. especially if you're into sampling, because unless you know your stuff chances are people've been there and done it better before you...

pongoid - schooling courtesy of the city of manchester - grand central records, mr scruff and the unabombers/electric chair. glad it shows. not so glad that you can tell i been watching porn...

espoo - jamiroquai. aw. not my favourite comparison   glad you can tell its uk though.

graeme - i will listen to a load of tracks when i get more than a work internet connect - adsl is coming to moss side soon...

cds. if anyone wants we can talk where you are - UK/EU i'll send out free, US you might have to contribute to the cost of flying it over the pond.

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Message 9/17             19-Apr-01  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...


Posts: 47

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for those interested there's a page with higher-quality versions (128kbs/44khz/stereo) and a 25 minute live set with six songs not featured on dancetech at:

i think that the mp3s should work direct if you have a media player installed - if not you can always do the right-click and save-as thing...

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Message 10/17             19-Apr-01  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Spybase tracks...

Defector Z


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Dude - that is some seriously excellent shit. The groove is fantastic. I really can't find any fault with any of it, with the exception of the poor audio quality. When do I get the cd at my local Tower? ;-)

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