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Subject: "Ballast" track

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Original Message 1/15             23-Apr-01  @  03:40 PM   -   New track

Defector Z


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Hey - just uploaded a new track - Ballast. I filed it under drum and bass, but I'm not sure it fits. I was aiming at a dnb sound. The lofi hides alot of the reverb, and going mono destroyed many of the stereo type effects. Hope you enjoy. Lemme know what you think

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Message 2/15             23-Apr-01  @  04:10 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 2082

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I like the sound in the intro... snares kicking in, seem a bit loud over my *PC* speakers- take with grain of salt then.... DnB beat building up, damn- like the synth round 1:40... fancy the short repetitive breaks in the drums (duh- dnb ... what did you use for that asianish sound coming in at 3:23?
Lots of changes DefZ, which keeps my attention whithout having to FFWD every 10 secs.
Great track man.


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Message 3/15             23-Apr-01  @  04:59 PM   -   RE:

Defector Z


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Maarten - thanks for listening. The intro is a patch from the k2000. Fattened alittle with a sweep type delay, but most of the delay is actually lost. The asian type sound is from my XT. Lovely. :-) Lemme get an MP3 on my site - there's a lot of stuff that happens that is simply lost in the lo-fi. Check out later today and there should be a better quality MP3 is anyone's interested.

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Message 4/15             23-Apr-01  @  06:36 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 5701

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Hi! IŽm just listnenig to the track from your site, and it does sound indefinitely better than the lo-fi version.
Very nice work mate, although its really too slow to call it proper dnb. I would call this ambient breaks, if there is such a category  
None the less, very nice work. As Maarten pointed out there is really a lot happening to keep the interest going throughout the track.
Good use of reverb, the drum sounds especialy have a nice acoustic space. I also like the trancy build-up around 2.30, really makes the track lift you up  

If you want to do "proper" dnb, youŽd have to speed it up considerably, but then youŽd probably have to lose a lot of the musicality on display here, which would be a pitty!

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Message 5/15             23-Apr-01  @  09:21 PM   -   RE:

Defector Z


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Milan - thanks for your thoughts. Kinda mad I missed the mark, but hey - first time around, can't complain. The lo-fi masks alot of the hi-hats that have subtle tonal variations. The real version is even better. :-) I like the track though - definitely one of my better efforts. I actually multi-tracked this one - something I've not done before. For all the tracks up to this, I've always recorded a stereo track right off the mixer. You mention the space in the drums, and that was something that I was able to do alot better thru the use of plugins. Same as many of the other things. There are still a few changes I wanna make though - maybe tonight and I'll post a new version tomorrow.

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Message 6/15             24-Apr-01  @  03:47 AM   -   RE:


Posts: 244

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nice job, that ending is just fuckin sweet!

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Message 7/15             25-Apr-01  @  02:45 PM   -   RE:

Defector Z


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Glad you liked the end!! Hopefully, it wasn't a sigh of relief... ;-)

Anyone else have a listen and want to offer thoughts?

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Message 8/15             25-Apr-01  @  08:35 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 7627

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pretty cool! drums seem way loud. I can barely hear other stuff but its pretty damn neat! you get those drums from LedZeppelin? 

and about the DnB thing...DZ has a way of manipulating genres.

if it puts you in a trance its trance. If its got drums and bass its drum n bass  yeah..youd have to speed that one up to truly be DnB

but then again Sitar called my stuff jungle, too, and only 1 out of 7 tracks are anywhere near such

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Message 9/15             26-Apr-01  @  10:10 PM   -   RE:

Defector Z


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Yup - John Bonham provided half of the drums. The other layer comes from a Sarah McLaughlin track. TRUE!! Yeah - the lofi version pushes the drums forward and the rest back a bit. I'll try a mono version and see what happens.

Manipulating genres, eh? I'll take that as a compliment. :-)

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Message 10/15             01-May-01  @  04:39 PM   -   RE:

Defector Z


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Only 4 people listened? Come-on!!!

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