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Subject: Best distortion?

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Original Message 1/25             06-Jun-01  @  01:07 AM   -   Best distortion?


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What's your favorite distortion? Are pedals a good way to go, or too noisy?

Not sure how he gets it, but Dillinja has SICK distortion on his basslines.

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Message 2/25             06-Jun-01  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: Best distortion?

Vladimir L'Estrange

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Whats wrong with a bit of noise?? the boss metal zone is one of the nastiest pedals around , but in terms of sheer evil , the Dean Markley Overlord is the best , unfortunately these are now considered vintage and therefore command ridiculous prices.
having said that , nice smooth tube distortion (or emulators) have their place.

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Message 3/25             07-Jun-01  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: Best distortion?


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cream machine?.. I like The RAT, NOT the Turbo-rat which sounds 'fizzier'... also like Ibanez 'metalizer' or whatever it's called and quite like Boss Turbo-Overdrive, dont like the big muff much tho, very fizzy & noisey... marshall distortion & cab emulator ?... cab emulation really makes a difference.. there is one plugin which emulates cab's cant remember the name, but that rocks on beats etc...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/25             18-Jun-01  @  09:07 PM   -   RE: Best distortion?


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i think you'll find a quite large variety of answers to this one  

it depends a lot on the source though....when i had my juno 106, a boss hm-2
(heavy metal) worked great with it, but i didn't like it as much on other things.
and it sounds terrible on guitar. i liked both my rat and the turbo rat for most
of my stuff.

the cream machine (i still have this) is great for many things but it tends to lose
bass, you have to add it back (if it matters, usually it doesn't), it's somewhat midrangey.

you don't really need to be as picky though, just try some different things.

it might not be distortion...the nord micromodular has some really sick wave wrapping, rectifying and lo-fi effects that are similar but different to distortion.

lexicons sound rather nasty if you overload their inputs  

one other box which used to be really cheap but the guitarists seem to have figured them out is the boss ROD-10, which is a 1/2 rack effects box with basically 5 different distortions in them (2 overdrives, 2 distortions, 1 fuzz) with a common 3-band EQ
they all use. i got the first one i had for $40, you can still occasionally find them that cheap.

the distortions in some multi-fx are decent for this too, i use my korg A2 for this stuff occasionally.

if you get tube distortions....truth is that often they are way too "over the top" and sound awful when you first try them out, or are hard to get decent volume out of without distortion....switch the 12ax7s out for 12at7s and they sometimes work better (my ada mp-1 was like this....way over the top with the ax7s but with an at7 in the second position it was perfect with my pro-one). don't recommend the sounds OK but programming is a pain and the controls aren't fine enough (at distortion = 27 it's not quite enough, at distortion = 28 it's too much, you get the idea).

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Message 5/25             17-Jul-01  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: Best distortion?


Posts: 2003

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mesa-boogie triple rectifier. Expensive, big, and tubes, but as sick as it gets. From just a tiny bt of warmth to grease to crunch, to hairy, gnarly shit. Secret weapon.


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Message 6/25             03-Aug-01  @  01:22 AM   -   RE: Best distortion?


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second that on the ROD10. noisy as HELL tho but thats what gates are for right?

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Message 7/25             19-Sep-01  @  01:58 PM     Edit: 19-Sep-01  |  01:59 PM   -   RE: Best distortion?


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Has anyone tried out the Line-6 Distortion Modeler? it looks interesting with 16 different distortion types, and going by Line-6´s reputation it should be very good.

i´m asking because i´m thinking about buying a flexible distortion that i could use on beats/ synths/ basses etc...


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Message 8/25             19-Sep-01  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: Best distortion?


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Never heard the line 6, but for some reason i think the
best distortions are in the older boxes and pedals...the
Boss Metal Zone for instance. My favorite distortion is
one I created with an old Yamaha fx unit -- in addition to
messing with the distortion parameters I overdrive the
eq and it is so rich and almost analogue sounding.

Although i guess in the end it depends on your

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Message 9/25             24-Sep-01  @  08:09 AM   -   RE: Best distortion?


Posts: 2003

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If you find yourself with the cash, the best distortion I've ever heard comes from a Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier preamp. Super versatile, warm, and anything from glassy clean tube warmth to greasy, to just the most out of hand grizzly who knows what to call it, but it's scary, and even when it's out of hand you can still hear the character of each sound you're putting through it. Not cheap, but definately one of the best. For cheap, I'd say on old Pro Co Rat, but not a Turbo Rat. Great little pedal.


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Message 10/25             24-Sep-01  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: Best distortion?


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did I mention the boss ROD-10? damn thing has a parametric EQ section and 5 different distortion types. half-rack and less than $50!

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