aaa How do you mix your House-Tunes - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: How do you mix your House-Tunes

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Original Message 1/27             27-Jan-02  @  08:48 PM   -   How do you mix your House-Tunes



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Who can give me a few Tricks & Hints to mix a House-Tune ?


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Message 2/27             28-Jan-02  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes


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jg, slow down and think about what you're asking.

there is no definitive answer to an open ended question. what sort of house music? house styles are about what sounds you use, and their context.

listen to tunes you like, and compare to what you conjure up. just post a few names of ppl you like and start again.  

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Message 3/27             28-Jan-02  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes



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Sorry... I´ve been looking for some general mixing-Tips... Well my actual tune is some techy stuff, but I´m also looking for some hints for the mixing of deeper stuff... The Tips should sound like: "When you use a 63Hz-Kick you maybe have to refresh the Attack with a Transient-Designer" or "A good Compression for a techy Bassline is..."... Something in this way... My general Problem is, I that always have a lack in Highs an Hi-Mid´s...


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Message 4/27             28-Jan-02  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes

Brett B


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it's like asking how to paint with oil! One underlying element is bass, kick, snare, and hat's. The kick should be solid and pump. 909 is a good staple but dubby stuff and disco use acoustic kicks at times. Snare should be heavily compressed and boosted up to a limiter so it is crisp and loud. Use meduium room with the bass and mid out of the snare. Use velocities on your snare to create a human feel, and then go back and add automation to change the tone of each hit slightly to make it sound authentic. The bass in a lot of house is a warm electric, but progressive house uses mostly synth bass. In many cases mix a low bass with the highs out of is so it sits under and with the kick, then mix a second groove in the mid bass range over the kick. And finaly, crisp compressed dry hats. Melodies, well there just infinate possabilities. But if you get those four basic elements grooving and pounding the rest will come to you quickly. Oh, and don't forget those swooshing airy textures. And listen to Bedwyr. Some nice disco stuff going on there.

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Message 5/27             28-Jan-02  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes



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Which compression would you use for the kicks and Hihats (with focus on Attack, Release, Ratio...) ?


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Message 6/27             28-Jan-02  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes



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use peak compression, not soft-knee (but soft-knee does work)... again, the biggest mistake people make is thinking there are rulkes - well there ARE in some ways... but only as far as for driving saying: 'drive on the left', in the Uk etc.. after that the KEY thing is the 'sum of the parts' and THAT is all that matters... 'the sum of the parts' and how they all work together... so you can just use standard compressor 'rules' slow attack/fast release for more 'attack-punch' etc... Set 'release' control to suit any 'pumping' fx you might want to emphasise (along with ratio).... ratio set to taste - use your ears really is the best advice.

It IS hard, cos people will tend to think there is some magic formulae or answer, but there simply is not... just time & experience...

perhaps the best tip I can give is to experiment with making tracks with ONLY the drums & bassline... if they sound good like that then that's half the battle.. and they SHOULD sound good like that... Everything else is Ear-Candy or Motif's in house..

OH IMPORTANTE!!!! - the closed & open hat DECAY is critical to the groove.

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Message 7/27             28-Jan-02  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes



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Why do think, that the decay is important ?

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Message 8/27             31-Jan-02  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes

Brett B


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I play with decay on my snare as well, so the 2 beat snare is shorter than the 4 beat and on fills as well. It gives a human feel for the decay to vary. Also the decay on the open hat must sustain long enough to groove with beats. like t tssss t tssss. If it is too long or short for the tempo it will sound off.

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Message 9/27             31-Jan-02  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes


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because the basis of dance (clubsounds music) is about the relationship between the hat & the kik drum... if the hat is open for just 50 or 100 milliseconds too long or too less, then it throws that whole relationship of 'push-pull' between the hat & kik..

open too long? - the hat closes too late causing the groove to fall forwards...

open for not long enuff? - the hat closes too early & the groove fall backwards..

it's subtle but makes all the difference.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/27             31-Jan-02  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes


Posts: 12353

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yes also the decay on the kik and hat are important too... but not as much as the open hat


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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