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Subject: graphic eq on final mix?

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Original Message 1/40             20-May-02  @  12:00 PM   -   graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 76

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File?:  No file i was at this party saturday night, i played my cd and all the ladies thought i was wonderful and "very talented" but something about the mix bothered me. the bass and high end were adequate but most of the details which reside in the mid range were buried. f*ck if i knew where to find the eq controls...

anyway would i ruin anything by running it through a graphic eq (soundforge)? just to sort of nudge it to where i want, nothing drastic...

please dont say "mix it again"

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Message 2/40             20-May-02  @  01:23 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 2003

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why not stick it in wavelab to listen, plug in a parametric, and get really precise, then do the actual rendering in SoundForge. You could also remix it again, eq'in each individual sound correctly. What's one more mix? As time goes on, you may have to mix some pieces or passages over a THOUSAND times to get it right. Sometimes it just works out like that. That's how you grow, and what will make your next mix sound better. Good luck.


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Message 3/40             20-May-02  @  01:37 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 1675

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right, parametric better.

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Message 4/40             20-May-02  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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all 'ladies' care about is bass, chroma  

heh.. 'ladies..' instructions right on the front.

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Message 5/40             20-May-02  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?



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graphic for quick 'n' dirty non-critical fixes, (i.e. live), otherwise the detailed control and generally superior audio quality of a parametric is the way to go

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Message 6/40             20-May-02  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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it's never going to sound the same everywhere it is played - dont go and change it just cos in ONE venue it sounded mid-lite - mebbe at another venue it'll be mid-heavey or bass-lite


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/40             20-May-02  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 1675

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give it to someone else to master for you, someone who hasn't listened to it a billion times already.

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Message 8/40             20-May-02  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 781

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waves rcl with kneeless opto but raise the ratio up to 1.75, bring the threshold down until gain reduction = -6db, then spektral design spektralizer, timeworks mastering eq, and finally the L1 limiter. this my mastering chain on most material.

the trick with mastering eq is to make subtle changes.

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Message 9/40             20-May-02  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 215

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If you really want to be a master at mastering, invest in either a DBX Quantum or a TC electronics Finalizer. I chose a Quantum because it has more compressor bands, but many prefer the Finalizer. Expensive, but well worth it.

You can then compress/limit/gate the whole mix and adjust eq, use tape saturation emulation to warm it up and colour the sound all with nice dithering algorithms. My Quantum really adds warmth and sparkle to a mix.

Many people leave it to the master engineer to get their work as tight as possible, but you could master it yourself and send them both versions of the track (Mastered and Unmastered).

Undoubtedly they would probably use the unmastered version, but if they allow you to sit in on the mastering session, or if not, at least ASK them what adjustments they made afterwards, you can learn from them and apply it to your next master - Hopefully, they'll one day adjust less and less until they don't touch it at all.

In the end, I'd love to be able to send a master straight to the Dup house without anybody touching it. Unrealistic maybe, but total control is what I'm all about, dammit!


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Message 10/40             20-May-02  @  09:12 PM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 1675

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yeah, right. bob ludwig's sitting around with a pair of event monitors and a finalizer.

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