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Subject: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

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Original Message 1/40             15-Sep-02  @  06:43 PM     Edit: 15-Sep-02  |  06:44 PM   -   Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Just been watching the F1 today and got to thinking. Every fortnight, thanks to the insurmountable scarlet scammers, I find the races less and less interesting. Does anyone else feel that Ferrari/Schumacher have killed F1? I certainly do. I used to love this sport. It was my weekly saviour. I'd get a couple of cans of cold Carlsberg Export, a few bags of crisps, switch my brain off and enjoy sitting in for the race. Thoroughly satisfying. But now, the races are so predictable that I had to switch the TV off after 10 minutes. Ferarri and Schumacher have proved their point, they are the best. But enough is enough! Lets get a petition together to have them removed so that F1 can be exciting once more!



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Message 2/40             15-Sep-02  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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wanna make it more exciting? design the tracks better for overtaking and even out the technology race.

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Message 3/40             15-Sep-02  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

Steve Roughley

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One of the most exciting races of the year was on a track that is practically impossible to overtake on: Monaco. DC won and I thoroughly enjoyed that, especially after his non-starter last year. But, yeah, something does need to be done about the bloody technology that they are using now. It seems that the cars are robbing the drivers of their skill and are starting to do everything for them. Like this damned launch control. Once upon a time, it was up to the driver to get the start right. Not some bloody computer.



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Message 4/40             15-Sep-02  @  09:39 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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where have you been steve! the magazines have been complainig about this for months! even japanese are complaining because they fear that no one will come to the last race! myself, i kinda skipped on most of this season for exactly the same reason. lets wait and see if he can repeat that for few more seasons. or rather not... anyone for formula 3?

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Message 5/40             15-Sep-02  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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well serves you right for supporting an industry where cars drive round in circles.

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Message 6/40             15-Sep-02  @  10:24 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...



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F1 exciting????.... surely some mistake?... bunch of gits going round and round and round and round and..... OH WAIT!!!!... SOMETHING FELL OF A CAR THERE!!!!... LOOOK YES!!!!... THERE'S SOMETHING ON THE TRACK!!!!!!!!.... and round and round and round and round and.... OH WAIT!!!!!!!.... SOMEONE SPAN OFF THE TRACK!!!!!!!!!..... and round and round and round.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .... what a load of shite!   - I mean seriously it really is the most tedious rubbish!... the only reason it's on TV is cos of the sponsorship , but then ANY drivel that is 'sponsored' get's on TV... darts, bowls, snooker, you name it, dwarf flinging ?... I dunno...

I cant even watch sport on TV anymore cos of the incessant non-stop pointless commentary, especialy the snooker & tennis have been totaly ruined because NOW they think we need someone jabbering away about totaly banal shite throughout the entire facking match!!!!!!... and it's always meaningless drivel, talk for the sake of talking...... they never ever ever ever FACKING SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

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Message 7/40             15-Sep-02  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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sure would rather do something else.

you euros are funny sometimes

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Message 8/40             15-Sep-02  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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oh yeah??? go race a suv, you american pig! :P

go DT freedom of opinion ;)

and yes, F1 can be boring, but i find snooker on tv hilarious!

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Message 9/40             15-Sep-02  @  11:28 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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cricket anyone?

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Message 10/40             15-Sep-02  @  11:45 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Oh... come on chaps. There's nothing like a nice game of cricket followed by sandwitches and Pims on the lawn.

I am probably commiting suicide by saying this, but I have to disagree with you on the snooker front, K. It's a brilliant game. If not purely for the fact that it isn't massively exciting. As with F1, you can swicth off, relax and get settled in for the long haul, and appreciate the excitement and tension that does happen, when it happens. Zen sports, thoroughly relaxing and entertaining if it's your cup of tea.



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