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Original Message 1/29             17-Oct-02  @  09:10 AM   -   I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 76

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bought a sampler because you said so, bought a sequencer because you said so, gonna buy a pc because...

now how do i keep from totally turning into a studio rat? i took a week off from work and i havent done anything but tweak and rtfm and find loop points and recable and AAARGGHH!!! I HAVENT EVEN GONE TO THE BEACH OR ANYTHING!!! (tropics=beach weather all year round) i went to ONE party, went to the mall once...shit..i used to have a life, i used to be an ordinary my back is shot, im out of shape physically, im broke, i stay up all nite and sleep till noon and f*ck if i have the killer tunes to show for it...worse its back to work on monday...

"i tried so haard...and umm um uh..." you know, the linkin park song

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Message 2/29             17-Oct-02  @  09:24 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 2082

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Life in the sonic domain is cruel eh?

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Message 3/29             17-Oct-02  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 6231

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it's overrated really, darling.

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Message 4/29             17-Oct-02  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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you should have done these things because you wanted to. Now you're saddled with an unhappy mail order bride. My advice? Find a ditch in the woods and bury her there. As long as none of your friends or family knows about her, you'll be all right! Soon you'll be selling insurance and buying a home in the burbs...

And except for those wierd nights when you stop by the gravesite, alone after work, and think of what you've done, you'll be a happy fool!


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Message 5/29             18-Oct-02  @  01:16 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!

Guy Ritchie


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I hear you Chroma; you just need to pack it away for a few weeks and get out for a while.

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Message 6/29             18-Oct-02  @  04:25 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 7627

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its all about scheduling, man! Youre just in the honeymoon stage...feel like you gotta take it all in at once

its a cool feeling. Nice thing is that when it fades its not like things dont feel so good..they just dont take as long to get to where you want em, so you have more time to do other things!

life is OUTSIDE, too!

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Message 7/29             18-Oct-02  @  06:52 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 76

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its really just me trying to justify the expense and trying to put a decent, respectable live set together so i can get some xmas party gonna be a FLEM by CHristmas if it f*king kills me!

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Message 8/29             18-Oct-02  @  06:58 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 1675

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you're into this just so you can get a little stinky on your lap?

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Message 9/29             18-Oct-02  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 4573

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{clearing throat}


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Message 10/29             18-Oct-02  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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Pongoid coined it: "F*cking Live Electronic Musician" FLEM!

I'm in it for the stink, aren't the rest of you?! (Bewildered)


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