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Subject: Clonaid and 1st human clone?

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Original Message 1/22             27-Dec-02  @  05:00 PM   -   Clonaid and 1st human clone?



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Yes indeed, what you heard today is in fact the TRUTH. Brother Raoul's Raelianic subsidiary Clonaid has finally unlocked the key to our achieving immortality through reproductive cloning. And the timing has made it an immanent possibility within our own lifetimes.

All that is left is the mastering of the clones' accelerated and precise neural brain growth manipulation before our beings may be transferred to the next healthiest clone for eternal life! Of course our founding race of beings made this easy for us, all too easy. Perhaps you don't realize how close we really are

With your help, this will be possible within your lifetime(s) --

"I'm a self-reliance person so "Save me!" is absolutely not my way. I want to become many things, artist, musician, explorer, etc... but life is too short for that."

Not anymore it's not, your lifetime will become lifetimes my brothers! Join us now! Go!

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Message 2/22             27-Dec-02  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 12353

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immortality is overated.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/22             27-Dec-02  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 5701

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i believe they have yet to show any proof of it. or do they expect us to have "faith"?

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Message 4/22             27-Dec-02  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 712

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"immortality through reproductive cloning" does rather assume tha dna is the be all and end all of "you"

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Message 5/22             27-Dec-02  @  09:20 PM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 290

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yeah big deal. I made a clone last year in my basement... I asked him if I could transfer my being, and he was like "No way! I'm too busy right now. Pass me that pipe."

Imagine my surprise!!

.... anyway, I thought the real (practical) promise of cloning research was generating suitable tissue for organ replacement... like when old age hits, getting a new heart that is truly your own... or growing stem cells that will replace your old brain tissue...

seems kind of silly that aliens would seed the planet, and then not even stop by to say hello/demand worship....

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Message 6/22             28-Dec-02  @  02:03 AM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


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"There can be only ONE!"

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Message 7/22             28-Dec-02  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 4573

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Message 8/22             28-Dec-02  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 673

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Funny Ghost,

Eugenics in another name, but todays Neo Nazis don't believe that the WW2 atrocities actually happened - funny that.

Transplantation source material is where it is at 'officially', but watch out for prostitutes giving birth to litres of pharma grade proteins.

The Catholics and Mussolini were right - more and more, make countrymen, win with numbers. I mean this tech will save on outgoings, and only the rich can afford it, exactly the type of people we want to be here forever, living off their long term bonds and 10,0000 employees. Is GWB looking for more land to house these new immortals, make more, use more, repeat to fade...



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Message 9/22             28-Dec-02  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?


Posts: 5701

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cheddar, that was one of more coherent things i heard you say.

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Message 10/22             29-Dec-02  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: Clonaid and 1st human clone?

Def Insect


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I for one, welcome our insect overlords.

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