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Subject: cheapish pc's?

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Original Message 1/14             07-Jan-03  @  10:20 AM   -   cheapish pc's?



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my pc packed up over xmas, so i need a new one. can anyone recommend anywhere in the uk/london i should look. I dont need a monitor, keyboard, software etc, and am after something like 1.7-2ghz processor with 256 mgs ram, and cd-r.
I have between 500-600 to spend.


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Message 2/14             07-Jan-03  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Try building one yourself. It will be alot more reliable and places like and sell very cheap components. ALternatively, does sell alot of ready made PC's as well, and they are reasonably priced.



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Message 3/14             07-Jan-03  @  12:07 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 165

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You can buy upgrade kits really cheap from places like - they'll sell you the processor & fan, memory, hard drive, motherboard, etc. Both Intel and AMD varieties, though you'll probably find AMD cheaper.

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Message 4/14             07-Jan-03  @  12:13 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 1584

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Yup, add IT BUTTIKEN who are pretty cheap too (They're in Denmark, but they take switch and deliver to the UK)

If you already have the sound solution, £500-600 will get you quite a bit of PC especially you can recycle the ancilliary bits like CDRom, Keyboard, Floppydisk, mouse etc..

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Message 5/14             07-Jan-03  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 12353

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yeah, i built a 2gig athlon for about 500 quid and that was back in the summer so it'd be a bit cheaper now - if you want you can mail me and i'll help you out, you could come and take a look at the machine I built in action - it runs plenty of stuff.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/14             07-Jan-03  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 1584

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Yeah, XP2100+s are down to about £91 and mobos to support it (including PC2700 ram, ATA133 support, USB2 etc.) are around a ton.. so you'll be laughing..

Just gotta remember to get a minumum 300W PSU, decent (quiet) cpu cooling, LONG ATA100/133 cables (if you're having two harddisks - system/audio etc) and RAM..

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Message 7/14             07-Jan-03  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?



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i like the challenge of building a pc, but wonder if it is beyond my means. is it basically a question of buying the right components and then plugging them together?

I think i need to read your article k and see how easy it will be. thanks for offer of help.

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Message 8/14             07-Jan-03  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 165

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I've had a nightmare building my own Pc which hasn't worked properly since the day I bought the first parts almost 2 years ago, but that was down to me buying parts that I didn't read into. You'll find recommendations for all sorts of hardware here, and piecing the machine together isn't really that difficult as long as you're using 'trusted' parts.

Even if you do run into problems, there are plenty of folks here who'll be able to sort you out!

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Message 9/14             07-Jan-03  @  11:19 PM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 2890

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yeah do it! it's easy really, get the bits, stick them together. just do your research first and ask plenty questions when you're stuck.

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Message 10/14             08-Jan-03  @  08:55 AM   -   RE: cheapish pc's?


Posts: 1584

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Especially when its gutting to see prebuilt PCs with initiall "attractive" price points, only to look into the actual components they're using to discover what a rip-off these machines are!

And that's not even including the "pro audio" PCs that you can get from places like Millenium or Digital Village etc... I'm sure these machines work fine but they're SERIOUSLY overpriced compared to an own built machine and provided you do spend the time to do a little research and ask questions, you can save a LOT of money... its just a toss up as to what's more valuable to you? The saving of dosh, or the saving of time in not having to learn about your machine? Me? I'd go for the saving of dosh coz even with a pre-built "pro audio" machine, you're asking for headaches if you don't at least get to understand your workstation a bit..  

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