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Subject: midiman 2496 problem

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Original Message 1/27             17-Jan-03  @  09:33 AM   -   midiman 2496 problem


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Hey guys, I'm in big trouble here. It's my new Audiophile 2496. I'll describe how it went...

I got a P4/2Ghz, 512 DDR, and a Gigabyte GA-8IG motherboard (845 chipset). Besides the Audiophile I have only the network and the graphics card in my computer. I run Win2K with SP3, but the same problem persists on XP. So, I installed the card on the mobo, booted the OS, it found the soundcard, I installed the drivers, I haven't tried playing anything but the mixer was working and I could access the audiophile control panel.

Ok, destiny wanted that I uninstall the drivers and install them again (don't ask why), and from here my card doesn't work anymore. The OS doesn't even detect it, it detects it as unknown pci device. I tried switching PCI slots, taking away the network card, I tried stuff in BIOS, and nothing. Yesterday I freshly installed XP on a new HDD and I thought maybe it will detect now as the OS is clean and new, and the disk formatted... nothing. It detected it once after 10 attempts, found the drivers, everything perfect, and at the end of the driver installation said that he can't startup the hardware. So nothing again. I would think about returning the card IF it didn't work fine the first time and I was actually fiddling with the audiophile control panel and I heard some loud hiss because I got something wrong with the setup, but still, there was sound output from the card (damn! haven't played any music before uninstaling). Now the control panel doesn't work anymore... nothing works anymore.

Please help, I'm desperate.

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Message 2/27             17-Jan-03  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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yeah but oddly I have this urge to know why you had to de-install the card? - why?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/27             17-Jan-03  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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Cause when he autodetected the drivers he took the ones in the "WinXP" directory, and I was running Win2k ... so I said, ok it seems to be working, now let's deinstall and put the ones for Win2k.

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Message 4/27             17-Jan-03  @  01:14 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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Well the 2K prob sounds like it's got some driver fragments left on there somewhere (i.e. bits of the driver file that haven't been removed and are telling 2K to do something it can't etc.). But as for why it wouldn't work under a fresh XP, you got me.
Are you planning to use 2K? I would. Install 2K with only the graphics card in. Then install graphics drivers etc. Shut down, stick sound board in. Try installing the proper drivers. If it works this far, shut down and stick NIC in and install that. If it works, fine, if not then you know you got some prob between sound and NIC. You can try setting 'Force update ESCD' (I think!) to YES in the BIOS (this makes the machine re-assign all IRQ's etc. Sometimes works). Otherwise you could set the resources controls in BIOS to manual and fiddle about but it is a pain, takes ages, 2K won't like and half the time ignores it anyway or you could try a diff NIC.
If the sound card won't install full stop I'd say try it in a diff machine if you can, if it works there you may just be stuck- it might not like some part of your setup but you could try BIOS updating etc. but if it gives you same probs in another machine, the card is forked.

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Message 5/27             17-Jan-03  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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yeah, but he installed the OS on a fresh drive - sounds like the bios then - is it set to NON plug n Play OS ?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/27             17-Jan-03  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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Well I read it as it worked once on 2k but wouldn't work on a fresh XP install?
In my experience the 'non P&P OS' has virtually no effect at all, I think it is just left over from the old days of 95revA etc. but obviously everything is worth trying.
I'd still go thro the install step by step just to give you more of an idea of what is going on. Certainly flash to the newest bios as the bios doesn't often cause card errors and if it does, it's usually cuz it is not detecting the card correctly.

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Message 7/27             18-Jan-03  @  10:25 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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seems odd. r u sure the card isnt fucked? - I'd use a NON plug N Play OS setting in bios assign pci slot 3 to irq 5 manualy and chuck it in slot 5. whatever xp finds it as change it to pci multimedia device - if you cant do that when it's detected (change the 'type of device' found), then boot without the card and install the drivers manualy as a 'pci multimedia device' then reboot it with the card IN - mebbe it'll take then?

dunno if midiman has issues with winxp tho they do have some or did have some bad driver issues a while back with 2k & xp


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/27             18-Jan-03  @  11:52 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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Ok here I am. A little bit more clever than 2 days ago, and slowly becoming a hardware expert.   So, now I'm fiddling with XP, and I tried like this. I took away ALL the cards I had inside (AGP graphic card - 845 chipset can run with its own graphics, and network card), Midiman included, I disconnected the ZIP drive, so I had an empty mobo and a hdd and a cdrom. In the UPDATED bios (jumped from version 1 to version 5, didn't make any difference...) I disabled practically everything, serial ports, parallel port, sound (of course, this from the beginning), game port...etc. I had the bare system. I went to XP and uninstalled Midiman drivers I put manually, and left some drivers on the HDD. I turned off everything, inserted the Audiophile in the slot where it always worked before (PCI2) and booted. Ok, what happened.

XP installed automatically the card with the drivers I left for him on the hdd (without saying anything, so called "silent" install   )BUT in the device manager he sais the card doesn't work because of a conflict, and he advises me to disable some other device to make it work. If you read carefully, there's nothing else in my machine. BUT I go and fiddle with Microsofts System Info utility and I see that some PCI Bus adresses are in conflict with those of "DBM SMBus Controller" and "DMA Controller", whatever they are...

The conclusion is I already got this conflict on my mobo by default, but this doesn't disturb the system in normal conditions, but it does disturb the midiman in the PCI slot with the conflict.

Anyway... I'll go and srew around with some memory adresses...

I'll keep you informed   if you got other ideas, drop 'em here...

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Message 9/27             18-Jan-03  @  11:57 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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I might just add that I also own Audiophile 2496, and actually tried the card in the several machines. In my ASUS P4B, Milan's Epox, and some old Intel mobo we have at work. Everywhere when I put it in the card was detected as Unknown PCI Device and as such it would be with the yellow sign in the Device Manager. Then I would go to update driver and manually search for the driver in the appropirate folder (I have XP, so there was no W2k to fiddle about, though on Intel computer I installed W2k versions onto W2k).

Anyway, I never found that pnp BIOS to be useful. It never affected any card installations or performance. So I left it on.

Anyway, my Delta is on IRQ 18, in ACPI mode.

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Message 10/27             18-Jan-03  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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Hmmmmm the whole point of PnP OS's is that they work around those silly conflicts. I don't know how long you've been computing for but basically, back in the day, to install a piece of hardware you had to mess around with jumpers left right and centre to stop the card conflicting with HDD controllers etc.
So I'd say if your card is doing that, it's either broken or incompatible with your main board (that isn't as uncommon as you might think). Either way it sounds like your probably gonna have to take it back. Maybe ask to try another one?

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