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Subject: Atmosphere

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Original Message 1/15             22-Jan-03  @  09:20 AM   -   Atmosphere


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(Moved to the right forum)

Looks like the days are numbered for sample based hardware synths like the EMU range etc.

How can a 32MB sample set compare with 3.7GB, 1,000,000 different possible permutations and 32-Bit processing.

Looks mad and the demos on the web sound like something else.

Anyone tempted ? Had a play ?

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Message 2/15             22-Jan-03  @  10:10 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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heh. what a guy, humoring a jerk like me

Ive heard about it. havent played it. dammit Im TRYING to not fall into the "gotta get em all" syndrome again

I have reaktor and dont touch it...junglist...a few others...

wanted absynth..but..I really really really think I like hardware better. maybe I just need to be re-trained

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Message 3/15             22-Jan-03  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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atmosphere is a bag of shite .. err .. a 6cd set of samples that comes with a sample player as a vsti.

the synth part of the vsti isn't up to much - you get two sounds per patch and for each you can do some tweaking but not enough, i'd rather get the samples themselves and stick them in a proper sampler or vsti like umm, delta? i think that's one where you can use samples as oscillators.

the sounds themselves are good, but in a sort of 80s digital ambienty pad way. the guy (eric persing) did a lot of voiceing for the D50.

overall? i reckon great sounds but crap synth.

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Message 4/15             22-Jan-03  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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Ah it had gone immediately off topic anyway  

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Message 5/15             22-Jan-03  @  10:35 AM     Edit: 22-Jan-03  |  10:38 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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oh, btw it's not all late 80s pad sounds, just that's what struck me first. there's other types and some leads and bass on it as well but i haven't heard them.

as for absynth, i'd get that over atmosphere any day, absynth or fm7 and a couple of sample cds and you're landed. of course it would cost more but you could do a lot more too.

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Message 6/15             22-Jan-03  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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not OT just OT (on tangent)

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Message 7/15             23-Jan-03  @  03:45 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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so I just played Atmosphere, Oddity, and the RGC Z3ta+


damn damn damn. Oddity? fuckin close your eyes and its analog

Z3ta? shit...Im no good at in depth reviews, but...

atmposphere? just so many cool could NEVER run out of options.

personally I dont often use all that atmospheric stuff but FUCK ME I think Im gonna put aside $500 and get these three!

altho..I want PSP42, OhmBoyz, and a couple others

its too easy to fall into the wanting everything syndrome!

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Message 8/15             23-Jan-03  @  04:49 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere



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yep, too easy to get seduced

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Message 9/15             23-Jan-03  @  05:21 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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fuckin SHIT it is! especially..I mean...$100 for Oddity. $149 for ZETA. $299 or so for atmosphere?


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Message 10/15             23-Jan-03  @  07:54 AM   -   RE: Atmosphere


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You'd do better w/ Eric's Distorted Reality series & a sampler, those sounds make Atmosphere sound tame.

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