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Subject: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?

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Original Message 1/19             05-Mar-03  @  12:31 PM     Edit: 05-Mar-03  |  12:32 PM   -   Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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Wow, check em out. Haven't been this excited about plugins since I heard the Waves stuff. And I really have never come across something that could replace those bread-and-butter plugins.

But these things are fookin' incredible! It doesn't mention Pultecs, LA-2A's, 1176's, or Fairchilds (!!!) in the literature, but that's what these are mimicking. And trust me, they're doing it very well. There's also a real dubby delay, a sick phaser and chorus. Tons of meaty plugins that run less CPU cycles than you'd think and sound absolutely incredible. Demo is available, with an annoying sign-in thingy. But do check em out if you're craving some good sounding warmth in your plugins. If analog, even-order harmonics are your thing, they're well worth the price.

I need to do some more hip-hop now! Put a 'pultec' PEQ2B on a loop and put something soft on the floor to catch your jaw!

Ok, enough raving now. I like them.

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Message 2/19             05-Mar-03  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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yup, really great sound. and the knobs are big and meaty and allow for extremely fine adjustment. i cant vouch if they sound like their h/w counterparts, but they are deinitelly very nice and warm and smooth sounding. that preamp/driver model is also one of nicest sounding s/w overdrives i've heard, and the hi/lo filters on it let you come up with very nice tailored sounds.

wicked. do check. pro price but also pro quality.

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Message 3/19             05-Mar-03  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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Looks great. Will d/l the demo soon. But what's with the Liquid Bundle? Any idea how it's different from the Blue Bundle. I wonder too if the Blue Bundle has any relation to the Blueline plugins?

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Message 4/19             05-Mar-03  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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Blue TUBES... no relation to Blueline processors. The Liquid line focuses on clean chorus, phasing, flanging, delay, and reverb... not of the classic analog type.


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Message 5/19             05-Mar-03  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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and you can get the UAD-1 for what...$500? No host taxing...

not sure what the connection is?

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Message 6/19             05-Mar-03  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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The connection is the sound. Until now, I haven't heard anything close to 1176's and Pultecs in native plugins except for the Bomb Factory stuff in RTAS. This stuff is good. Just giving a head's up. It's not a competition.


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Message 7/19             05-Mar-03  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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"you can get the UAD-1 for $500?" really? wicked if thats so.

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Message 8/19             06-Mar-03  @  12:29 PM     Edit: 06-Mar-03  |  03:54 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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I just peeked at and they have it for $599 so you can probably get it cheaper.

I'm all over Blue Tubes this weekend. UAD sounds preferable cuz it's powering itself, but you run the risk of conflicts everytime you fill a slot with another card.

One question though, how come there are 2 compressors and 2 equalizers that come with the bundle?

One more plusis the color choice. I think the plugins will pickup the blue of my Supernova very nicely.

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Message 9/19             07-Mar-03  @  03:50 AM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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The 2 compressors have different character. One is a straight Fairchild 660 ripoff with simple controls and ballsy sound. The other one I can't figure out who they're trying to mimick. It's acts like an 1176, but the controls are different. They give new attack and release controls on the LA-2A limiter ripoff, too, so I guess they're just covering they're asses as far as design is concerned.

As for the two EQ's: one is a damn near ripoff of the design of a classic tube Pultec EQP-1A. Very nice for lowend. The other is an adjustable 3-band joint with selectable ranges and boost/cut switch per band.

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Message 10/19             07-Mar-03  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: Lusting after UAD-1 sound?


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Thanks Psylichon. I got it last night. I'm liking the chorus on hats too.   Flanger and phaser seem nice although I haven't really looked into them much. And the echo/delay oozes of possibilities. My only problem with the bundle is the naming convention. No biggy though. Maybe it's different in the actual bundle. I downloaded the bundle but haven't opened it yet. Only played with the demo.

I have to play with the compressors and limiter. What's your take on the compressors? And I'm not sure I "get" the whole Limiter thing yet.

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