aaa So, there's no proof? - The lounge forums
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Subject: So, there's no proof?

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Original Message 1/53             14-Mar-03  @  04:56 AM   -   So, there's no proof?

Martin S.


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Satan Inside (TM)

So much for the liberals who say there's no proof of terrorist

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Message 2/53             14-Mar-03  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


Posts: 90

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Well der, its been known Saddam has been trying to appease palestinians for decades. Extremist muslims still hate him. What about Iran's involvement or Saudi Arabia????

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Message 3/53             14-Mar-03  @  06:03 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?



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this isn't news... we all know He's paid money to the families of Martyrs...

People don't argue his terrorist links, they argue his links to al Queda.

I suppose EVERY country that has supported terror as a means of regime change is now on the Hit List? Every nation that has funneled money or resources into repressed rebel groups so that they could practice suicide bombing, and other terror acts on the innocent? Is that what you're suggesting?

Careful, now!


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Message 4/53             14-Mar-03  @  09:21 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


Posts: 673

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doesnt the us fund terrorists here an there, St Patricks day celebrations for the old country, an that ignores deep cover gov employees getting up to undemocratic behaviour.

You got to be smarter than the dog, i mean when they point don't look where they point or, like the dog, look at the end of the finger, look at the body, the face, anywhere, most especially the opposite fkn direction.

The machinery of becoming pres is ultra skilled in media manipulation, forget "did he.. didn't he" it's put there to excersize the jaws of fishwifes, look at what is going on. Increasing global legislation to reduce our rights and increase the gov's, increasing % of GDP being funnelled into the military when there is no competition for super power status, cultural persecution in bulk , wars for individual financial profit, and lets not forget (thought the length of this (advertising) campaign makes it hard to remember) the massive diversion of the everyday business of government to account to its electorate.

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Message 5/53             14-Mar-03  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


Posts: 673

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and another thing. All this crp about "are there still terrorists out there", "have we caught them all yet". Terrorists arnt born they are made. and somewhere between "your either with us or against us" anti terrorist legislation, toothless media and the lack of any gov response to the largest public demonstrations in history means there may be more to come

action causes results, can we know what will happen?

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Message 6/53             14-Mar-03  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?



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oh, yes, Martin S., that'll show "those liberals" lol. twat.

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Message 7/53             14-Mar-03  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


Posts: 12353

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ha ha ha - I'm still pissed that the US gov't spent 15 years using a so-called 'weapons defense tracking station' in Uk to spy on british and other european corporations. Nice!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/53             14-Mar-03  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


Posts: 7627

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what a stupid smug attempt at justification

youre probably one of those people "rallying" by waving the american flag and saying "support our troops"

or maybe youre my buddy who came over the other night and said, simply "gladiate" in reference to our actions over there.

yes. gladiate indeed. why not

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Message 9/53             15-Mar-03  @  01:18 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?

Def Z


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"doesnt the us fund terrorists here an there, St Patricks day celebrations for the old country, an that ignores deep cover gov employees getting up to undemocratic behaviour."

Being from Boston, it is my understanding that some people from around here support the IRA. Not the US government. Some people. There's a difference.

I could be wrong, though. I'd be interested to the see that in the next budget proposal coming up. Do you think "support for the IRA" is part of "Discressionary Spending"? or does it have it's own line...

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Message 10/53             15-Mar-03  @  03:13 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?

man called clay


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proof....or otherwise whether you know murderous drug dealers etc....lo-key state dept. doc shows any war mounted now will make democracy nearly impossible to fulfill in iraq. bush is the michael jackson of politics...born and raised to an overzealous and hungry father who never allowed the soul a it's all fight fight fight...i'm bad...i'm bad....all you gotta do is....
go suck an egg dork.

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