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Subject: Egypt Jails Gay Men

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Original Message 1/25             16-Mar-03  @  08:34 PM   -   Egypt Jails Gay Men

Martin S.


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The world really has to look at human rights in Islamic countries. They are so backwards in their thinking.

Ironic as it were, many of the middle-eastern men are gay, but of course, only in private.

Who's business is it wheather I love another man or not?

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Message 2/25             16-Mar-03  @  09:17 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


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"They are so backwards in their thinking. "


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Message 3/25             16-Mar-03  @  11:42 PM     Edit: 16-Mar-03  |  11:43 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


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Unlike the US Catholic church, which bans homosexuality, marriage for priests, abortion and birth control but is quite happy to turn a blind eye to the sexual abuse of young boys and girls by it's own officials..

These christian countries really do need to get their heads out of their own arses don't you think?


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Message 4/25             17-Mar-03  @  12:35 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


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Thats religion, politics and sex all in the same thread.

Talk about getting all the taboos out of the way.

Now how about a nice game of Trivial Pursuit ?

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Message 5/25             17-Mar-03  @  12:46 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


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'keep a candle burning for him'.

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Message 6/25             17-Mar-03  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men

Martin S.


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Ehh Steve?

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Message 7/25             17-Mar-03  @  04:27 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men

man called clay


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it seems anywhere you find religion of any great magnitude....rational thinking and scientific inquiry kinda go out the window. it's why and how warlike mentalities and politics go so hand-in-hand. one ignorant hand washing the other....bathing in it's own sense of righteousness and usually a fair degree of blood and hatred for something....just name it.

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Message 8/25             17-Mar-03  @  08:36 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


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I just love that story about some US software company in the eighties that developed a program to work out why you have done something AFTER you had done it.

Story goes the US military bought up the whole thing ($m's) and the idea has never been heard of since..,-)

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Message 9/25             17-Mar-03  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men

Filthy McNasty


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LOL @ Cheddar.

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Message 10/25             17-Mar-03  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


Posts: 90

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F*ck man, why don't you go and settle the injustice down the end of your street instead of scrutinizing foreign countries.

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