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Subject: What do you call...

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Original Message 1/25             23-Mar-03  @  07:16 AM   -   What do you call...



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....A US black muslim soldier who throws a grenade at his fellow soldiers? (confused is one obvious answer)

I'm becoming so attracted to knowing this "religion of peace".

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Message 2/25             23-Mar-03  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 1502

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So unlike the peace-loving christian George Bush, currently crisping children in Baghdad..

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Message 3/25             23-Mar-03  @  10:11 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 4573

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neither of those two articles mentions the soldier being black or muslim. Your jump to a conclusion readily manifests your own biases.


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Message 4/25             23-Mar-03  @  10:15 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 673

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Lest we forget that these guys are trained and armsed killers on high alert, high on macho propagana (hammer time) and if Vietnam was anzthing then possibly just high. If these bozs have a beef then killin is a short and obvious step. How many mammas getting 'Killed during training' letters believe it.

People if we keep introducing terror, creating more and more insubstancial enemies and spending huge on arms and training people to kill and hate then we I, for one, humbly request arbitration from our insect overlords.

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Message 5/25             23-Mar-03  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: What do you call...


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Damn, cheese man, fookin' spot on there.

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Message 6/25             23-Mar-03  @  04:53 PM   -   RE: What do you call...

Def Z


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wow Zazza, I don't even know where to begin.

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Message 7/25             23-Mar-03  @  05:07 PM     Edit: 23-Mar-03  |  05:22 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


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Gosh.. the lily-white US ... forever protecting freedom and democracy around the world?

You believe that shit?

Do you know how many democratic leaders the CIA has assasinated, removed.. how many torturers they have trained, how many dictators they have installed, how many innocents have died at the hands of US puppets?

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Message 8/25             23-Mar-03  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


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believe it or not, the entire u.s. culture is inextricably structured around forms of entertainment wherein the the populace plays an entirely receptive role!

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Message 9/25             23-Mar-03  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


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so it goes..

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Message 10/25             23-Mar-03  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: What do you call...



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psylichon - not really. Note that because of "political" correctness, many a media snuffs out these details that were reported on live broadcast. So much for this "manifested" bollocks.

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