aaa RIAA wants you! - The lounge forums
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Subject: RIAA wants you!

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Original Message 1/116             26-Jul-03  @  06:01 PM   -   RIAA wants you!


Posts: 712

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^ look

* if i remember correctly, in the first three months of this year music sales increased in the uk.

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Message 2/116             26-Jul-03  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


Posts: 673

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so if you dont regularly check the link to see if they list your username, name and IP and then lodge a complaint against the supoena then they automatically can claim guilt and a fine is generated and sent according to the MB of music downloaded

lucky for me i have no fixed IP

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Message 3/116             26-Jul-03  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


Posts: 80

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if they also log the time at which you dLed the song AND if the isp has logs (which it should).. then they can still point it to you.


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Message 4/116             27-Jul-03  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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it's not about downloading it's about letting others download from you.

they're trying to arrest the "service providers"

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Message 5/116             27-Jul-03  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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bullshit beds...they're going after anybody they can say has downloaded stuff with a copyright and a lawyer attached to it.

is football season over already?


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Message 6/116             27-Jul-03  @  04:47 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


Posts: 2003

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Fuck that fat Rosen bitch! If I ever see her in the flesh, I'll spit in her face and kick her in the shin. That fucking sow has no interest whatsoever in protecting artists. Her only interest is in protecting her business clients' profit margins, which grow by selling more, and reducing costs by marketing inferior products, i.e. SHIT music. It's been proven time and again that this stupid pig's crusade is harmful to the music industry, but her shortsightedness and greed supercede any of that capacity to reason. I'll sleep easier when she and others like her are dragged into the streets are shot, while their wealth is distributed to starving musicians they have robbed and fucked over throughout the years.


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Message 7/116             27-Jul-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Yeah. This is getting quite sick! The Music Industry in the UK is getting bad enough. I sincerely hope that this does not catch on over here. Anyone know which artists they are trying to 'protect'? If this is all over Brittany Spears or some other gormless sod I think I will be about ready to cry.



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Message 8/116             27-Jul-03  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


Posts: 712

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i don't see they can know if you downloaded something unless you downloaded it from the riaa but what they have been doing is logging the ip addresses of computers sharing a large amount of files. having a non-static ip won't help you either because as the article says your isp is legally obliged to keep logs. whether they are also legally obliged to hand them over to the riaa is the subject of a court case. this is in the US, no idea about the rest of the world.

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Message 9/116             27-Jul-03  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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They supoena the list from your internet service providers.

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Message 10/116             27-Jul-03  @  09:07 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


Posts: 2003

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or just pay Eschelon to run file specific filters.

the RIAA has that kind of loot.

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