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Subject: Being prolific :)

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Original Message 1/20             27-Sep-03  @  10:59 PM   -   Being prolific :)


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oi, just uploaded two new ones.. We Have a Higher.. and Lil Ex. One's dark electro the other i some 'lighter' breakish stuff.Comments appreciated!

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Message 2/20             28-Sep-03  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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of the two i liked lil ex more i think. both of them seem to have pretty good sequencing... a lot of jitter which gives it that extra groove.

one thing i didn't like was the stringish-pad thing in "lil ex" is that it seemed like the same notes over 'n' over y'know?

oh btw, that weird... umm.. metalic? stab thing goin' on around and through 3:40 starting around 2:46 is a pretty cool sound! have you tried arping it (fast!) and messin' with the cutoff to get that posford style gabba trance action?

i dunno.. it (the sound) reminds me of that spawn clip that someone posted a long long time ago.

re: we have a higher
holy what the ... starting 2:56.. i love what you're doing there.. totally unexpected.
y'know, i change my order: i think i like the back half of this one the most.

ok.. off to bed (probably gonna have some ed up distorted dreams because of this! :D)

ps: is this using your new 909-turns-pale-and-runs-in-terror machine?

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Message 3/20             28-Sep-03  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: Being prolific :)

Broken Silence

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Hey Maarty-

Wow you really do like distortion....listening to "We have a higher"

Nice little drum loop you got going here, sounds cool! I like it about mid-track when the vocals start skipping before that synth comes in- sounds awesome! Caught me by surprize big time. Almost sounds alot "happier" now, with a distorted side to it  

I like the intro with nearly no melodic elements, then they fly in at the half point- really cool. We hearing your new bit of kit in here??!  

Lil ex-

OOOOOOooooooOOOweee! I'm lovin that kick! So cool- very light sounding at first. That the 303 in the back ground? Spooky ass pads! This one almost sounds like angry atmospheric style stuff. I can't stop thinking of zombies eating my face while listening to this..I dunno why. Actually kind of frightening as it is building, very strange vibe you have goin. This track makes me really nervous. Nice bongo loop! Kewwwl. I want my distorted kicks to come back in! Oh wait there they are. I LOVE 620 on- really cool!

Really solid track Lil ex is- I like we have a higher a bit better tho- Lil ex creeps me out!



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Message 4/20             28-Sep-03  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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Both tracks are neat! But I agree with Silence and Queasy, Lil Ex is way cool! Really dig he spooky strings... very horror movie!


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Message 5/20             29-Sep-03  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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many thanks guys.. yah, that's me new love in action yep. And those percussive loops in erm.. damn can't listen here at work now.. anyway, one of the two tracks has this percussive loop- kinda synthetic bongo's.. that's the 2nd voice of me new lil monster  


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Message 6/20             30-Sep-03  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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Oh well. I'm listening to Never Sleep Again (NSA). Great track Maarten! I love the break. Can't see the time but it's a major break with the chords. This is fantastic.

I'll have to listen to the others a bit later.

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Message 7/20             30-Sep-03  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: Being prolific :)



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"higher": Agree, it really becomes something around the 3 minute mark. that thing that comes in... very very nice touch. Wanted more of it.

Cool editing of what i'm assuming a vocal sample. It "spoke" well in the context of the mix. You love Astralwerks don't you? ;)

"Ex": More great loops and editing! I like when the sustaining parts cut out and it gets all stuttery. Nice. Strings seem a bit detached from the rest of the tune, but they sound nice. Gotta run for now, but nice work mon!


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Message 8/20             30-Sep-03  @  03:47 AM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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btw what is the NSA thing?  

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Message 9/20             01-Oct-03  @  08:07 AM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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Glad you liked NSA sitar.. finished that one quickly after the above two but didn't want to spam the commentors with yet a third track ;)
And psy, I should prolly download some Astralwerks stuff as I've never listened to them. thanks!

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Message 10/20             01-Oct-03  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: Being prolific :)


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Out of curiosity are you referring to the organization called NSA? Would be funny.

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