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Subject: GM - Nightscape

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Original Message 1/12             02-Dec-03  @  05:00 PM   -   GM - Nightscape


Posts: 890

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Ahhh.. more chilled meanderings from me, but with a few kick samples from Maarten.

Give it a listen and let me know what you reckon.



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Message 2/12             02-Dec-03  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape



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Nice ! love the pad in it and all the rolling percussive type sounds. Is that the Freq Lead patch from the MS2000 in there ?

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Message 3/12             02-Dec-03  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape



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I was listening to the right track wasnt I !?

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Message 4/12             02-Dec-03  @  06:05 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape


Posts: 890

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Yeah Jock.. right track and yeah its freq lead... Love that sound, though its taken ages to get it into a track.

Thanks for the listen


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Message 5/12             03-Dec-03  @  08:01 AM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape


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So.. what do folks think about the kick.... is it right, or is it totally misplaced


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Message 6/12             03-Dec-03  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape


Posts: 507

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Totally right. I mean its misplaced but just the right way.

At some point I thought this song will turn into "proper, danceable" breakbeat (I guess it was suggested by that 4/4 hihat), but it didn't, not that it's a neccesity or what

Vote given!

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Message 7/12             03-Dec-03  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape


Posts: 2082

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yeah, I really like... trippy synths freakin stuff- roll nicely indeed. Abused the kick just right from 3:00+   I mean... me desk is shaking, hehe. Great use of those toms... can't think of any critique here.

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Message 8/12             04-Dec-03  @  08:11 AM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape


Posts: 4573

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Steal his kicks, but find another victim if you want to nick golf skill, innit?

Seriously nice track, mon.... but I would soften up that kick a little better to fit the mooooood baaaaybeeeeey!

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Message 9/12             04-Dec-03  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape



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don't listen to him.
i loved the kick.
how it gave you this wake-up call to keep you into it
once your other fine tricks did their bit.

remember...he is a golfer.....and quite nearly pro i'm thinking!

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Message 10/12             05-Dec-03  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: GM - Nightscape


Posts: 15

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I think the kick is just right.

When I listen to this song I imagine gazing down on the city lights from a cold and windy mesa in the waning half-moon light.


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