aaa Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?

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Original Message 1/19             22-Nov-99  @  11:01 PM   -   Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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hoping to get some internet links for outstanding prices AND service after the sale....ala complaints and/or complements on dealers.

___---\ V /---___

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Message 2/19             23-Nov-99  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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Best price I've found is $1,589.00 at zZounds. Can't comment on reliability and speed of delivery - just ordered mine a few days ago.

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Message 3/19             23-Nov-99  @  09:25 AM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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I've had perfect luck so far with zzounds -- my fastest (the day after I ordered) delivery from them happened after I chanced to call to check whether an item was in stock, that's hit or miss because they don't have a lot of pre-sales sales support, just lucked out and got a good person on a quiet day.

I had a Roland smartmedia (dad-blasted expensive and 5.5v thing!) card take awhile to get to me, but it did.

They pack things well, and they're quick -- unless you see "available immediately for shipment" next to an item, though, be patient as like everyone else that basically means it's not in _their_ stock, has to be ordered by them from their distributors to be sent to you perhaps, with all the vicissitudes that process entails. Don't blame them, for instance, for the fact that it takes 3 weeks (my example above) for their distributor to get something from someone else and you'll be fine.


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Message 4/19             23-Nov-99  @  11:14 AM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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If you have a Guitar Center near you and they have one in stock, they will match any advertised price. That is what I did when I bought my SN. At that time, 8th Street Music had the lowest price on the internet. The salesperson at GC looked it up and matched the price.

Keep in mind though, that they will match the price including shipping. ie, if the price at zZounds is $1589 plus $25 shipping, GC will sell it to you for $1614.

Hope this helps.


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Message 5/19             23-Nov-99  @  12:26 PM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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I just saw one (11-21-99) at Sam Ash in Edison, NJ for $1,299. I was tempted to buy another!

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Message 6/19             27-Nov-99  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?


Posts: 3872

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They carry them at Mannys' Music in New York City. Don't know the price.

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Message 7/19             28-Nov-99  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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File?:  No file is that for a Supernova? wow!


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Message 8/19             04-Dec-99  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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No way, it's for the Nova. I got mine for 1199 from Sweetwater Music. Very persononlized service. I'm very happy.

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Message 9/19             06-Dec-99  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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Well, the order status of my Supernova with zZounds is still "no action has been taken". Seventeen days and counting. I finally get what the zZ in the name stand for...

- Ronald.

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Message 10/19             08-Dec-99  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: Stateside boyz...where to buy a SN ?



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I've been waiting for my supernova from Zzounds since October 99. What's with Novation? (Zzounds is just waiting on them).

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