aaa What is the matter with my SN [Arp]? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?

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Original Message 1/22             24-Nov-99  @  04:25 AM   -   What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


Posts: 9

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Hey, i was wondering if someone could help me out... Im trying to get my sequencer to record arp note data... Ive gone through the manual and everything is set the way it should... the sequencer is set to record on the same channel that the arp notes are being transmitted on...even my midi interface sees that the data is being transmitted, but the sequencer doesnt seem to see that it is sending data! The only time that the computer (a powermac 8600 running Vision, btw) sees the data is if I set up a SysEx receive, and then it sees it! I thought the arp was supposed to transmit note data?! Can anybody help?


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Message 2/22             24-Nov-99  @  11:12 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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I did it last week and had no problems, although I am using a G3 with cubase V.S.T and o.m.s.

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Message 3/22             24-Nov-99  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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Well, im pretty sure its something with Vision, because i tried a shareware MIDI sequencer called MIDIgraphy and it recorded it fine.

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Message 4/22             26-Nov-99  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Why are you using this software, cubase and logic have proven themselves to be on thier own level, I have never even heard of `Visoin` or `midigrapher`, get cubase 4.0, you won`t regret it, it is excellent for midi sequencing.......

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Message 5/22             27-Nov-99  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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One suggestion is to double check this. Press the part button for the program you are arpeggiating. For example, if you are arpeggiating "Skewed Arp" on channel 1, press Part One. Then press the "Midi" button. I'm not at my studio but there is a selection called "Arp" or "Arp latch". If this is not selected in Midi, the Arp pattern does not play. This option exists in V3.2. I'm not sure if it exists in the previous versions. Maybe that will help.

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Message 6/22             27-Nov-99  @  11:33 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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Correction....I meant OS V3.1 Beta 2. Don't want to create any confusion.

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Message 7/22             29-Nov-99  @  08:42 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Do you guys know why my sequencer (CUBASE 1.02 running on a PC) records doubled notes when I record ARPEGGIATOR notes (Monophonic Arp) from my SN? It is ok when I play the Arp but every time I try to record it Cubase will record the notes twice (with a small delay beween notes).

By the way, the new programs are truly great and the performances are so inspiring...


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Message 8/22             29-Nov-99  @  03:16 PM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Not quite sure what that is, but it seems their might be a loop, try the local on/off switch in th s/n ???? Disable the midi thru in the midi setup page ????

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Message 9/22             30-Nov-99  @  04:09 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


Posts: 14

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If you're in Performance Mode and you've got more than one Part transmitting Arps on the same MIDI channel, that might produce this problem ?

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Message 10/22             01-Dec-99  @  04:45 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Gee, Kinetik thanks for your help. In fact I was confused, the Arpeggiator was recorded fine.

In order to play the Arp I must hold down the keys from the keyboard to trigger the Arp notes. But when recording, the notes used as triggers are also recorded and I don't want those ones to be recorded (only the notes coming from the Arpeggiator).I would like to know how you proceed when recording the Arp. Is there a convenient way of doing it?
It may sound a bit confusing, this is because I am confused myself.
Thanks and Luck.


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