aaa Where are the new gear??? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Where are the new gear???

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Original Message 1/19             17-Apr-00  @  04:04 PM   -   Where are the new gears???



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It's April and Music Messe is over.... So let's get them babies ship heh Novation... Chop Chop....  So excited!!!

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Message 2/19             17-Apr-00  @  07:07 PM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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yeah... whats the deal??

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Message 3/19             18-Apr-00  @  09:51 AM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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Patience my friends, patience, all good things come to those who wait & believe me, these blue beasties are well worth it!

Phill & Co. are hard at work - every little detail has had a major amount of thought put in.

Take it easy! Claire @ Novation

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Message 4/19             18-Apr-00  @  11:01 AM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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Are you going to neglect the new OS for the nova now? It was supposed to be released by now? And, i really want my nova filters permanently open rather than triggering via midi?!? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!?!?!?!?

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Message 5/19             18-Apr-00  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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I am so anxious Claire!! I already have a large sum of money ready to buy one. I almost creamed my pants when I heard the nova for the first time : ) and I almost bought one. Then, I heard about the new KBs and I knew I had to wait. So I know it will be worth it!

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Message 6/19             18-Apr-00  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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Hold up RZO! You're hard up for SN2kb more than anyone here man!! Hahaaa!! funny! I think Claire began to blushed and she might send you one in advance to put you out of your missery  Send me one while you're at it Claire 

Spank me!!

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Message 7/19             19-Apr-00  @  06:31 AM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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Hi guys, its great to hear how excited you are about the OS upgrades & our new Keyboards....we cant wait to start shipping them either.

If you are in the USA or Canada, then it will be me who ships them to ya!

Blushing, me? Never!!

Claire @ Novation

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Message 8/19             19-Apr-00  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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well, I just hope that Novation doesn't forget about the Nova once they get this next os out...that was one of the main reasons why I bought it...for more upgrades!....

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Message 9/19             19-Apr-00  @  11:26 AM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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Yeah baby!!
That's good news from you Claire! We're yanks in good hand with you, well worth the wait......Late

P.S. Anybody see Rosie Palms and her five sisters 'round here?? 

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Message 10/19             19-Apr-00  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: Where are the new gear???



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Plus c'est long, plus c'est bon.

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