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Subject: the force is strong with this one

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  12:28 AM   -   the force is strong with this one


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fat kid + star wars = greater than a sum of its parts.

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Message 101/163             12-May-03  @  03:02 PM     Edit: 12-May-03  |  03:26 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Ape, I never understood why you take debates so personally. If everyone had to know your entire past, personally and intimately, before responding to your comments, then online debate would never happen. All we can reply to is what we see here. And all that is here are simply ideas, not people.

"misunderstanding, misinterpretations, spins, and connotations".... you say this in your reply to nearly every post. If EVERYone is misunderstanding you, then you are misrepresenting yourself, plain and simple.

Do you read your posts? Do you ever read them, trying to imagine that you're someone else looking in from "the outside"? Do you realize these posts are all most people have to form an opinion about you?

What do YOU think they're going to believe about Ape? Is that the true you?

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Message 102/163             12-May-03  @  03:12 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I have spent some time reading through Apes posts, to try and give him the time and respect that anyone deserves. To see if he is getting an unfair time of it all.

but in all honesty, Ape. You do seem like a bit of a twat. Come join me in twat corner. its fun.

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Message 103/163             12-May-03  @  04:38 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 7627

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nah Jock. one twat like you is plenty 

and dude...size 34 jeans is NOT big for a grown man! I fuckin wear a 36 (they hang a bit)

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Message 104/163             12-May-03  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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don't get me started on pant sizes. Try finding 30x34. They don't hardly fuckin' make em.

I wanted to replace all my khakis with those dockers stain guard joints. No such luck. They don't MAKE em in my size. Now how's that for discrimination?

And swim shorts? My god, the length decreases exponentially with the waist, so by the time I find something that I don't have to cinch around my waist like a potato sack, I'm left with a little square of a bathing suit that looks like something from a 50's gym class video.



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Message 105/163             12-May-03  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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isn't that where we came in...

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Message 106/163             12-May-03  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

A Silver Bully Sheild


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Pongoid is mean.

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Message 107/163             12-May-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

Filthy McNasty


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Jock, I wouldn't be making yourself sick mate. You need that acid and byle in your stomach to help break down food. If you keep making yourself heave but carry on eating then you are going to put on weight because you have no natural stomach juice to break it down and digest with. D'you know what I'm saying?

1. Eat

2. Make yourself sick

3. Have no acid/byle to breakdown food

4. Feel fat

5. Eat

and so the vicious cycle continues. However, I really respect your openess and honesty.

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Message 108/163             12-May-03  @  07:59 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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if only more people were aware of the virtue of self-defeating mechanisms.

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Message 109/163             12-May-03  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


Posts: 7627

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yeah jock that pukin thing aint good for your teeth either

oh wait, you're a brit. nevermind

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Message 110/163             12-May-03  @  10:04 PM     Edit: 12-May-03  |  10:09 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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"Most people are strong enough to deal with jokes being made at their expense."

Actually Jock, when its adults making the jokes, children usually aren't. People talk about how cruel children can be but a good many adults are way more cruel than children because adults are the ones supposed to set an example to be followed. Where does that put you?

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